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12:01 AM
@TimStone we know what his answer is and he proably knows that if he says it he'll loose more power/platforms to speak at
@TimStone that happens when you forget to carry the 2
checks Online I'm sorry what
It's hilarious
Shame he deactivated before he could be suspended lol
I am scared to ask
@Unionhawk I'm angry because I feel like there's a non-zero chance he actually writes this article
@Ash Podhoretz just corncobbed himself straight off of Twitter
12:08 AM
I appreciate that you used words just now
It's for the best, honestly. Media punditry is just…it's just awful
Yeah jpod did a Probably Bannable post and then deactivated
....In general, can we either make posts in here as understandable as possible or...not the thing? I dislike that I need to be like on Twitter in a very unhealthy way to follow things sometimes
Did we do the Matt Bevin won't get his kids vaccinated by somehow poxpartied them thing?
@Ash Yeah, to be fair I didn't mention it because it's merely funny and I guess otherwise not notable but
@TimStone Love too be the governor and be dumb as hell
@Ash yeah you're right that was for exactly one person which is not ideal for a room containing more than two people and that's my bad
12:15 AM
taps earpiece
Shanahan was notified yesterday that he was under investigation by the Pentagon inspector general for allegedly boosting his ex-employer Boeing while in office.
We have a new contender in the grifter's administration challenge
> Jared Kushner's father writes op-ed defending son
Jr's going to be pissed
CNN has likewise done a glowing profile on Kellyanne Conway for…some reason?
> “I don’t need anybody’s money,” he announced on the day he launched his 2016 campaign, standing inside the marble atrium at Trump Tower. “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich.”
obviously once the donors gave him the money it became his own money
1:11 AM
Trump says he gave McCain “the funeral he wanted,” complains he “didn’t get a thank you” http://hill.cm/thsy8gu
@TimStone That sounds like a conflict of interest in there somewhere.
between this and the George Conway stuff, i think the Trump Lunacy Quota is already been met
@Frank not that he would see it like that
@Memor-X That quota gets met everyday.
What would bring down any other president, is just another day with Trump.
1 hour later…
2:15 AM
Last night the IDF executed 3 Palestinian men. Young. 19, 20. They say one is responsible for this weekend’s attack on IDF soldiers. Israel killed him. No investigation, no trial. Israel is making plans to demolish the home his family lives in, no investigation. No trial.
UPDATE: Little Big Burger will not voluntarily recognize @LBU_IWW. https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2019/03/19/26173483/little-big-burger-is-unionizing-will-management-avoid-burgervilles-missteps
it's war then
I should join the iww
I have a redcard account I just need to commit
"New Zealand bans semi-automatic and assault rifles after mass shooting" - reuters.com/article/us-newzealand-shootout-ardern-guncontrol/…
2:35 AM
@Wipqozn America, do you see that?
If only it were that simple
Oh, I assume it is not, but it's just frustrating.
