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Capitalism in 2018: $15,000-a-month New York penthouse controlled by a marketing agency is used entirely as a set for models to construct perfect-looking "this is just my regular life" shoots where they hawk products on Instagram https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/30/business/media/instagram-influencers-penthouse.html
CAQ has won in Quebec? I don't know exactly how they stack up against Parti Quebecois
Here's an overview, but I still lack context. That said apart from the immigration bit, a surprising lack of "literally throw The Poors into a meat grinder" on the surface of things, from an American perspective
> Legault returned with a promise for a third way in politics: a party that would be neither federalist nor separatist, but would be a coalition of both ideas
Insert xkcd comic about N+1 standards
Silly Quebecois separatists
brett kavanaugh’s class at harvard just got cancelled https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/harvard-law-kavanaugh-class-cancelled_us_5bb2b519e4b0ba8bb2103366
NEW POLL: 74% of likely Florida voters said they’d vote #YesOn4, the ballot initiative to restore voting eligibility to more than 1.4 million people with a past felony conviction: http://bit.ly/74PercentPolling The @YesTo2ndChances amendment requires 60% of the vote to pass.
As an undergraduate student at Yale, Brett Kavanaugh was involved in an altercation at a local bar during which he was accused of throwing ice on another patron, according to a police report https://nyti.ms/2IvwKgh
@TimStone abolish ice
@TimStone rekt
@TimStone hell yeah
I guess this is the police report from the previously reported "threw beer" incident
@TimStone i love beer, y'all
Or at least that seems to be the article's implication
@TimStone or by "throwing ice" he was throwing crystal methamphetamine
@Memor-X i though crystal meth was more recent than the early 80s
@GodEmperorDune *shrugs* i just wanted to make an ice joke
Alex Trebek is moderating the PA governor's debate? For some reason?
That does not really clarify things
I was busy this weekend so I missed this gem
Donald Trump plays tic-tac-toe. We play chess. And we keep swinging...
That...that explains a lot
@Memor-X just chill out :p
"I thought chess was the game where you take a baseball bat to the other guy's car"
"Michael that's not a game at all"
"That's President Michael to you"
"...yeah probably, sigh"
@TimStone so what does your personal life have to do with chess?
D: snap
folks, the next president of the United States
I will be President by 2050.
Just sayin
I will atleast try
Considering there is a USA by then.
@GodEmperorDune sure thing officer. let me just game out my bag of coke to go with my ice
A horse escaped from her stable and galloped into a bar while patrons sat inside, causing them to run to safety as the animal kicked tables and chairs before leaving the site. No one was hurt in the incident. https://abcn.ws/2NenfmD https://t.co/rW32qXPhR1
Starting today, the Trump administration will deny visas to same-sex domestic partners of diplomats and U.N. officials https://bit.ly/2NVwm0T
The expectation is that they be legally married, which as you can imagine isn't feasible in all cases
From a pure policy perspective the reconciliation makes sense, but that obviously disregards the human impact. That and I doubt the need for the policy at all is particularly great, I can't really see how it would pose a security issue
@TimStone it's in insecurity issue i assume
Old news but still interesting!
@RachaelKrishna I researched this a while back and it's such an interesting topic! https://www.seriouseats.com/2015/08/history-of-jell-o-salad.html
(about the horrible reign of jellied salads)
lol everything comes back to gamergate
3 hours later…
@TimStone something about pence and the outside of the horse and the inside of a man
1 hour later…
'It’s especially difficult to understand why a country like United States would take a backwards step on this and make life even harder on same-sex couples for no apparent reason' http://bit.ly/2DMsTwP
4 hours later…
@Memor-X umm, it took a while to allow same sex marriage and now same sex marriage is getting enforced? That escalated quickly (and too far)
@puzzlepiece87 Root is absolutely fantastic, but you probably won't be able to get your hands on it by thanksgiving. It's completely out of print, and they're in the process of gearing up for a new printing. It's also a heaver game, so it's not something you can quickly and easily teach to a group of people. aka might not be the best fit for a family gaming session, depending on how many heavier board games your family plays.
