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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

11:12 PM
@GodEmperorDune yes
@Unionhawk looking forward to the speech throwing shade at the former rep
@GodEmperorDune it's gonna be lit
I really hope we win a seat in 18
The closest thing we have to a member in is Bernie
@Unionhawk "as your rep, i promise not to give magazines about 'how to tell that you're in love' to the interns i am trying to use to further my genetic line"
BuzzFeed News is publishing the slide presentation by Erik Prince to privatize the Afghan war and mine Afghanistan's valuable minerals. He pitched the proposal to the Trump administration. Prince told BuzzFeed News, "You're a fucking hack." https://www.buzzfeed.com/aramroston/private-war-erik-prince-has-his-eye-on-afghanistans-rare?utm_term=.ia4R9GgOm5#.rlYqnzpNlL @AramRoston
love to stay classy
11:28 PM
That kind of reminds me of the one article like "Seb Gorka challenged me to a fight and I accepted" except with like, foreign policy implications
The article boiled down to "are you challenging me irl or online" "what do you think" "irl? Ok 3pm tomorrow"
oh man this cop video is fuct
i think it's too fuct for this room even
Yeah nope
Jesus https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/08/us/puerto-rico-hurricane-maria-death-toll.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&mtrref=t.co&gwh=9E0DCB0D03DA239F3612EFEED9FD9E3D&gwt=pay
Love too count a bunch of deaths as "natural causes" so the effects of incompetence and global climate change are muted
> we will warn you, the video is disturbing
Literally outside
More than one irony left twitter person saying it was unwatchable means I want no part in this
11:50 PM
@Unionhawk this is the hotel hallway cop shooting video?
it's severely fuct
the cop is power tripping and yelling at this dude
the dude is getting scared and confused (very understandable)
every time he tries to ask a question the cop yells at him
I didn't verify, I heard "this video is disturbing", knew it was most probably that, and left
the cop literally says "if your arms give out, fall on your face instead of moving them"
like wtf kind of body control is he expecting
and eventually the dude stumbles while crawling so cop shoots him a bunch of times
no fucking idea how it was ruled justified
Dismantle the police state and actually fucking indict officers Jesus Christ
just run over and fucking cuff the person
then the dude is dead and they run past and can't figure out how ot open the hotel door with the keycard
Yeah nope
"it's an execution" is sufficient I don't really need a play by play
11:58 PM
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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