The biggest problem as I see it is the second Amendment. We don't just have people who want to have guns, we have the right, enshrined in the highest law of the land, to bear arms
And then of course the NRA is a large powerful voting bloc dedicated to exercising, protecting, and expanding that right
2:59 AM
We've also seen highly racialized gun laws in the past (see california's Mulford Act, designed explicitly to disarm the panthers, supported at the time by the NRA) so, the whole thing is complicated at best
You're not going to disarm everyone at once, it's going to follow current law enforcement logic whiiiiiich
2 hours later…
4:41 AM
@murgatroid99 and yet in New Zealand the biggest Gun Seller/Supplier was in support of it too (not maybe not like the NRA but gun control affects their business so you'd think they wouldn't want it)
Gun City CEO David Tipple: Gun City fully supports @jacindaardern’s swift and decisive actions following this tragedy. MORE: https://bit.ly/2TdMzMD #newsday https://t.co/wftTuC3Yyr
@Memor-X As far as I understand the NRA primarily represents people who own guns and want to keep them, rather than gun manufacturers or suppliers
@murgatroid99 yeh but they also get money from membership so less people with gun = less membership and less guns
yeah, that too
5:09 AM
incredible start
rubs temples furiously
@TimStone you're going to start a fire with that
The better to burn it all down with
Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has laid the boot into Australian students who skipped school to rally against inaction on climate change http://bit.ly/2WgLZ2D
*sigh* no one (except maybe the Greens) is suggesting to go cold turkey. people want government to show they are taking some sort of action
4 hours later…
9:28 AM
Bluh, lots of people voted for a new right wing conservative party
It doesn't seem to be nazi's at least, though it's "eurosceptical" and has opinions on immigration
@Kevin Their leader is also a climate scepticist
3 hours later…
12:23 PM
@Kevin I love living in the worst timeline
Biggest party in the netherlands for this election, bad times all around
Fortunately that doesn't mean what it'd mean in america because there's lots of parties here
1 hour later…
1:51 PM
During active shooter drill, four teachers at a time were taken into a room, told to crouch down and were shot execution style with some sort of projectiles - resulting in injuries to the extent that welts appeared, and blood was drawn.
What, the, hell?
@TimStone ... how does that prepare you for anything?
Not only is that depraved what the hell is that supposed to simulate?
What happens to teachers that want to unionize probably
Oh wait they already have unions right?
To teachers that want to go on strike again
I get what it's supposed to simulate but the real issue is that drills are supposed to help you practice solutions to problems (calmly evacuating during a fire). What the f--k solution is there to being shot execution style?
1:54 PM
Larger high school classes build teen ‘resiliency,’ Ontario Education Minister says thestar.com/politics/provincial/2019/03/20/…
> “By increasing class sizes in high school, we are preparing them for the reality of post-secondary, as well as the world of work.”
> “There is no evidence that larger class sizes increase resiliency,” said Harvey Bischof, president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, adding that as class sizes have shrunk in recent years, student achievement and graduation rates have shot up.
@Kevin this is part of why charters are a big project
The entire Ford government is terrible.
@TimStone what the ever loving fuck
@Wipqozn yeaaaaah no
@TimStone jeeeesh
The teachers were terrified, but were told not to tell anyone what happened. Teachers waiting outside that heard the screaming were brought into the room four at a time and the shooting process was repeated.
1:58 PM
@Wipqozn that is not how any of that works
Let's screw over the children to save a buck
@Wipqozn I was not aware that I am currently working in a 50-person team.
@BradC Everything about this is fucked,
But is yet another example of the lengths the US government is willing to go to avoid actually dealing with the problem of gun violence
Traumatizing people does not help though, I don't see how anyone can think it does help!
You shouldn't be looking at average class sizes anyway, you should be looking at caps. In Nova Scotia, the preferred elementary class size is 20, and is capped at 25. I believe (but I'm not 100% sure) that for junior high and high school, the preferred class size is between 20 and 25, and capped at 30. There are provisions for exceeding the cap (for instance, exceeding the cap in order to avoid 2 split grade classrooms).
> Thompson also said teachers have told her that for group work, or teamwork, having between 26 and 28 students is the “ideal number.”
*cough* bullshit *cough*
2:08 PM
that, doesn't even make sense lol
like unless you're literally using a group of 26, any smaller class can split into just a smaller number of groups
lol cantwell just got banned from gab
Here's an article about that incident; looks like they were plastic airsoft pellets (these things can really hurt, especially at close range):
'It hurt so bad': Indiana teachers shot with plastic pellets during active shooter training. https://buff.ly/2Y6r6Zw via @ArikaHerron
> Brooks became sheriff in January and said he couldn't say if or how many times teachers had been shot with it previously. He was present for part of the January training, but not the portion in which the airsoft gun was used.
> "They all knew they could be," Brooks said. "It's a shooting exercise."
Uhhhh... no
@BradC That's a Nerf gun, not airsoft. Still shouldn't be hit with one of those at close range, though (especially in the head).