The new Amazon $15 minimum wage will benefit more than 350k FT, PT, temp., & seasonal employees. We encourage other large employers to join us in raising starting pay & @amazon_policy will advocate for Congress to raise the fed. min. wage #Amazon15 https://blog.aboutamazon.com/working-at-amazon/amazon-raises-minimum-wage-to-15-for-all-us-employees
@Unionhawk This seems an awful lot like a way to get their toxic workplace conditions out of the news.
@Frank It's also an assault on competitors. Amazon can afford to pay their workers more (duh), but others who can't utilise Amazon's behemoth efficiencies of scale and have been brought to the brink by Amazon might not be able to.
@Unionhawk Seasona Amazon employees here already get $15 an hour, so I guess not a benefit for them 🤔
Also what with the low retention and such
You might call it a drone, but to these #Marines, it’s a small unmanned aircraft system, or #SUAS. @USMC use them to increase situational awareness on the battlefield. #KnowYourMil https://t.co/O7fNCmLjDG
@fredley it's an easy and cheap move to relive some political pressure
Classic government. "Okay but it's literally a drone" "Ah, but is drone an acronym? I think not" "…" "GOOD DAY SIR" "…" "I said good day"
the military is seriously fond of crazy abbreviations
@TimStone shoutouts to S.3410 on this front too
President Trump personally directed a legal effort to silence Stormy Daniels through his son Eric and Michael Cohen. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-directed-legal-action-to-enforce-stormy-danielss-hush-agreement-1538478000 via @WSJ
@TimStone Another anonymous source...
@TimStone love to large adult son
> Senator Bernie Sanders, for example, recently introduced legislation to end what he calls “corporate welfare” — and it’s pretty clear who he had in mind, since the bill was titled Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (BEZOS).
@Unionhawk 9
@Unionhawk Where is it inb4d?
google S.3410
@Unionhawk Didn't quote it, doesn't count
NBC News/SurveyMonkey polls TN-SENATE Blackburn (R) 42% Bredesen (D) 42% GA-GOVERNOR Kemp (R) 43% Abrams (D) 43% MS-SENATE Wicker (R) 43% Baria (D) 29% MS-SENATE SPECIAL Espy (D) 25% Hyde-Smith (R) 24% McDaniel (R) 19% Bartee (D) 4%
lol if Blackburn loses it'll be chef's kiss
@fredley I'm pretty sure coming up with acronyms is about the only skill they look at for government positions.
@Yuuki @GodEmperorDune To be fair, it's also technically more accurate. North America doesn't stop at Mexico. Latinos from Panama to Guatemala consider themselves norteamericanos as well.
@GodEmperorDune Agreed on gridlock multiplier, in America.
@Memor-X That was the joke, yes
@TimStone He called it, haha. "I'll never be able to teach again."
Not that it will matter since he's going to be in session for the SCOTUS.
@GodEmperorDune Technically correct: the best kind of correct.
@TimStone John Mulaney almost called this.
@Wipqozn Thank you very much for the Root feedback!
@TimStone FYI 538 has the projection at Blackburn at 63% chance to win. Polls only is 55% but the fundamentals and other expert projections that increase predictive accuracy tilt it more in her favor.
Yeah, I know, but I can dream! She's just awful
@puzzlepiece87 Yeah but MCA/mica pun is also pretty great.
@Yuuki Depends on how much you're into minerals I suppose :P But there was a phrase in that wiki excerpt that made my inner juvenile boy laugh.
@TimStone Yup, she's just as much in the bag as Rohrabacher, she's just in a different bag than he is.
@puzzlepiece87 Yeah, there were some very audible chuckles in my mineralogy class when the instructor mentioned that mica has perfect cleavage.
@Yuuki How was the class overall? Would you say that it rocked?
It definitely wasn't taught by any run-of-the-mill rube.
@puzzlepiece87 It's intellectual property theft all the way down.
@Yuuki Yeaaaaaahhh it is. Also, the guy who got Waymo's patent overturned was actually a disinterested third party who works for no company involved, but was annoyed that they patented such a useful and simple concept. The litigant figured there had to be prior art and was correct. He spent $6k of his own money.
