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12:03 AM
@GodEmperorDune I don't think it's set? I don't know
er hold up a second
Siri I asked for DSA
and it gave me "Direct Selling Association"
ok I have no idea where it is then
@quartata lol i found that in google too
12:15 AM
IHOb is back to IHOP and apparently it was all a prank
someone should have stolen @IHOP on twitter during that time...
@quartata I literally get direct selling association ads now
@Unionhawk capitalist pigs
Luckily I have so much adblock on everything I don't notice
12:43 AM
Shockingly - and I’m told this is not a joke - we have ALSO won a primary in the neighboring 15th Congressional District via write-in campaign on the Reform line! While I am honored that so many Bronxites are excited about our campaign, I will remain the Dem nominee for NY-14. https://twitter.com/klnynews/status/1016834708989186049
New Democratic strategy: just write in Cortez everywhere
siri is it legal to be a representative in multiple districts
1:11 AM
Pence: I still want Roe v. Wade overturned http://hill.cm/9VCbcaA
this is no surprise. quite sure someone here told me that he'd be anti-abortion and work towards that if Trump was impeached and removed
BMW to move some US production to China, increase prices in response to tariffs http://hill.cm/rg68wvj
and this would be on top of China's dollar-for-dollar tariff response
I usually don't directly share these but I need y'all to see how stories such as Jessica Price's and her firing from ArenaNet have serious consequences beyond just one company and instead spread like poison through our entire industry. We got this message at Opaque about me.
lmfao from andrew cuomo: "Our platform is not theoretical, it is practical. We are not a party of elitists promulgating conceptual bromides"
What a beautiful second sentence
What the fuck
dafuq is a bromide?
isn't that like a chemical thing?
more like bro-mites
@GodEmperorDune bromine ion
1:27 AM
It's so beautifully constructed while also completely and utterly failing to actually effectively deliver the message that "we are not elitists"
mostly found in the sea, which they should get into
It's amazing
Absolutely fucking incredible
It's got a lot going on
@GodEmperorDune yeh i watched a lengthy this lengthy YongYea video on it and it's just disgusting how Jessica just can't admit that what happened had nothing to do with gender issues yet still plays the gender card and making it about gender issues
there's a time and place for gender issues. getting fired because you were representing the company on twitter and being an ass to constructive feedback is not the time
uh hold up a second
just so we're absolutely clear on this
1:31 AM
@Memor-X ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
she was, 100% snopes verified, fired because of a bunch of gamergate/MRA people submitting mass complaints who are now getting off on reddit talking about how much power they have
it had almost everything to do with gender
this happened
this is real
and now it's happening other places
it's actually about ethics in games development
@Unionhawk sir im going to need you to step out of the meme vehicle
1:35 AM
I'm doing illegalist praxis, I wield the power of god himself
i hate to break it to you
@GodEmperorDune from what i have been seeing she posted a bunch of tweets about narrative writing for MMO's, a user complimented on it but gave their feedback, she she responded with this
@Memor-X are you unfamiliar with the concept of mansplaining?
1:37 AM
@GodEmperorDune possibly but from what i have seen, she brought that up
also notice that it wasn't a thread for "let's debate about things"
it was a thread where "i, jessica price, will explain things"
@GodEmperorDune and that's how she should have responded in the first place
All threads are for debate, debate me coward
@Unionhawk dude i tried this at the kfc driveway last night and they called the Cops on me
@Memor-X she can respond however she likes
1:38 AM
i dont know what the deal is these days
not post on a public page to a community of thousands and not expect debate
its despicable
@Memor-X ok for real though here's the thing
@Memor-X this is literally some gamergate ass shit
I feel like people are reading the first post, seeing "disagree slightly" and thinking that this was unwarranted
1:39 AM
Just log off if you don't like me explaining how things work
@quartata this is a textbook example of tone policing
but more than that
the actual thread was fucking some Captain Obvious shit
it's tough not to take it as being talked down to, even if the OP didn't mean it
now, maybe quote tweeting it was a bit much but
Honestly removing the quote tweet could improve the hell site so much
if we were all held to the standard of "dont shitpost on main or the MRA will ruin your career" the economy would collapse,,
Remove quote tweet and ban cop taggers
1:42 AM
mostly because i would be fired and my diplomatic immunity revoked, and if im in jail i cant run the Scripts needed to keep this universe alive
Pban for @cernovich in a leftist's mentions
@quartata well don't say anything slightly controversial if you are anything but a straight cis white man, anyway
One million years dungeon
@Unionhawk snitch taggers are the worst
it turns out that a big crunch is bad for the economy folks
i had no idea
ok I feel like all of this has distracted us from the fact
that Cortez just won another primary
can she be president now
1:45 AM
It's good to have the conversations about labor in the industry externally at least, because it forces people to have an internal conversation
