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12:55 AM
@TimStone And he went on Tucker 🤷‍♂️
1:23 AM
An armed pro-Trump militia in New Mexico appears to be detaining migrants at the border and working with Border Patrol agents to coordinate their arrests. ACLU says these are kidnappings by vigilantes: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/18/new-mexico-migrants-armed-militia-detained
Oh look it's militia-ICE
But also Spiderman.jpg
1:34 AM
@GodEmperorDune "Lawyers don't take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes." *looks at Cohen* i wonder why
1:48 AM
@TimStone not a crime but also sorta not surprising. just that now we know she knows she's lying, not just repeating what Trump says
2:37 AM
> "Doug Ford is doubling down on taking things away from kids and students," said Andrew, noting that it wasn't the first time Ford had targeted libraries for funding cuts. As a city councillor, Ford supported a move that would have took away $4 million from Toronto libraries.
3:13 AM
@Wipqozn This makes me the throwup kind of angry
3:33 AM
Wow, some real shady shit going down at ASU with Cengage and the econ department
3:54 AM
@Wipqozn JFC. I was, at best, an average user of public library services back when I was a teenager. But (acknowledging my privilege) I didn't need the services of a library then, so I'm concerned about those that do need those services.
I use my public library all the time. All the time,
I love libraries. I love everything they do.
@Ash Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're not someone that absolutely needs the services of a library. I know that there are people in Halifax that wouldn't have a job without the library.
Well, yes, I'd not die if libraries stop exsiting, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ever the kind of person who needed them, for one, for two, I can still very much appreciate everything they do and how fucking horrinle these cuts are?
Like I get I have the privilege to not currently need the library in the ways you're describing (although that doesn't negate the very real benefits I do get and the ways they very much do help me
4:08 AM
I am just not sure what you're trying to get at with that statement to me
I don't know, I'm drunk. Just that Ford is a dick and I don't approve of his policies.
He is a dick, I don't approve of them either
I never have.
Never will.
I mean, I guess I'm just asking your to acknowledge your privilege as well, even if it's not as extensive as my own. I know you use your library more than I use mine ( which has been a single visit for a board game event in the past 10 years), but there are people who use their library for online job boards and such.
4:22 AM
That's what I use it for too? Like yes I am lucky to not need it existing to be able to do things because I have internet access but the library is more than just books and internet access, it's a community space and offers a lot of things I do get access to that I would not be able to afford to enjoy if they stopped existing and I am not sure what my privilege has to do with being throw up mad about how Ford is messing up the province I live in?
It's not a question of whose outrage is more valid, here
There are people who depend on library services of all kinds, yes. You are right that yes there are some services I don't currently depend on to the degree others do (although you are still making some unfair and incorrect assumptions about my current life situation but that's fine, my life details are immaterial here honestly) but that doesn't mean I can't recognize and be incensed over how impactful these cuts will be to my community, my province, people I love and care for, etc
I think my main point is that we (the Bridge and TIF regulars) are fortunate enough that we generally have internet access at home, and thus don't rely on a library for such, and that Ford's reduction in funding might disrupt that for those that don't have home internet.
And that there are other services that we (generally) don't rely on.
You are making a looooot of assumptions about a lot of people here and also being oddly reductive about what libraries all do in a community and how various people of various socioeconomic strata can be improved by that and I am not sure how me expressing my anger over this turned unto a weird judgement of me
Anyway, I'm done with this, I don't need the random character judgement.
4:32 AM
@TimStone finally something to take the heat off of USC
@Wipqozn everything he does makes him more of a jerk
@Ash i would star this if it was bridge, libraries are not just about books anymore, they are places where ANYONE can get access to "public" information as things move increasingly online
@Ash I am well aware that that are services beyond internet and book loaning that libraries provide. I didn't mean to reduce everyone or anyone to that level. Again, I am fortunate that I don't rely on the services of a library, and didn't mean to demean anyone that does rely on those services.
in addition to being community centers as @ash mentioned
whether someone can apply for a job or access government services SHOULD NOT be based on privilege, but it is
libraries are one of the few places holding that back and cutting funding is a huge fuck you to the people who absolutely need them
PLUS education access is still unequal and libraries are a place for people who cannot afford education to get some
this is just all kinds of fuct
i'm really sorry that ford is fucking this up for you @ash, i hope it doesn't permanently damage the system
@GodEmperorDune Oh, I completely agree. Despite acknowledging my privilege, I don't necessarily realize the extent of the needs of those that do rely on those services.
yeah this is why cutting library funding is a thing that conservatives have started doing
it's seen as an easy target because most people that use it don't have much political clout
and its easy for them to justify as being replaced by the internet and private booksellers
Yep, ~50% of political clout is held by those in the top 20%
Or even < top 20%
4:48 AM
@GodEmperorDune which is even funnier when you realize that publishers help make that worse by punishing libraries with ridiculous costs for things (especially ebook licensing)
So that's just gonna compound as they have less
Plus all the services they provide on top of everything
@Ash yeah i saw a thread about that
the ebook prices libraries have to pay is ridiculous
All the English learning stuff or the newcomer services or the family services or the young parent stuff or whatever
5:18 AM
Early story on the death of Lyra McKee. She was so accomplished at such a young age, what a loss. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/journalist-lyra-mckee-killed-derry-ireland-riots
Journalist killed covering the riots in Northern Ireland
2 hours later…
7:47 AM
Wow, some real shady shit going down at ASU with Cengage and the econ department
3 hours later…
11:15 AM
Austrian government seeks to eliminate internet anonymity, with severe penalties http://derstandard.at/2000101677286/Government-Seeks-to-Eliminate-Internet-Anonymity-With-Severe-Penalties
Note how this law has a deliberate exemption for "sites that have often been criticized in the past for allowing hate posts to remain online", which, surprise surprise, includes a extreme right-wing site linked to one of the coalition partners
@Nzall the exemption is for all smaller sites
11:44 AM
Pressed repeatedly on her comments on FBI agents, Sarah Sanders tells @GStephanopoulos, "It was the heat of the moment, meaning that it wasn't a scripted talking point. I'm sorry that I wasn't a robot like the Democratic Party" was about Mueller probe. https://abcn.ws/2XohqZb https://t.co/y3xcNwVYHg
11:54 AM
@TimStone so is she saying that she needs a script in order to not lie?