That's actually pretty funny.
> So the basic takeaway is that they are all assholes, save this Eric guy. Until we find out next year that he does in fact benefit from this decision...
> The patents were valid at the time they reached their agreement and Uber would probably have to file a suit to break the agreement. I think the legal theory covering this is "sucks to be Uber" or something like that, but I'm not a lawyer.
> Even funnier when you realize that Swildens must surely have used the Google Patents search engine to pwn Waymo (née Google Self-Driving Car Project).
@puzzlepiece87 Or that he looks at porn on Reddit or something.
> Study suggests Russian trolls helped amplify the Last Jedi "backlash"
I guess they are just fomenting whatever divisions they can muster, even non-political.
Trump Administration jailed an immigrant child for 25 days in a chain-link holding pen without a bed or shower. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trumps-family-separation-policy-was-flawed-from-the-start-watchdog-review-says/2018/10/01/c7134d86-c5ba-11e8-9b1c-a90f1daae309_story.html?utm_term=.57d1d445e45f
Developing: Piece of mail delivered to Pentagon mail facility has initially tested positive for ricin. The facility is a separate building on the grounds of the Pentagon. The item never entered Pentagon bldg. FBI and partners responding. — @barbarastarrcnn & @rabrowne75 report
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (@AP) — Federal prosecutors in Virginia say multiple arrests have been made in connection with a white nationalist torch-lit march and rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year. A Tuesday afternoon news conference is scheduled to announce the charges.
@puzzlepiece87 I can probably provide you with a few suggestions when I get a chance, if you give an idea of what you're looking for
Although with the details I have I'd highly suggest Escape! Curse of the Temple, provided you're family and you are up for co-op games. IT's a lot of fun, and is quick and easy to teach.
Watch WV teacher strike leader Emily Comer break down to Joe Manchin why Brett Kavanaugh's stances on unions, reproductive rights and healthcare make him an enemy of working class people. This is a must-see🔥 https://t.co/d5PhDodBcP
In case anyone was wondering if there was any chance joe manchin was a no vote here,
Although I just noticed the room so we might want to sideline tihs into the bridge
@Unionhawk "but what i am enemy of working class people?" - manchin probably
Or "what if the real enemy of the working class people was the representative you elected along the way?"
.@senorrinhatch tells us how great it is to see the press, “You’re just as vulture-like as you’ve always been”
I mean to be fair they are circling around a walking corpse but do go on Senator
@TimStone That's a knee-slapper coming from someone who literally looks like a vulture.
I'm sorry I have to rule in favor of the original here
Better luck next time @Yuuki
why is "actually it's cool and normal to get into bar fights" the conservative point today what the hell
@Unionhawk because the Republican ethos is to start with FYGM and IOKIYAR and reason backwards from that. This has been Short Answers To Simple Questions, thanks for tuning in.
Picturing ross douthat fighting people on two occasions at the Jumbo Slice and it's, I don't
BREAKING: D.C. Council votes 8-5 to overturn Initiative 77, four months after voters approved the wage increase for tipped workers. Several more votes ahead. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-council-takes-initial-vote-to-overturn-initiative-77-four-months-after-voters-approved-it/2018/10/02/da906320-c651-11e8-b1ed-1d2d65b86d0c_story.html
on the other hand,
THREAD: Today the D.C. Council takes up legislation that would regulate and restrict home-sharing services like Airbnb and VRBO in D.C. Here's the background and the details of the bill: https://wamu.org/story/18/10/02/d-c-s-proposal-regulate-restrict-home-sharing-services-like-airbnb-vrbo-explained/
in conclusion DC council is a land of contrasts thank you
love 3 live in a democracy
Seems pretty straightforward to me. Overturning Initiative 77 is obviously a pro-business move and restricting AirBNB and home-sharing services is in favor of the pro-rental market.
so business business business
It's a move that primarily restricts non-resident short term rentals
The trend they're trying to counteract is people buying multiple properties just to do short term rentals
pulling long term units out of the pool
The details are something like, if you're not there 90 day annual limit, and none on 2nd or 3rd homes
Something like that
still being worked out
but that's the rough outline of what they're going for
@Unionhawk Even some "literally everyone I know has" takes and like, y'all need to chill
@Unionhawk Every time, it’s like “I don’t want my <very powerful person> to be cool and normal”.