how many primaries do you have to win before you become god emperor
@quartata it's also worth noting that when she was hired by anet she basically said "FYI I shitpost on main a lot, mostly about gender stuff and sexual harassment" and they said "awesome, we like your style"
“At least” 38 turns out to be exactly 38. HHS tells CNN that as of 630p only 38 of 102 children under 5 separated from their parents have been reunited. https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1016737514219016194
@ToxicFrog ah, extremely cool
imagine being a graphics design company trying to decide whether to hire dril
@GodEmperorDune yes she can but my problem is that she's trying to make it about gender issues by going "oh i got fired because i was talking about women's issues", no she got fired because she, as a representative was ArenaNet, was belittling the community or ArenaNet's customers, because of feedback they posted. if she didn't want feedback why post it in a public space
1:46 AM
@ToxicFrog iirc she was fired from her previous place for controversial tweets and anet got great PR for hiring her because of that
@Memor-X aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no
15 mins ago, by quartata
she was, 100% snopes verified, fired because of a bunch of gamergate/MRA people submitting mass complaints who are now getting off on reddit talking about how much power they have
this is the one aspect of this that is actually Not Debatable
everything else is
this is a fact
i can guarantee you that if i called customers of where i worked asshats in a public space my boss would be dragging my ass into his office and giving me what for about it
1:48 AM
Okay so here's the deal - yeah okay, this is her quote unquote public internet face, but it's not her work face, for one. For two, she wasn't doing anything that millions of us haven't done when a man tries to tell us how things are with 0 experience of a thing
@Memor-X because companies benefit from (and encourage) employee' high visibility activity on social media as free advertising but then refuse to back them up when they poke a contingent of angry white boys
@GodEmperorDune thiiiiiis
@michaelyichao Ask yourself why he felt the need to do that, though.
the actual Good Thread
> Following our interview with Price, Polygon contacted ArenaNet for comment. O’Brien issued a further statement to us:


The tweets were made on July 4, when the studio was closed for the holiday. We were aware of them that day, and decided we’d need to take action in the morning. The fact that the community’s anger was escalating on July 5 could make it look like our action was a response to the community’s anger. But that wasn’t the case. We took action as soon as we practicably could.
because said group of angry white boys are poking poking poking poking any lady devs or minorities HOPING for a frustrated outburst so they can whine to the company and get their targets fired
1:50 AM
@Memor-X ok guess we gotta dig up The Quotes
@Memor-X right, but who's to say the action wouldn't have been outright firing, if the reddit contingent had not had time to do the thing?
Like...everyone can say after what they coulda woulda shoulda, but come on
@GodEmperorDune frankly, she was fired from her previous place (Paizo) for repeatedly calling out egregious sexual harassment and twitter was just one of the channels she used
They're a bunch of fucking cowards who weren't willing to back their workers, at the end of the day
@quartata my argument "Ask yourself why you felt that no one should be allowed to comment on a post you post publicly"
1:52 AM
that's not what's happening!!1
@Memor-X but that's not what is happening at all
she's not getting mad at him for commenting, she's getting mad at him for commenting something stupid
Like at all at all
It's not about commenting in general, its about a specific person saying a thing in a condescending as fuck manner
1:53 AM
and then a bunch of people diving in and going POKE POKE POKE with their extra sharp assholesticks
@Ash i don't know how to say this any better than @ash just worded it
this is a well known gamergater tactic
Pretty much
OK I can't find the quote in the transcript with the guy bragging about his power level, going to have to search reddit
it's toxic mansplaining bullshit
and I can't.
1:54 AM
alt right has been doing similar stuff inside tech companies recently
@quartata it was in bridge
Ah yes thank you!
wrong room!
It's all pervasive invasive sneakyass bullshit intended to look like not sneakyass bullshit so that they can cover their asses later
it is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to seem harmless at a quick glance because the POKE POKE POKE POKE context is lost in a quick report
@tha_rami Well done, ANet, you've successfully emboldened some monsters
1:55 AM
@Ash to be honest i don't see any of that
read this and tell me it's not malicious
like it's all careful phrasing so its super easy to go back and go "WELL YOU JUST MISINTREPRETED MEEEEEEE"
like when your sibling asks you not to touch them and so you hover your finger right next to their skin
@Memor-X oh that yellow highlighted bit! I COULD WRITE YOU PAGES on the whole "BUT I SAID THANK YOU I WAS NICE GIVE ME COOKIES"
1:56 AM
and technically you're not touching them but its still a provocation
no see it can't be mansplaining if you're slightly polite about it
That's federal law
(sorry, you've hit a nerve, I am trying not to just scream into the void, I should go get froyo and play WoW and just...not this.)
