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A: Why is onion forbidden in every fast?

Keshav SrinivasanThat's because eating onions is forbidden not just during fasts, but at all times. Here's what this chapter of the Manu Smriti says: laśunaṃ gṛñjanaṃ caiva palāṇḍuṃ kavakāni ca | abhakṣyāṇi dvijātīnāmamedhyaprabhavāni ca || Garlic, leeks and onions, mushrooms and (all plants), spring...

Where's the original Sanskrit quote that you have given? I see only English translation in your link. edit. found it here…
unfit or forbidden? Only unfit. not forbidden?
abhaksyani means that is not fit to be eaten. But anyways its not only the dvijas who can undertake a fast. So why is it prohibited for every other people too? Does not answer the Q precisely IMO @Rohit.
@Rickross But I think it is not forbidden only strongly recommended not to eat that's why they used the term unfit rather than forbidden.
Unfit is just the english word, u need to see the sanskrit, abhakshya, which means not to be eaten Or not fit to be eaten. @Rohit.
@Rickross Yeah, but it means "not fit" only naa? :O
Yes not fit ....@Rohit.
Then we can eat though not recommended. :P @Rickross
@Rohit It is forbidden, in fact the Manu Smriti chapter goes on to say "A twice-born man who knowingly eats mushrooms, a village-pig, garlic, a village-cock, onions, or leeks, will become an outcast."
oh. @KeshavSrinivasan I think you should include this in your answer.
@Rohit. OK, I included it.
@KeshavSrinivasan does outcast mean out-religion? If not, then eating onion should be allowed for people of other castes, right? is this restriction only for Brahmnas?
@KeshavSrinivasan What do you mean by "twice-born man"? And also if we become outcast after eating onion then what about today's trend? As per today's trend onion is famous in every occasion for example in marriage onion always present even as salad and we all use onion in meal. Meal is incomplete without onion. So how a so demanding ingredient will cause outcast? I never seen any family who has boycott onion forever. This means we all are outcast?
@Rishabh even in chips, & Other things onions are used. Manu Smriti was for Satya Yuga.
@Rishabh, in today's trend, drinking beer or wine is also 'famous' and 'social', should we do that also ? If you don't want to be outcast according to the smriti, there is prayaschitta (atonement) as long as you give up eating it (do slowly, but steadily).
@Rohit, in pizza, they put cheese. most cheese is made by mixing milk with enzyme called rennet which is made from stomach of baby cow after killing it. sugar is naturally brown in color since it is made from jaggery. it gets whitened by passing it over animal bones. most international body soap is made from animal fat tissue (tallow). does it mean all these are OK to use in Kali Yuga ? No. Where there is will, there is way. Check ingredients of items before buying. Nowadays they put nutrition labels on most food. Better yet, eat food prepared at home.
@ram Not possible for me as I am in different city living in a PG. I wouldn't be able to give more time to my other works If I become so selective in foods or lifestyle or products. Demon Kali is Rocking & we can't do anything. :(
@ram Beer and wine is not use to drink by woman and small children lol You are comparing onion with wine. Onion is use to eat by children women and old age person. But wine or beer is not drink by all. It is not social at all. This is the reason, in marriage they use to put wine separately on other place(not with other food) where children and women doesn't go. You cant call beer/wine social since women and children are not involve in it. Moreover it is also consider bad in today's trend to drink beer in front of children. So ur point is baseless :)
@Rishabh ram's point was that just because your friends may encourage you to drink wine and doesn't mean it's OK, and similarly just because people encourage you to eat onion doesn't mean it's OK. In any case, as ram said if you're worried about the effects incurred by the sins of eating onions in the past, you can do Prayaschitta.
@Rohit, you can still avoid onion if you want to. Nobody can stop Kali from advancing. Parikshit, grandson of Arjuna, himself tried, but Kali said it is Bhagavan's order according to cycle of time Kali should not be killed. But there is a secret. If YOU fight, against Kali, YOU get Svarga or Moksha, cos God realizes YOU don't want to live in earth in kali yuga (since you're swimming against the current of river). The river will still run, but YOU won't be swept by it.
@ram Parikshit himself tried, but Kali said it is Bhagavan's order. Can you please elaborate on this. I wanna know that what and how Parikshit try to kill Kali If comment section is suitable to discuss this. And m assuming Kali means kali yuga.
@ram @Rishabh @KeshavSrinivasan @Rohit. @user13107 @Rickross This conversation has been moved to chat.

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