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I'm rather enjoying this debate
Also I need to decide if I want to vote green or NDP
Also I liked when maxime bernier called out Singh for saying Singh opposed Bernier being invited to the debate, and Singh responded by saying everything bernier has said at the debate tonight proves that Bernier has no place being at the debate.
It was a pretty good burn
Oh huh,Singh I just noticed you wear an orange turban (since he literally just made a joke about it).
I'm assuming that colour is intentional
Anyways, I kind of wished that one protester kept her cool better, because that's just going to be used to discredit the protesters .
@Wipqozn yeh. i saw a video of a woman talking to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about how to fight climate change we have to be eating dead people and babies
Although that's easier to say sitting in my chair at some, not in the middle of a protest.
obviously climate skeptics use that to show that anyone who wants to fight is are as crazy as her
I wouldn't call her crazy. She's probably just frustrated and got caught up in the moment.
@Memor-X oh you mean this. I can't comment on that.
Courtesy of @GnomeSlice
> Astronomers have found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, bumping its total up to 82 moons. That surpasses Jupiter, which was the prior reigning champion with 79 moons.
I didn't catch who the current debate moderator is, but she's awesome.
I like how May keeps comparing Justin to Harper by saying just sticking to the target Harper agreed to aren't good enough
hahaah holy fuck May
"With all due respect Scheer, you're not going to be prime minister..."
also they've gone really off the rails
I think this section is about environment and energy, but they haven't talked about that for a while
@Memor-X editor's note: daily wire is ben shapiro's outlet
I like how May keeps saying that being green doesn't mean killing the economy, because green jobs are still jobs.
That green energy isn't going to make itself
@Wipqozn oh dang
I like May.
I also like singh.
And my opinions on the Quebec guy doesn't matter, since I'm not in Quebec.
CBC is doing a post debate fact check.
@Wipqozn I really like Singh.
Also, I really like when signh said that Justin and Scheer were arguing about "who would be worse for Canada, but we gotta start asking who'd be best for Canada"
Second half of that quote is a paraphrase.
7 hours later…
3 hours later…
Context being scheer is a US citizen
I laughed. LAUGHED I SAY. Although I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't care Scheer has dual citizenship.
Technically that makes him Ted Cruz though, so
Oh shit, good point
I think I'll just vote NDP just to say I did like a cool kid
Nova scotia is a sea of red. Interesting to contrast that with Quebec, which is way more varied.
I'm shocked by how many districts CPC are likely to win in Ontario, given the disaster that is Doug Ford. Actually, I'm not that shocked.
The rectangle provinces are pretty much all CPC, as expected.
Alberta is literally nothing but blue, which doesn't surprise me, because Oil baaaabbbyyyyy
Question from a non-canadian! What do the colors mean?
Same thing as in free citizens republic of americastan?
@Elva Blue = Consersative, Red= Liberal, Orange = NDP, Green = Green
So definitly not what they mean in america
Also only 4 parties? :o
No, The bloc is a quebec only party that's also somewhat blue, and the Maxine Berniers PPC party is also somewhat blue.
PPC might be purple
Although despite being quebec only the bloc is still a major party sort of
They're just huge in quebec
Their main platform, ironically, is seceding from Canada.
And Doing Racism, it seems
Doing A Racism seems a pretty common thing sadly
@Wipqozn Well this is the talk of the office this morning, which isn't even remotely surprising. Oh and a few folks in the office actually know her personally hahaha holy fuck. Why couldn't that protester just keep her mouth shut.
@TimStone It's all about the money
The NBA did the same thing.
Don't question China, or China retaliates.
Like telling someone on a bike to take the bus is just, ugh. It's not a good look.
facedesks Whaaaaaaaa
@Wipqozn That's like telling a vegetarian they should be eating more fish to cut down on meat consumption
Like, they're already eating no meat
@Wipqozn yeah I saw! But guuuh
I think this is the video?
They called her lazy hahahah, I missed that
didn't realize it was two protesters. Thought it was just the one.
The other protesters really tried to get them to step away too, but they weren't having it.
They also yelled at her about driving her car...? Can't make that out. My word.
Hopefully next time they protest they try to organize themselves in such a way that only a few folks are really interacting with the public.
That's what they did over in Edmonton. One guy acted as the"lead" and stood ahead of everyone else, and just focused on talking to anyone with questions or deescalate when required.
Yeah seems like XR NS could use some marshalls
keep some clarity of action
Marshall, that's the term I was looking for.
I did the Red Rabbits training at convention :)
(they are the NYC marshall team)
@Unionhawk Yeah, they seem really unorganised in the pictures I saw. I think this may be their first protest? At least the first major one? So they probably are lacking experience.
That was a really important typo for me to fix.
I mean at least it's better than XR UK because, good gravy
oh wow badly weird let's go forward with our "have a symbolic number of people surrender themselves to the police for some reason" plan anyway
@Unionhawk 110 years? My word
Scheer, Bernier only 2 in debate who wouldn't back UN Indigenous rights declaration cbc.ca/news/indigenous/undrip-debate-leaders-1.5312853
@Frank And two casters.
Blizzard is going overboard to ensure they don't lose access to China.
And China knows it can flex it's muscle.
Same as the NBA, they figure that it'll blow over the West too.
People might get angry for a week or so, some rants posted on Reddit, and then it'll all pass over.
after all, what would people do? stop playing Overwatch or World of Warcraft?
@Memor-X To be fair, people have been doing the latter on their own without any political motivations already.