Because I am so upset right now I just can't.
@Unionhawk nothing but respect for my president /r/tumblrinaction
@Ash sorry to drag you down into this
@quartata it is the exact same sort of bullshit that the trump admin does
1:57 AM
I should know better than to like...engage when it's this sort of stuff
except they just lie about what happened previously
that's the endgame
I am just like....trying to be chill and like trying to be kindness and education from the...me side of this stuff
but tonight, I don't think I can
1:58 AM
when there are no standards for speech and you can just pull anything out of your ass
tiny, tiny differentials towards that
pushing these boundaries ever so slightly
it's slimy asshole tactics
actually, it's more than that.
i think i can leave what it really is unsaid
we all understand
@Ash ok this is my problem with the internet, i am not seeing that kind of tone at all in it. i see it as one person providing feedback to another who the latter apparently didn't want feedback in the first place (so then why post it in a place which can get feedback, but that's another issue)
@Memor-X it is designed so that it looks innocent if you are not familiar with the POKE POKE POKE POKE tactics
@Ash even if it is provocation, the way the dev reacted was really bad. It literally went from zero to a hundred really fast
(I'm not saying people should get fired over arguing on twitter, but I also don't understand the need to yell at people on twitter)
@Memor-X "why post it in a place people can give feedback" because like...not everything is for you to talk about/interact with
It's not always About You
2:06 AM
@Chippies that was exactly the streamer's intent
to make it look like her exploding over an innocuous thing
actually, I changed my mind, here's an example of why we should fire people over tweets
@quartata ok first of all
@GodEmperorDune regardless of intent, why is it so hard to ignore people on the internet? Or just shut them down politely? Nothing pisses off a troll more than being polite to it
It wasn't even an explosion it was "today in my life Online: some dude mansplaining" holy fuck
@Chippies well, for starters, if you've been dealing with the same tactics dozens of times a day for years your temper is going to be a bit frayed
2:09 AM
anyways, I'm off to work, hope I don't get fired for disagreeing with someone on the internet :P
For another, her entire aesthetic is "calling out fools online without mincing words about it" and anet knew that when they hired her and praised her for it
@Chippies imagine that every day at work, someone comes up to you and asks the exact same question
you explain it
then the next day they ask it again
and you explain it again
at some point you're going to be like "no, i'm not explaining it to you for the hundredth time" and then they complain to your boss that you are being a jerk and not answering a basic question
if boss looks at just that day's interaction, it looks pretty bad for you
"i just asked how to do this thing and @Chippies snapped at me"
that is the tactic being used here
to continuously poke a lady game dev, because one day she'll snap and then they can get her fired
and then brag about it
17 mins ago, by quartata
@tha_rami Well done, ANet, you've successfully emboldened some monsters
And then to multiply the effect a bunch of reddit gamergate guys also complain
2:13 AM
and then start on other female game dev targets
48 mins ago, by GodEmperorDune
I usually don't directly share these but I need y'all to see how stories such as Jessica Price's and her firing from ArenaNet have serious consequences beyond just one company and instead spread like poison through our entire industry. We got this message at Opaque about me.
and then call up Milo and tell him to make a GW2 account so he can say "as a long time player,,,,'</html>
this is basically a tiny baby history of GamerGate we're doing here
@Unionhawk right, instead of being one person asking the same question over and over, it's a ton of different accounts from different gamergate dudes
to make it even harder to try and argue that it was a pattern of harassment
And then antman posts a "wow this is a bad look" then the next day goes "I mean that's a little of an overreaction from anet"
@Unionhawk siiiiiiiiiiigh, fucking antman
He's putting in overtime to maintain dumbest man online now that carlgon logged back on
With any luck he's back screaming at passing motorists in a del taco parking lot within 6 months
2:19 AM
i feel so seen....
fwiw @Memor-X I hope you don't feel that we're being too harsh about this... all of us here have some positions like this and talking about them frankly can only improve future discourse
@quartata I'm trying to find the vic Berger of that one
It might be deleted
I, for instance, am not Anarchist enough
and meanwhile @Uni has Beer Problems
@quartata it's fine. i think my problem is that there's a tone that may have been in the initial tweets that i did not understand/recognize
i still however think that if she didn't want feedback there are other way of sharing ideas/thoughts where you don't get feedback but maybe i don't understand twitter enough
unfortunatelg, as ive learned The Hard Way, anytime you post on twitter your spreading pheromones all of your body to tell the Trolls to come take a massive dump all ofver your genius praxis
its a difficult struggle
if you don't want to get quote tweet told not to mansplain then don't post in a public space
2:34 AM
So what exactly is going to happen in NY-15 if Cortez can't accept the nomination there?