Trump tells reporters on the South Lawn that it is a scary and difficult time for young men in America.
I mean, if he inserts a “minority” in there, he’s not wrong.
girls always love to telling people not to" Mansplain" but they do not care of, "Man's Pain"
@Unionhawk And how it falls mainly on the plain?
#BREAKING 2 hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at Sen. Cruz office in Houston https://abc13.co/2zMV4aT
Laced product courtesy Cocaine Mitch smh
@Wipqozn Ha, I would love to play that with my friends! Unfortunately, my family's so competitive I can't even get them to enjoy co-op classic Pandemic!
@Wipqozn I'll take suggestions for medium complexity, competitive games that enable comebacks and/or multiple strategies and do not have mid-game player elimination. Good examples: Citadel, Dominion, Ticket To Ride
@puzzlepiece87 Oh man, mid-game player elimination is the worst mechanic.
(Stock is the worst game mode in Smash Bros)
@puzzlepiece87 Puzzle Strike
@Yuuki When I was first discovering that Monopoly was not, in fact, a well-designed game, Bang! was a revelation and a lot of fun. Now that my board game evolution is much farther along, Bang! is a drag that involves a lot of people sitting around waiting for it to be over :(
Monopoly is an all-right designed game if you follow the actual rules and know that it's supposed to teach you a lesson.
Dominion bothers me because it's impossible to know who's winning without keeping a mental spreadsheet of who's bought more victory points or whatever. Puzzle Strike is a deck-builder where how close everyone is to winning/losing is constantly public information so there's no guesswork about ending the game.
@InvaderSkoodge Cool, thanks for the suggestion! I'll check it out!
I find that Race for the Galaxy scratches the same itch as Dominion, but better, and it's easier to keep track of where everyone is
(there's also Roll for the Galaxy, but I played that like twice two years ago and don't remember anything about it except that I enjoyed it)
(If we are going to continue this conversation, it might be better off in the Bridge, instead of TIF)
@ToxicFrog Thanks for these suggestions!
@everyone I don't want to cause any trouble but I want to avoid gaming related rooms on my work machine, so if you have more suggestions, please just grab me for a private room :)
Read the full note from Kander, who's stepping back from politics to work on his mental health "After 11y of trying to outrun depression+PTSD symptoms, I have finally concluded that it’s faster than me. That I have to stop running, turn around+confront it" http://bit.ly/2DRHRBC
@puzzlepiece87 We generally try to avoid "private" rooms if possible, but noted. :) I just wanted to kinda steer things back.
@GodEmperorDune :(
@Ash There's no pm mechanism, right?
It's best to not think about SE Chat as actual chatrooms.
@puzzlepiece87 There is not, no
@Yuuki Yes but ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@GodEmperorDune I mean good for him for doing what he needs to do for himself, and for talking about it so openly
We make do with the functionality that we have, but this isn't what SE chat was made for.
Pretty much yes :)
Makes sense. I like talking with people that I can have relationships with. There's been no sign this would ever happen, just theoretically speaking, if SO ever had a super-strict crackdown on chat rooms as far as private rooms or rooms being on topic in the form of asked questions on the site, I would probably ask @Unionhawk for a good Discord and move over.
We do in fact have a Discord.
Well, unofficially.
@Ash yeah it's a nice thing for him to be open about it
Really, we only use for D&D right now.
i post memes there sometimes
And also, asking to take a topic to an on-topic room is not a big ask either and it's very appropriate, just practically speaking since mobile chat is bad I'd probably not do that either.
@Yuuki May I get an invite code?
Should still work, I think.
@Ash Agreed, I think it's great he's being open about it and I'm sorry he suffers from PTSD. He's a vet, right? If so, it's kind of a surface/deeper contrast that he can be glorified for being a vet in terms of political prospects, but that being a vet really gave him these lasting scars.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, Discord is pretty gamer culture and I'm mildly surprised that nothing scandalous has blown up yet.