@BradC I really, really hope a lawsuit is raised. This is assault and its completely fucked.
2:22 PM
Oh, but if I had read the article, I would have also seen that they used an airsoft gun too.
@MBraedley yeah, I don't think the picture refers to the event in question, just a similar one
@BradC what the helllll
@BradC When he says "it's a shooting exercise", it makes me think that he ran the drills more for his own enjoyment rather than any sort of attempt to prepare the teachers and students.
@Yuuki Yeah, sounds much more like a tactical training situation for a SWAT team or a military unit. Not an "active shooter drill" for teachers
@BradC The dude in the vest with the airhorn is enjoying that way too much
3:21 PM
@TimStone No kidding
4:01 PM
@TimStone kinda reminds me of that seb gorka pic with the vest
4:52 PM
The Tale of the Tacticool Fool
@Unionhawk lol
takes a big sip of tea Wonder what's going on in the world of international politics toda…
After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!
Oh no
> The U.S. Supreme Court signaled strongly on Wednesday that it is likely to rule for a death row inmate in Mississippi who was prosecuted six times for the same crime by a prosecutor with a history of racial bias in jury selection.
> Months after a quadruple murder in Winona, Flowers was arraigned, tried, convicted and sentenced to death. He has been on death row for 22 years.
> During that time, the state Supreme Court three times threw out his murder conviction for prosecutorial misconduct.
> The misconduct was not some technicality. It ranged from misleading the jury about evidence that did not exist to striking prospective jurors based on race.
5:10 PM
@TimStone Okay, can someone ELI5 about this please
@Wipqozn wtffffffff
@Ash Israel annexed part of Syria during the Six-Day War in the early 80's and they were like "what if we…just kept it?" and the UN wasn't too thrilled about that but now apparently the US is saying "We agree lol Israel can take whatever it wants"
eeergh that strikes me as a very bad plan
Yeah, it's not entirely unlike the Russia annexation of Crimea except that like, the Russians just took administrative control of the land whereas the Israelis actually destroyed Syrian settlements and drove a large number of people out and then gave the land to Israelis
hmm that sounds suspiciously familiar
5:21 PM
Sky News can reveal the armed forces have activated a team in a nuclear bunker beneath the Ministry of Defence to step up preparations for a 'no-deal' Brexit
Ah, as one does when making a good decision
NEW: NOAA warns of ‘unprecedented’ spring flood season that may become ‘more dire’ in coming weeks: https://wapo.st/2CytsYa
lmfao the Graduating Gun Girl became a flat earther of course. I'm gonna become a fluoride conspiracy theorist because something in the water has made everyone's brains broken as hell I swear
The City of Deer Park is officially lifting its Shelter-in-Place order as of 11:40AM. Please see the attached message....
Dear @Yuuki pls don't die thnx
@TimStone oh, that sounds totally fine
Being nuked is the ultimate Brexit, incidentally
@TimStone I have taken the precaution of wearing a filtered mask whenever I'm outside.
And luckily, I don't live in East Houston.
Yeah, I wasn't sure what with the wind and all what your personal impact currently was but the situation seems pretty Not Great!
Yeah, benzene in the air over the OSHA threshold is Not A Good Thing.
5:30 PM
BREAKING: In letter to WH, Rep. Cummings reveals that KUSHNER was routinely using WhatsApp to conduct official business as recently as Dec. 2018. Kushner's lawyer told lawmakers he screenshots messages to preserve them. Cummings wants details by April 4. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/21/elijah-cummings-jared-kushner-encrypted-app-1230978
"Oh yeah you can trust me I took screenshots of everything important"
@TimStone how tf....
I mean you really have to appreciate the pure gall of doing that not only in spite of BUT HER EMAILS and whatever but also the fact that we already heard about them using personal emails!
Like a whole year and a half ago or whatever but he just kept on trucking with it
@TimStone "buttis snapchat" doesn't roll off the tongue as well as "buttery males" either. It's just worse on all fronts.