Are all those votes going to be discarded?
Heh, that's another thing STV could handle quite smoothly... just transfer all the non-exhausted votes
@quartata it sounds like she was nominated on not the D line?
On a Reform party line
But yes
From what I understand it wasn't a contested primary
ohhhhh ok
I assume the Party has rules about the local party chair can just pick a new nominee or some shit
If it was a D line nom
(we looked into doing entryism into that sort of position and it would be virtually impossible without probably a hundred times as many dedicated organizers at least)
3:43 AM
Uber executive resigns following probe into racial discrimination https://reut.rs/2ubF2E9
Thai cave rescue to become film from 'God's Not Dead' producers http://thr.cm/DXUUKo
Well there you go @GodEmperorDune
@TimStone trust Hollywood to pounce and try and make money off it
@TimStone of course they gotta bring jesus into it
@Ash yeh i heard about how he mentioned he was going to help, shows off developing a new kind of sub and when said his help wasn't needed he said the sub was in Thailand there just in case
@Ash he wasted a lot of local officials' time in order to make himself feel important
@GodEmperorDune well you know, he's going to save us all with his spaaaaaace stuff so like we should laud his every idea
because he is our saviour
@Memor-X its the whole "I will just leave this here in case you need it" that got to me, it just felt like a slap in the face rather than some sort of charitable act
4:31 AM
@Ash yeah like they already told you to take your kid coffin and get into the sea, just go
(although maybe he wants us to tell him to get in the sea so he can ZOOM OUT in his itty bitty submarine and SHOW US ALL)
@Ash sounds like a win win imo
@GodEmperorDune truth
(I used to be like "oh wow he is a cool dude" but now i just realize he is a rich dude who wants all teh cookies and attention and I just can't)
4:34 AM
@Ash this thing with the kid coffin is much more problematic
he literally wanted to test a fancy gadget out on kids and potentially kill them
yeah, and now he is POUTING about it
It was never about the kids, ever
but he ITERATED so quickly because NO REGULATIONS
alexandra erin has a great thread about this
This displays an incredible level of both hubris and ignorance, each of which is so intertwined with the other that it's hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jul/10/elon-musk-queries-expertise-of-thai-cave-rescue-officials?CMP=share_btn_tw
4:37 AM
Yeah, I read that (and giggled over all her names for the thing)
(I think metal capitalism penis was my favourite)
@Ash i figured you had, just for the rest of the room :p
Is a good thread :D
and not to beat a dead horse with this arenanet thing, but here's more
@Ash i want to star this but we can only use starts of news
4:43 AM
So in the wake of the ArenaNet thing one of my friends' employers apparently got a bunch of form letters demanding they be fired, except they fucked up and a bunch of them just said "%FEMALENAME"
@GodEmperorDune I mean this is very "allegedy" in a way but at the same time I would not be shocked at all
@Ash its very on brand
speaking of on brand, apparently we millenials are killing more things
Millennials are ordering more food delivery--could this kill home-cooked meals and kitchens? http://on.forbes.com/6012Dmagk
@GodEmperorDune i'm already paranoid when i can't see my food getting prepared
@GodEmperorDune No, it won't, but yknow, lets make people panic
@Ash i like that we literally kill a concept that has kept humans alive for thousands of years
"so we have these food things and a fire thing and what do we do?"
"i dunno it's so easy in minecraft"
4:58 AM
Like I know they're scaremongering like a Star Trek replicator future
but like even in Trek, people cook!
@Ash how is that a bad thing?