@Memor-X usually press secretaries for companies and governments are very evasive and don't really want to give a direct answer to questions where the answer might damage whatever they represent. So they try to answer tougher questions with answers like "X is still looking into that and we'll let you know as soon as we know more". She meant she didn't do that and answered based on what she thought to be the best answer. She does that all the time and it's actually really bad form in her job
Oh wow, I knew they'd try to downplay the report but I didn't expect the part they'd lean in on being "nobody takes notes"
Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue. Watch out for people that take so-called “notes,” when the notes never existed until needed. Because I never....
@TimStone that group of 18 gets a longer name each cycle
@TimStone Tucker Carlson evidently hasn't read the report. Mueller DID find evidence of obstruction of justice, he just couldn't neatly fit it into one of the applicable obstruction statutes the DOJ has to use
12:13 PM
I thought about trying to pass off the Abramson thread as unironic but @TimStone would have definitely picked up on my bullshit and banned me
Straight to Poster's Jail
451 apparently
12:33 PM
The Perfect Tweetstorm
2 hours later…
2:07 PM
cc @MBraedley
This is great, although I look forward to all the drama
People in this province hate it whenever money is spent.
@TimStone also bob mueller is a republican lmao
Yeah but he's a professional associate of James Comey, noted Dem… checks note Hmmm
2:26 PM
@GodEmperorDune Yup, he's terrible. But he justifies it all by going "gotta balance the budget!"
Essentially his supportbase doesn't understand the government budge isn't like managing your household budget. And also they only seem to care about themselves.
@MBraedley Don't TIF and drunk. It's a bad combination.
@Ash yuuuuuuup. There's still...what, 2 or 3 more years of this? or more?
3 years at least
and I mean with Alberta going UCP, I suspect we're very much heading for a Conservative PM and I am just...not looking forward to that either.
5:00 PM
@Unionhawk good thing we are still using fahrenheit
@Ash i'd invite you down to the US but yall just finished getting canadianized and everything. and also it's not much better here.
5:17 PM
I would contend that it's dramatically worse in the US, although our conservatives seem to be importing a lot of policies from the US these days :/
5:52 PM
On one hand I get it but 100 hours community service for manslaughter are you for fucking real
What a shitshow
@ToxicFrog depends on locality in the US but yeah, it’s bad
6:40 PM
This is despicable. "Julian Assange not only knew that a murdered DNC staffer wasn’t his source for thousands of hacked party emails, he was in active contact with his real sources in Russia’s military intelligence unit months after Seth Rich’s death." https://www.thedailybeast.com/mueller-report-julian-assange-smeared-seth-rich-to-cover-for-russians?source=twitter&via=desktop
7:04 PM
The man who mailed white powder to Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump got five years of probation. He must serve a year of house arrest and cannot use the internet or send mail. http://apne.ws/CVkZEHa
No internet for a year? I thought cruel and unusual punishment was illegal
@TimStone almost like assange is a selfish jerk and didn’t really care how he did things as long as it furthered his personal goals
NEW: Trump campaign planned for Wikileaks dump, tried to acquire Clinton emails, Mueller report finds by @oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny @bpopken https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-campaign-planned-wikileaks-dump-tried-acquire-clinton-emails-mueller-n996081
“She knows where the bodies of capitalism are buried and is not going to keep the conspiracy hushed up," @Econ_Marshall. I dug into Elizabeth Warren's campaign, the world she is trying to build with her policies, and whether anyone will care, for @Jezebel https://theslot.jezebel.com/elizabeth-warren-has-a-plan-1834120275
8:19 PM
The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States.
@GodEmperorDune Seriously though
@GodEmperorDune I feel like we've all been saying this for two years but we know it's never going to happen because the Republicans have no interest in doing any of that.
@murgatroid99 beginning impeachment proceedings can be done with a dem only vote in the house
Oh, impeachment proceedings, yes, but it's not actually going to result in him getting removed from office
The dems have said they weren't going to doing anything like that though, right?
8:31 PM
right, that would require a lot of senate republicans to vote against trump
we know it's never going to happen because they are cowards
THought nancy said that a few months ago
@Wipqozn nancy pelosi is stopping it at this point
earlier they said they needed to wait for more info, we have more info now
listen we need to be more Bipartisan with everything what's the point in doing a thing unless it accomplishes right wing goals
there's an election soon anyway [editor's note: the election is more than five hundred days from now]
another big argument against impeachment is that trump has so many potential crimes it's hard to pick just one to focus on
i would think the family separation policy should be an easy one but i'm not elected so...
8:37 PM
doing a thing is hard let's just not do a thing and call that a strategic move
there is also the "but it plays right into trump's hands" and tbh, no matter what democrats do, the republicans are going to spin it with varying levels of lies
who's been promoting that particular angle, david frum or some shit?
iirc trump is already using the "if i did crimes, they would've impeached me already" reasoning in fundraising
@Unionhawk according to greg sargent, brian beutler
lol @crookedmedia
it's always fun to play the game of "republican best friend or lib who needs to defend the party line on a thing"
dialectics is thinking this whole thing is stupid and also thinking everyone who is on "well, I mean, Bipartisanship," is a coward. I think.

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