@puzzlepiece87 yeah, his statement is about getting help through the VA
@Yuuki Don't they moderate/ban/etc. to a greater degree than reddit?
@Yuuki they booted a bunch of alt right instances a while ago, maybe after charlottesville
@puzzlepiece87 I mean, they definitely try harder than Reddit. But that's like a super low bar to clear.
Like, everyone is hurdling while Reddit is busy playing limbo.
and there is drama too, it just doesn't percolate all the way to news sites like reddit or twitter stuff does
@TimStone jeez we really are the bush admin all over again
@Yuuki Well said.
Congratulations to Dr. Donna Strickland, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at #UWaterloo, is one of three scientists to win this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. She is the first woman to receive this award in 55 years. #NobelPrize #UWaterlooProud https://twitter.com/NobelPrize/status/1047096177613778944
uhhhh you have a nobel award winning scientist on staff and she's only an associate prof
got some work to do there u waterloo
@GodEmperorDune that part is less cool, yes
like...I am not sure what's up with that but I don't really pay much attention to how UW operates now, I am assuming it's still full of many spiders
@Ash seriously you are like 1 step from everyone in canada
@GodEmperorDune giggles pretty much :P
@puzzlepiece87 A couple of weeks ago, Belgium got in a frenzy because of Schild & Vrienden, a group of people who used Discord for racist, sexist and antisemitic memes, and it was especially newsworthy because a number of them were running for local office for either of our 2 racist parties
@Ash yeah the other problematic thing about this is first woman in 55 years? no other physics ladies doing badass things? really?
nobel gotta up your game
this is not to take away from Dr. Strickland's work, which i'm sure is phenomenal to overcome the sexist inertia in academia
> Ashkin, an affiliate of Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, wins half of the prize for his development of “optical tweezers”, a tractor beam-like technology that allows scientists to grab atoms, viruses and bacteria in finger-like laser-beams. The effect was demonstrated by the award committee by levitating a ping pong ball with a hairdryer.

Mourou at the École Polytechnique near Paris, and Strickland at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, each receive a quarter of the prize for work that paved the way for the shortest, most intense laser beams ever created. Their technique, named chirpe
tl;dr making laser machining and LASIK possible
@GodEmperorDune Yeaaaah
oh, also I found out why they're still likely associate: " The job of a professor can be broken down into three components: teaching, research, and service to the university (i.e. administrative stuff). Advancing to the title of “Professor” generally requires dedicated efforts in all areas, but especially on the “service” side, such as being department chair for a period.

So, the fact that she’s still Associate Professor basically just means she was more interested in cutting-edge research than administrative/management duties, which is totally reasonable to me." (from a friend's locked FB
@Ash yeah without being deeper in academia i can't speak to this
Me neither, but the friends talking about it are all academics, so I am inclined to believe it
@Nzall Good context thanks.
but in general all industries need to revisit these sort of requirements to make sure that they aren't preventing URGs from being promoted at the same rate that the majority groups are
@Ash Also good context, thank you.
if some emotional labor type stuff is being done but not being acknowledged as part of the promotion points, for example
@Yuuki these are like prototype lightsabers, awesome
@GodEmperorDune Well, left side (which is not the work Strickland did) is more like prototype tractor beams.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, that would be nice yes
Right side is kinda prototype lightsaber though, I guess.
Although more blasters, I think. Sorta.
Kinda mix of the two.
in any case this research is literally cutting edge
@Ash please thank your friend for that great wordplay btw
@GodEmperorDune I missed that til now, but I am not shocked said friend worked in some puns, they're good at that
@Ash i knew someone in high school like that, they would routinely do wordplay so subtle that once you got it, it was like a thunderbolt
(the article just talks about the relocation, doesn't really mention the shooting that the headline speaks of)
> The non-native mountain goats first arrived in the area before it was even officially a national park, according to The Seattle Times. In the 1920s, a hunting group from British Columbia and Alaska brought a dozen goats to the area and since then they have multiplied into several hundred.
literally blaming @Wipqozn
@Ash it says they're only moving about half the goats
i guess the rest will be shot
kinda rude, the goats just want to get some licks in
but better to save the overall ecosystem of the national park
And the article basically says that it will also be good for the ecosystem they're relocating them to
NEW: Russ Buettner, David Barstow and I got our hands on a massive trove of confidential docs - including 200 tax returns - from Fred Trump’s empire. We found Donald Trump received hundreds of millions from his dad, some of it via fraudulent tax schemes. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html
@GodEmperorDune To the point where they also killed a person.
