Or should we wait a bit and create a new thread when this one reaches 250 answer? (Currently there are 239. It is 213 if we count the deleted ones - but I suppose that many users who look into this thread are among the ones who see deleted answers.)
I thought much about questions-answers grid this week (side effect of the situation), maybe in the future I 'll rework some abstract theory of it..
@user21820 Yes, they are many rooms , but chatting is more time consuming than even the main participation, and unfortunately I've seen that in chat rooms there is no MathJax formatting..
But I agree with user21820 that discussion about using MathJax in chat is slightly off topic in this room. So I don't object if somebody decides to moe the most recent messages elsewhere. But the question about MathJax in chat arose quite naturally from the discussion before that, so I assume that it is not rally a big deal.
I will also add that robjohn's bookmarklet (and some related stuff) is mentioned in this discussion on meta: Should chat have TeX support?
That would be better, indeed. Most of those messages I shouldn't have written, but... you may have noticed that patience isn't exactly one of my virtues.