It doesn't simply return true or false. It offloads the processing which does far more complex analysis and allows the server which sent the query to parse the results. That makes it easier to upgrade as you no longer have to work with unprocessed images and can instead write a ruleset for processed data.
(deleted this para because it was a terrible and confusing analogy)
In general, if you're writing complex rulesets, it's far easier to write a rule-agnostic processor and then write the rules on the processed data than it is to change the configuration on the processor itself. For example, Linux LSMs work that way (the hooks are strewn throughout the kernel so the rules only have to deal with LSM hooks rather than all of the kernel code).
@murgatroid99 So, as a flawed analogy, it's like the preprocessor returns brightness, color, contrast, size, etc. rather than "is_blacklisted:true" or "is_blacklisted:false" (since it's actually ML, it's a much more complex series of weights and allows you to determine a lot of information about an image without seeing it, but that's the general idea).
So while it's absolutely true that there's no point in sniffing the "is_blacklisted" field, sniffing ML weights is far more useful...
@murgatroid99 So regardless of where you stand morally in regards to the surveillance-vs-privacy debate, it is absolutely true that a surveillance-supported infrastructure makes it much easier for the "bad guys" to do the same, and those bad guys are anyone from the Russian government trying to rig an election to industrial espionage actors who want to sell your medical info to a crazy hacker with the skills of a TAO member but the mental maturity of a 14 year old script kiddie.