@Yuuki gotta get dat piss
@TimStone a small loan of $10 million was ridiculous enough
@GodEmperorDune Everyone's being kinda salty about it tbh
@GodEmperorDune @Yuuki 's taking the piss right out of the humor here.
@Ash I'm extremely glad I clicked through to this article - this is the closest I'm ever going to get to real life Fulton Extraction.
wait, if half the goats are going to live in a lovely new place and half the goats are going to die, isn't this Thanos' plan?
> According to tax experts, it is unlikely that Mr. Trump would be vulnerable to criminal prosecution for helping his parents evade taxes, because the acts happened too long ago and are past the statute of limitations. There is no time limit, however, on civil fines for tax fraud.
of course with trump it's just about the money and nothing else
Hit him with the book, coppers!
McConnell says the FBI report on the Kavanaugh probe will be done this week and will *only* be shared with senators, not the public.
Brilliant 🙄
@puzzlepiece87 I don't know what this is
Feinstein shared some similar concern but honestly at this juncture that ship has sailed, folks
@TimStone ... how do you mess up a completely biased investigation to the point where you have to hide the results?
@TimStone mcconnell: pray i don't alter it further
It's just going to get leaked and then we'll hear about how wrong it was for it to be leaked etc etc
@Ash its a thing from a recent metal gear game where you knock people out and attach balloons to them to send them to your airship base as workers, or something
@TimStone at this point newspapers seem to be making better progress than the FBI
> Certainly a handful of journalists and biographers, notably Wayne Barrett, Gwenda Blair, David Cay Johnston and Timothy L. O’Brien, have challenged this story, especially the claim of being worth $10 billion. They described how Mr. Trump piggybacked off his father’s banking connections to gain a foothold in Manhattan real estate. They poked holes in his go-to talking point about the $1 million loan, citing evidence that he actually got $14 million.
aha i knew i heard some of this before
> Although Fred Trump became wealthy with help from federal housing subsidies, he insisted that it was manifestly unfair for the government to tax his fortune as it passed to his children.
the standard FYIGM
@GodEmperorDune It's a thing that exists, IIRC, but it's been superceded by mid-air refueling apparently.
@GodEmperorDune Hahahaha so well played.
> All told, The Times documented 295 streams of revenue that Fred Trump created over five decades to enrich his son. In most cases his four other children benefited equally. But over time, as Donald Trump careened from one financial disaster to the next, his father found ways to give him substantially more money, records show.
@Ash Metal Gear Solid V mechanic where you can send anything that's not bolted down (enemy soldiers, animals, equipment, tanks, shipping containers, anything) flying into the air via rocket balloon to be recovered by helicopter and delivered to your base.
not only is trump a terrible businessman, he is the worst of his immediate family
Enemy soldiers become your base's guards, animals are put in your zoo, arnaments are scattered for defense, materials added to your wealth, etc.
@GodEmperorDune This was a good short description but, topically, you forgot that you can literally Fulton Extract goats in the game.
@puzzlepiece87 uhhh don't the soldiers get any say in the matter?
@GodEmperorDune Not after a 2 hours or so (RL time) of brainwashing
@puzzlepiece87 never played the game, i only know of this mechanic from memes
So you can't use them as guards for like 2 hours.
@puzzlepiece87 jeez who is the real villian here
@GodEmperorDune Exactly lol, and Shadow of War is about slavery.
or is this political commentary on the american war machine
@GodEmperorDune Kojima is a militarist who hasn't thought things all the way through.
@GodEmperorDune If you can think logically it's commentary, but Kojima loves militarism, he gets revved up about it and doesn't draw any conclusions leading to the hellscape that would result if every nation and private mercenary group had their own nukes.
