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we are now going live to elon musk after 60 minutes told him he isn't getting the lithium after all
too big to steal let's go
@Unionhawk Tulsi Gabbard meanwhile "gathering the facts"
Anyway can't wait for another dumbass in tacticool to go try to do another coup
Also we can only 86 things in minecraft now I guess
5:04 AM
god it's so good
never listen to anyone who ever said "uh no it wasn't a coup actually everyone hates MAS" ever again
what a complete and total rebuke for the coup-installed president to be conceding this early
tfw you can't fascism your way out of a jam
and not trying to be up there like "well, the election we ran was also fishy, so if you think about it that means we won"
8 hours later…
12:56 PM
Demoralizing the CIA is actually good but we don't have to hand it to him because they'll probably just try to add bigger explosions or something to spice things up
1:08 PM
@TimStone Milkshakes are legit
2:02 PM
Yeah this is actually cool
2:23 PM
lots of interesting and damning detail, including this:
> Birx and Fauci have advocated dramatically increasing the nation’s testing capacity, especially as experts anticipate a devastating increase in cases this winter. They have urged the government to use unspent money Congress allocated for testing — which amounts to $9 billion, according to a Democratic Senate appropriations aide — so that anyone who needs to can get a test with results returned quickly.
> But Atlas, who is opposed to surveillance testing, has repeatedly quashed these proposals. He has argued that young and healthy people do not need to get tested and that testing resources should be allocated to nursing homes and other vulnerable places, such as prisons and meatpacking plants.
and this:
> Trump routinely has told his political advisers that a vaccine would be ready by the time he stands for reelection. And he has plotted with his team on a pre-election promotional campaign to try to convince voters a vaccine is safe, approved and ready for mass distribution — even if none of that is true yet.
> Maine Business Daily is part of a fast-growing network of nearly 1,300 websites that aim to fill a void left by vanishing local newspapers across the country. Yet the network, now in all 50 states, is built not on traditional journalism but on propaganda ordered up by dozens of conservative think tanks, political operatives, corporate executives and public relations professionals, an investigation by The New York Times found.
(links to the original NYTimes reporting, which is paywalled for me)
@TimStone This case specifically was (from what I read) a DUI, but yeah, in general I'd be against allowing warrantless entry for misdemeanors.
Right, and while DUI bad, the precedent established would presumably be for just "any misdemeanor", which is much more bad!
@Unionhawk lmfao they're really going in with "See it wasn't a coup they held an election and it was totally fine!"
Oh yeah for sure evo morales just went on vacation everything is normal
just a little bit of an unelected president for a year it's totally fine
No one:
These people: "Look if it was a coup wouldn't we have done a better job?"
Kissinger: "…I stand by my work"
> The Globe: Initially meant to be a network operation center for a complex of data centers spelling out “Fii” from the air that was never built. The most recent plan is for the sphere to be an office and event space
lmfao, they managed to just dot a i without any of the rest of it? Fantastic
3:30 PM
twitter.com/camilateleSUR/status/1318208181261271040?s=19 don't cry Fernando Camacho, it's not all bad, think about all the time you'll get to spend with your cool friend Marco Rubio in Miami now
folks you simply love to see it
4:26 PM
> A weekend of agonizing from Republicans did not yield any perceivable course correction from Trump as he continued his inflammatory rhetoric on the campaign trail and directed some of his fire right back at anxious GOP senators on Twitter.
Still looking for that mythical pivot, eh GOP?
If he didn't pivot when impeached... he's not going to pivot due to a "weekend of agonizing" by GOP senators. This is just insanely laughable
5:12 PM
@BradC Good, may the next election be between the democrats and a left wing party
Its hard to overstate how concerning it is that the head of intelligence of the US government is merely a lackey for Trump propaganda
5:41 PM
The President just claimed on a call the WSJ is writing a story about some Biden scandal set to drop soon using information they (the administration? the Trump campaign? Rudy?) provided
2 hours later…
7:59 PM
> Michigan will send state troopers into voting areas where they believe local sheriffs will not enforce laws prohibiting voter intimidation, Attorney General Dana Nessel said Sunday on Showtime's "The Circus."
> The comments came after Nessel was asked about whether she could rely on elected local sheriffs to enforce voter intimidation and security laws given Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf's relationship with militia groups and other sheriffs' lack of support for previous executive orders.
Good? I guess? But also
8:53 PM
So I guess racists are upset Sony is supporting BLM
@Wipqozn Where are they gonna go though? both Xbox and Sony supported the BLM movement back in June
@Nzall Racists aren't exactly known for their critical thinking skills
No, it's OK. He only admitted to hypothetically extorting a company for campaign contributions in a pay-to-play permits scheme
9:13 PM
As always, the corruption is right out in the open.
To be fair winces in this case, he's saying he's not doing that because it would be wrong but if he did do it he'd definitely be great at it
Now whether he actually thinks it's wrong or just knows people would say it's wrong is a whole other issue
Why would
On a zoom call
I mean
Did you see the framing for the call? None of it makes sense
So I guess with that context in mind still no
If the simulation comes true stand far away from thomas and kavanaugh and tbh the rest too
1 hour later…
11:34 PM
Had the court not been 4-4 with e.g. Barret, the outcome would have been different!
It's…Anthony Wiener, again, for some reason, because we truly live in Eternal 2016

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