@Ash it's more meaningful when they do too
ofcause Voyager doesn't count because of unique scenario where they had to limit energy use
@Memor-X Like when Sisko cooked for people and stuff
@Ash possibly. don't think i've seen that one of DS9. i do recall Riker cooking in TNG for Troi
5:10 AM
(also I assume the replicator thing is not like a thing everyone has in Trek, but it is like a specific "we are in space and thus getting things is hard because we can't just grocery shop" thing)
5:23 AM
how am i first learning this in 2018
(the learning part is about Mike Allen and not the part about Alex Jones)
Sources say a wife and her mechanic were having sex in the garage when they were both killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. The husband came home to discover their bodies. http://nbc4dc.com/nQ7RCxt
Not 100% on the police's assumed motive for this transaction here but you'd think the mechanic would have been aware of the dangers 🤷
@TimStone maybe they were literally into auto erotic asphyxiation
cc @Yuuki
@TimStone talking about the assumed motive, car repairs are expensive
5:41 AM
@GodEmperorDune damnit, lol
Water pumps failed just after last boy escaped Thai cave http://bit.ly/2L9QNl0
3 hours later…
8:56 AM
> Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha revealed on Tuesday the boys had been given some medication to help them remain calm.

"It was a minor tranquiliser to prevent (the) boys from being anxious," Prayut told reporters.
So those kids did the one thing every diving instructor tells you to never do: diving while on drugs
Even if it's a tranquilizer
9:22 AM
We live in hell
@Nzall That was always part of the plan afaik. The children weren't diving, they were cargo.
10:20 AM
Yeah, it's not like they had actual training to be diving in that place
If you're diving: don't do it on drugs. If you're being saved by a diver from some place and are going to panic, do it on prescription drugs so you don't kill both you and the diver
1 hour later…
11:22 AM
@GodEmperorDune So slowpoke.gif, but it sounds like an even larger problem is that Hollywood won't even cast Tran sactors at all for non-trans role (as in won't even consider them for the part, can't get an audition). So when a trans role is available and they're still shoved aside in favour of a non-trans person, then well, it starts to become less that they only want to cast trans actors in trans role and more "We don't want to cast trans actors". So, you know, fuck that shit.
@Wipqozn Unpopular opinion: Get the actor that best fits the idea the director has for the role, regardless of whether they have a trait the role has or not. Don't just get someone with a particular trait that the role also has
11:38 AM
@Nzall Did you completely ignore the first half of my message?
> even larger problem is that Hollywood won't even cast Tran sactors at all for non-trans role (as in won't even consider them for the part, can't get an audition)
@Wipqozn And it stills applies. Maybe a non-trans actor fits the idea the director has for the role better than any trans actor
I'm all for "best actor for the role", that's my opinion, but when hollywood completely refuses to cast one group of people at all...well that's discrimination,a nd that's fucked
@Nzall Okay well congrats on supporting discrimination, because you're very willfully turning a blind eye to it right now.
@Wipqozn I don't like it either, but it's not like I can do anything about it
Like, the only thing I can do as a consumer is to not watch content by the affected directors, and I already am watching very little Hollywood content
@Wipqozn And I don't support discrimination, not at all, but I also don't think that the answer to negative discrimination is positive discrimination.
I feel like it's a better idea in the long term to educate the bigotry and hate out of people rather than force it out through pushing it onto them. It's no use forcing someone to cast a trans actor if that actor on the set is then bullied and hated constantly
I honestly don't have enough time write now to explain everything wrong with everything what you're saying
@Wipqozn If you have some articles on the matter I can read, feel free to share them
like, news reports, blog posts etc
11:54 AM
This is literally what the director of a quiet place did that this director did not
And representation is not discrimination
Again, I'm someone who can change their minds on stuff like this (probably somewhat too easily but still), so any sources on the matter are welcomed
12:17 PM
I don't think sources matter when your framework is essentially "look, not casting scarjo would also be discrimination so"
Meanwhile in extremely normal healthcare, fucking one hundred dollar bill for a visit that was essentially a three minute conversation about B12 and cholesterol
12:42 PM
@Unionhawk I don't know what you mean
Okay, I read some criticism on the situation
So I've read an article on 3 generations, where a man plays a woman who transitions to a man
and one thing I don't understand is that a criticism of this is "It's yet another painful reminder that, in the eyes of so many people, transgender women are really just men"
I might be completely wrong here, but isn't one of the main goals of the transgender community for transgenders to be treated and viewed as equals compared to cisgenders of the gender they identify as?
Isn't that the opposite of what happened in that case though?
wait no I'm dumb
From what I understand, the concerns are both representational, and "lived experience" in nature
1:01 PM
Florida man pulled over for drunk driving says he only drank at stop lights, not while actually driving. http://bit.ly/2m9Fsqu?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=wplg10 #FloridaMan
1:55 PM
@TimStone yeah, that's not a loophole there friend

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