There's some weird as hell justifications for how Diamond Dogs works.
But MGS is a weird as hell series.
He's too focused on making up tissue-thin excuses about why his rare female characters aren't wearing clothing to follow the chain of logic.
i think RIP @twobugs once tried to explain MGS lore in a stream and yeah, weird as hell is an understatement
Like, the whole series operates on some kind of convoluted theme of "soldiers good, war bad" but also combat is some kind of romanticized ideal.
And like we should have world peace but also people should be able to fight as soldiers freely or something or whatever.
And you don't really brainwash captured soldiers, you're just freeing them from the tyranny of nation-state control to be a part of your private army that also functions as a quasi nation-state.
the whole thing is like if a teenager's "it would be cool if" shower thoughts were made into a design document with no further edits
Like, it's never entirely clear what Big Boss's (and also The Boss's) ideals or goals are.
There's something in there about the general welfare of the common soldier.
And some kind of idealized battlefield honor.
@GodEmperorDune And also, you're not actually playing the hero in MGSV. Well, you are. But you also aren't.
@puzzlepiece87 i'm stopping once they talk about spoilers, but the same mechanic is in shadow of mordor yet it doesn't have these problems?
@GodEmperorDune No, that's the opposite of what I was trying to say.
Sorry for the poor clarity.
Well, you're also teaming up with Celebrimbor who, in the games, isn't a particularly good guy either.
I was trying to say "Hey, MGSV is a popular game that has very poor logic and inadvertently ends up saying terrible things (pro-militarism). Similarly, so does Shadow of War (slavery is bad but also here's an entire game where you are making a slave army, have fun)."
@GodEmperorDune Are you waiting for a sale?
@Yuuki yeah he's pretty much sauron but elf
@puzzlepiece87 no i have the game purchased but haven't finished shadow of mordor DLC yet
i got it on a great sale
He's somewhat less of a bad guy in the books, but that's by virtue of not having much characterization.
@GodEmperorDune Ah got it, enjoy! I'm going to buy when it's closer to "I'll play this right away" rather than "another for the backlog" status.
Maybe in the Christmas sale.
@puzzlepiece87 yeah it was like $20 or $30 for everything so i got it
thank you isthereanydeal.com
i generally wait until something is a great sale, then it goes into backlog
@GodEmperorDune I'm more of a $10- shopper. My #1 for Christmas would be Dying Light, if it gets that low. They finally lowered the base price to $40 so it's within reach now.
@GodEmperorDune Kinda? It's more that he's completely twisted by desire for revenge and will go to any lengths to kill Sauron.
@GodEmperorDune I'll buy original IP on sale for backlog, but sequels wait until I've played the original and am ready to play the sequel Soon(tm).
It's not that his end goal is to rule Middle-Earth, but he's totally okay with conquering Middle-Earth with an iron fist if it gives him the power to kill Sauron.
@GodEmperorDune Such a wonderful site.
ok reading more of this article. it is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more cruel than shadow of mordor
Or at least, that's how he came across in the first game.
shadow of mordor is like "hey you're mind controlled to be cannon fodder for me now"
@GodEmperorDune Which article?
I linked like 5
@puzzlepiece87 motherboard
> But at least Sauron has the self-respect to present himself as this armored grand evil force. Celebrimbor just looks, sounds, and acts like a crotchety old plantation master, as full of contempt as I am as I dash through the stupid orc landscapes as fast as possible.
@GodEmperorDune Man, someone completely didn't remember Annatar, Lord of Gifts.
yeah so definitely not going to play shadow of war around my daughter
well i wasn't already but even moreso
Glad I could warn you ahead of time. And I agree Shadow of Mordor was tamer.
@GodEmperorDune often, from what I can tell, for no real gameplay benefit
I do not understand the technical value of the ability "worse than death" and I leave it off most of the time
@Unionhawk wtf
There's a gameplay use in deleveling captains, since you can only recruit captains below your level
But aside from narrative "this idiot betrayed me" stuff, there's no good reason to give them a -20 with chance of madness
And maybe that's the point idk
If you the player make this choice you are being cruel for the sake thereof
> President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found.