What's Appin
Melting glaciers are exposing bodies of dead climbers on Mount Everest http://hill.cm/dy4skBK
chuckles The zombies have ice picks
Former HUD Secretary @JulianCastro's campaign confirms he will not be attending AIPAC either https://twitter.com/JTHVerhovek/status/1108781491000147968
5:48 PM
@TimStone .....that's....really not good
5:59 PM
Yeaaaah :|
6:25 PM
@Yuuki Nice analogy, I like it very much
7:01 PM
@TimStone god dammit
I will not apologise
But I will leave
To take my son to the doctor
@Yuuki That's a good way of putting it, also I am all for sending in Mary Berry.
8:32 PM
Workers should really check their privilege before forming a union because it's very problematic to do appropriation like that
(kickstarter workers are seeking to organize with OPEIU (Office and Professional Employees International Union))
8:44 PM
> “Our company is looking for funding to secure our financials, as we’ve heard in multiple All Hands communications. If we add a union into the mix, it could make it near impossible for Kickstarter to raise a round.”
Ah the intensity of the bootlicking
Contrary to the memo:
> A Kickstarter spokesperson says the company “been profitable since 2010, is debt-free, and is not in danger of running out of money”
I like how the person with a job title "senior manager of whatever" claims not to be a manager
like, "then what the hell does your job title mean"
@Unionhawk Completely agree.
Love to try to claim that you're not management because your title doesn't start with C.
9:32 PM
@puzzlepiece87 Wait but they're literally Kickstarter 🤔
Happy 13th, @Twitter! ❤️ https://twitter.com/jack/status/29
Oh no Twitter is a teen now it can only go downhill from here
@TimStone This explains way too much.
@Unionhawk Ah, so forming a union is... racist?
10:04 PM
Man who sent pipe bombs to CNN and prominent Democrats pleads guilty
@Wipqozn TIL pipe bombs are a WMD
10:23 PM
oh wait, this is This is Fine. @Ash can you remove my star here
@Yuuki @TimStone prepares you for the fact that the only thing that would have helped if is a gun.
if they start to arm teachers in schools the drills will end up being mock gun fights
@TimStone well they already been preparign to evac the royal family. you know, the people who live in the castle with the walls
It is my honor to help lead @TheNRRT as we counter the efforts of the far Left to try and gerrymander their way into permanent control of the Congress and state legislative bodies across the country. Republicans win if we have fair maps! 1/3
lol come on
10:41 PM
Hmm it's World Down Syndrome day so naturally the President made things very offensive, sigh :/
Virginia transit officials tried out Elon Musk's tunnel in Los Angeles County, and here's what they took away from it: "It’s a car in a very small tunnel." https://www.virginiamercury.com/2019/03/21/virginia-transit-officials-drove-through-elon-musks-tunnel-they-say-theyll-stick-with-railways-and-roads/
the only appropriate takeaway tbh
From CBN interview: QUESTION: Could it be that President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace? SECRETARY POMPEO: As a Christian I certainly believe that’s possible.
BREAKING: If British Parliament approves Brexit deal next week, EU has agreed to extend deadline to May 22. If Parliament rejects, the deadline will be April 12. http://apne.ws/igyYEEt
11:10 PM
@TimStone So the deadline will be April 12
President Trump signs executive order on campus free speech http://hill.cm/X2HhKfU https://t.co/JSmycEVhHm
> The executive order, titled "Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities," lacked specifics on how the administration would define infringement on First Amendment rights or how it would be implemented.
we already know though, it's an infringement if you don't let let racists and bigots have a platform
"To be clear, these passwords were never visible to anyone outside of Facebook" http://bit.ly/2WeyKzd
> Facebook has admitted that millions of passwords were stored in plain text on its internal servers, a security slip that left them readable by the social networking platform's employees.
yep, because Butch Johnson was obviously a Facebook Employee just asking about where Facebook stored the launch codes the US president uses has his password

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