Although I suppose they picked up a bunch of lost subscriptions with WoW Classic.
and the former
@Yuuki yeah the casters is extra insane. They physically ducked behind their desks at the statement
@Yuuki That the green party is green? It bothers me too. I wish they were more of a yellowy tangerine myself.
conservative is only red in the united states
blue everywhere else
@Elva there is actually more to the story, as always. Apparently the casters asked him to say that, and they didn't expect him to
Oh? Huh then I guess it makes sense
Making sense is not the same as being right of course
@Elva I dunno, that kind of censorship seems pretty far to the right.
@Yuuki ಠ_ಠ
@Yuuki Thing is, IMHO this changes the situation from "Blizzard bans a player because they try to bring public attention to a local geopolitical issue" to "Blizzard fires 2 casters for goading a contest winner into making a political statement they might not otherwise have made, and has no choice but to punish the player"
Why do they have no choice but to punish the player though?
In the latter case, it feels like the main issue is the casters are trying to bring their political message using the medium of the player, and the casters are justifiably fired for that. The player is collateral and is used to send a message to other players to not react again in this way
@Elva Because he did something against the rules, and even though they might to some extent support his message, they still need to punish him because otherwise every esports player is gonna do this
This rule seems vague and "at blizzards discretion"
I don't agree with the decision either, but I can see the logic behind it
@Elva There's a rule like that in every rulebook, exactly for situations like this where a player acts in a way that potentially may be harmful to the brand
But the vague and "at blizzards discretion" means that it is entirely blizzards choice to support china's human rights abuses
if he made a similarly loaded statement about socialism, nazism or democracy, he'd most likely get the same punishment
Do you have a crystal ball? You're asking me to trust you on something you can't possibly know
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke
And, also: If they made a statement against nazi's and was banned for it that would be just as bad
or if they said that democracy was good
(if he made a pro-nazi statement, essentially being pro-genocide and was banned... that is a different thing)
@Elva yeah, but if he made the same statement in favor of nazis, or in favor or against socialism, or in favor or against democracy, he'd get the same punishment. A post-match interview is NOT the right place to promote your political point
I can go all day tbh
The same thing happens in other sports events too. Remember Kaepernick?
I'm... confused
@Nzall I mean, that's also bad.
noted non-political entity
the god damn nfl
Are you trying to say "This is a good thing, blizzard is entirely right in punishing that person"?
@Yuuki I'm not saying it's good or bad, I'm saying it's standard practise in the sports industry
And my point is "So the F what?"
This is becoming a weird discussion.
standard != good
I am not arguing that blizzard did something unique and unheard off
Like, I agree wholeheartedly with what he said, I also disagree that he should be punished for it, but I can see the logic behind an international company that is about to release a major mobile game on the Chinese market not wanting their star players to offend that giant market
I am arguing that blizzard did a bad thing
I'm just gonna go and ignore people that play devil's advocate
yeah the devil advocates for himself pretty well
something something lawyer joke
If only evil was universally incompetent
Note for Nzall: If you had just said "It's a pretty common thing though" we could have said "Yeah but still a shit thing" and all moved on with our lives much happier
Yeah, I understand I'm probably coming across as supportive of Blizzard's action here. for the record, I'm not, but I understand why they're doing it, even though I don't approve of it
@Elva To be fair, even when evil is incompetent, we somehow bend over for it anyways (glares at current US presidency).
@Yuuki well in that case... just because the face of the evil is pretty damn incompetent... doesn't mean his supporters are
@Yuuki We always hope people will be better than they will be.
That is a really good perspective to have, even if it burns us often.
Note: You won't like the song buuuuuuuuut I 'unno... relevant?
1 hour later…
@TimStone Logical conclusion for a department that shills for Trump.
It's indefensible, but Barr says they have to try, so try they do.
And to keep their jobs, they have to at least make it sound reasonable.
@TimStone This monthly situation keeps getting dumber and dumber.
> Molly is back home and her family promises to keep her away from trains in the future
gestures wildly
Shot by my mom, shot by my father-in-law (and died), and now shot by my dog.
It's just almost a work of art how the article completely ignores the fact that the gun shouldn't have been in a position to go off and ultimately blames a train
I'll spare you the two minutes talking to call screen this time though
no I won't listen to your voicemail thanks
Oh he's calling for an info session to help with medicare open enrollment
@TimStone Right? It's really some quite impressive mental gymnastics
2 hours later…
The police have arrested three suspects in the killing of Joshua Brown and the prosecutorial theory is…something
@TimStone To borrow from a John Oliver bit: to anyone who genuinely believes people need to travel outside of Louisiana to buy weed, let me introduce you to the concept of Louisiana State University.
Also, didn't Louisiana legalize weed?
Oh, medical use only.
@TimStone that shouldn't be a problem unless you break or drill the asbestos
@MadScientist They found it during construction so I guess it's a necessary precaution?
Yeah, once you drill into it, you have to decontaminate the area.
Well alright then
CW: picture of a cow completely drained of blood??
Also maybe don't ever go to that part of Oregon because wtf
Why worry, the aliens only kill the cows
@TimStone "We're so busy, we hope you won't notice how dumb our arguments are, and just cave."
Time to start throwing folks in jail ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TimStone totally
... this is blathering nonsense. And I'm not even a lawyer
Standing on the floor of the House stomping some feet
A new player has joined the game
BBC News - White House 'will not co-operate with impeachment probe'
That's miiiiighty suspicious
@Wipqozn Yeah, that doesn't look guilty at all.
Here's the WH Press Secretary Statement corresponding to the above letter.
I agree with Jennifer Bendery on twitter that "nearly every sentence is false, except for the one saying they sent a letter"
@BradC TBF, I think he's saying that the Salem witch trials were not bad in this specific way, not that they were not bad overall
@Unionhawk holy shit
@Unionhawk I love that this has transcripts!

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