How many levels of lawyers need to clear it when the NY Times accuses the president of tax fraud? That feels like quite a significant step
It's funny that every few paragraphs has "His lawyer said he didn't do that" or "His lawyer said he'll sue us if we accuse him of that"
They still use stuff like "claimed without evidence" or even weaker formulations instead of "he lied", so this feels like a very deliberate step up
BREAKING: Four members of the white supremacist group “Rise Above Movement" (RAM) arrested on federal rioting charges in connection Charlottesville violence. - Cole Evan White - Benjamin Drake Daley - Michael Paul Miselis - Thomas Walter Gillen READ: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/charlottesville-arrests-unite-the-right-rally_us_5bb3813de4b00fe9f4fac630?f7
"Roosh V," one of the internet’s leading MRAs, is shuttering his website after being banned from Paypal, Amazon, and a number of other tech giants https://thebea.st/2NY76a5
"If Lizzie Fletcher wins, Pelosi wins."
lol thanks political ad
@Unionhawk I choose to believe this is a group promoting ultimate laziness: "Rise Above Movement"
BREAKING: U.S. Secret Service intercepts envelope with suspected ricin addressed to President Trump Monday. Envelope did not enter White House: statement; same day other packages sent to Pentagon for Mattis and Navy's top admiral
bees.gif but ricin
In 80s letter preemptively leaked to Federalist, Kavanaugh reportedly suggested to Beach Week friends that they "warn the neighbors that we’re loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us" http://thefederalist.com/2018/10/02/new-york-times-preparing-hit-piece-on-brett-kavanaugh-for-party-planning/#.W7PRF3UmeR8.twitter
You will be unsurprised that the Federalist just kind of glosses over very suspect things but also why would you do this at all??
FBI agent shot by booby-trapped wheelchair in home fortified with makeshift weapons, including a circular hot tub turned on its side and rigged to roll over anyone who triggered a tripwire https://cbsn.ws/2OARQ2E
…Is this Saw or Home Alone?
The NYT "hit piece" about that letter as the Federalist attempted to frame it, has dropped:
Exclusive: We obtained a handwritten 1983 letter that Brett Kavanaugh wrote to his high school buddies: "We're loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us." My story with @katekelly @RebeccaRuiz @SteveEder https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/business/brett-kavanaugh-georgetown-prep.html
That ellipsis is actually in the letter
Yeah, I saw that after the fact
> Mr. Don said, recalling Mr. Judge’s nervous laugh and how he would spontaneously jump onto his friends’ shoulders.
Not exactly inconsistent with what Ford described during her attack
This is what my office received today from the Trump Administration regarding his NAFTA deal. It is the only thing we have received from them thus far.
I want that to be a joke but it doesn't seem to be?
@TimStone are we sure it hasn't been folded mad magazine style?
He apparently also sent clips of people talking positively about it 🤷🏼‍♂️
Including some of anti-Trudeau folk claiming Trudeau caved
@TimStone his people i assume
@TimStone more or less repeating what Trump said. he's been saying that Canada only signed up because of the Tariffs on them, which makes no sense because the new deal doesn't remove them (unless there's more that just the steel ones)
In related news, three former Kavanaugh clerks who previously said he was great just wrote to the Judiciary Committee to clarify that they are "deeply troubled" by the allegations against him.
This is apparently a rather rare move, due to the professional risk involved
@Unionhawk lol
Fishmongers mourn as Tokyo's historic Tsukiji market closes https://reut.rs/2O0rR51 via @ReutersPictures https://t.co/eeWgPs9AWD
> The relocation plan has been delayed many times since it was conceived 17 years ago. In 2016, toxic substances were found in soil and groundwater at Toyosu, once home to a gas plant
I was like "Hmm why not just...address the supposed concerns at the existing site, then?"
> The old Tsukiji site will provide temporary parking for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and eventually become a tourist centre
And, naturally, 🙄
I'm sure there are other factors involved but unsurprising that the Olympics is showing up to make a mess of things once again
'A very scary time for young men in America,' Donald Trump says http://bit.ly/2NjavuZ
i wouldn't say a 53 year old man is a "young man"

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