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3 hours later…
12:19 PM
Cartoon on #Tillerson #Trump #TrumpIsAMoron #FakeNews
I don't know why I didn't post this yesterday.
1 hour later…
1:50 PM
@GodEmperorDune turkish is gender neutral, we don't really pronouns, though it's complicated. When saying '<pronoun> said hi', it all translates to 'o merhaba dedi' (o is the noun), however it's usually replaced with a name or stuff like 'your boyfriend'. As per how it works out, it works out quite nicely outside some contexts like where the person you're talking about isn't clear.
@Avery That's the case in many languages. Example: if I say "that balding president should show more respect to the minorities in his country", what president am I talking about, Erdogan or Putin?
or is it different from that?
@Avery Also relevant
@Nzall it's exactly like that
I'm not saying that it's a unique linguistic thing though, I'm saying that in practice, it's used a lot
From what I'm getting, it's more that you can't have something like "He said to her "blah blah blah" and she replied "foobar foobar"." because that would translate to "They said to them and they replied", and it'd be completely ambiguous.
2:07 PM
(Strong language)
A brief history of universal healthcare in the United States
2 hours later…
4:01 PM
I adapted it.
4:24 PM
(it's a poll)
(it's good mooch)
4:34 PM
words aren't gendered in turkish
1 hour later…
5:47 PM
@Avery weak!
or something
@Avery Most words in English aren't gendered. It would be much simpler if pronouns weren't either, to be honest.
I agree
@StrixVaria I assume it's not like we can take any money allocated for that and shift it to aid because government and budgets and reasons but hot damn dude
wait you mean those travel costs were already budgeted out?
5:59 PM
@Ash Yeah it's not like that money was on hand to go to Puerto Rico aid and he then spent it on travel instead.
But it does put his wastefulness into some perspective.
Yeah, he's been in office how long? Not even a year yet, and he's going through money like water for all these trips and stuff. And he slammed Obama for the few things he did. sigh it's ridiculous
Like he just...it just...*sigh* I know I am beating the deadest of horses here but this is just os damn ridiculous
@StrixVaria a nice round number!
@KevinvanderVelden I was like "no it's not...okay yes maybe if we use alternate math" :P
yeah, it's 2^7
6:10 PM
They should actually put 10000000 in the article instead of 128 and then just have a tiny disclaimer that "numbers in this article are in binary".
6:21 PM
@StrixVaria And plenty of people are missing the point and talking about how the bottleneck is land transportation not actual supplies.
Yeah. The money Trump spent on his travel costs could also pay to repair infrastructure.
The calculation is just to illustrate how much money Trump makes the government spend on himself.
7:10 PM
@StrixVaria ":I wonder what Madison would have to say about that today, when more than twice as many Americans perished last year at the hands of their fellows as died in battle during the entire Revolutionary War. My guess: Take the guns—or at least the presumptive right to them—away. The true foundation of American exceptionalism should be our capacity for moral and constitutional renewal, not our instinct for self-destruction."
The fact that you know, America kills more people in a year than AN ENTIRE WAR is kinda insane
Like yes I know, scale, tech changes, history all of that stuff doesn't make it entirely equal
but hot damn, America
@Ash We're pretty metal. :(
I'm more surprised that the number of casualties is so low in the revolutionary war
7:23 PM
@MadScientist IIRC, Washington tried to avoid pitched battles because no one's going to 1v1 the British Army until Napoleon rolls around.
Howe was all "fite me irl, bro" and Washington was like "why you so salty?"
@MadScientist why are you letting a reality tv racist run the country again?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not, wrong country ;-)
Oh, generic american you then
7:28 PM
@MadScientist can someone explain to me what this does?
@Ash US enacts sanctions against Iran. And Iran is not bound by the argeement to not produce any nuclear weapons. If it really goes wrong, Isreal decides that they don't like that and bomb Iran, and then shit hits the fan
I think it's something along the lines of "See this nice thing you build? With having less nuclear weapons as such? Yeah I'm gonna be a toddler and destroy it"
@MadScientist okay wait how does Israel get involved?
like they go "I dont like that you are making these" and then it all goes bad?
@Ash Israel really, really, REALLY doesn't like the idea of Iran possessing nuclear weapons
7:32 PM
I'm gonna guess no but, did trump ever donate the money he said he would donate?
Why does the US want to enact sanctions? why can't we just be happy that we are all agreeing not to make stuff that leads to armageddon
@Ash It's basically him telling Congress that he wants them to rewrite/repeal it.
There were always rumors before that deal that Isreal might strike at the Iranian nuclear facilities
@Ash The deal is pretty much removing sanctions and in exchange Iran has stopped their nuclear weapons program entirely.
Right, okay, but why would we want to put them back and risk evrything literally exploding, is what I don't get
@Ash If Trump is in bed with Russia, he is mostly like also in bed with Saudi Arabia to some degree.
Fun thought for the day: According to Trump, sanctions didn't work against North Korea but they're apparently the perfect solution for Iran.
7:45 PM
What does he want to get out of this?
@Ash If we're assuming he's in bed with Saudi Arabia, then he's basically just doing their bidding.
If not, then it's probably an anti-Obama thing.
Since Obama's administration is the one that brokered the Iran deal.
@Yuuki wait what
there is a potential he is doing this as what, a temper tantrum that Obama did things and now he can happily just shit on it all
@Ash Essentially.
That's the only motivator I can see if Saudi Arabia is not involved.
Obama made fun of him at the White House Correspondents' Dinner and now is his opportunity to strike back.
Trump is a deeply petty person.
Trump's entire presidency seems to be about undoing everything Obama accomplished
I don't know if you guys saw the essay "The First White President", but it may not be too extreme to say that Trump's mandate is to undo the legacy of having ever had a black president
7:55 PM
@murgatroid99 I havent seen that, no
8:13 PM
@MadScientist oh fuck
for all the saber rattling that trump does with north korea, a war with north korea would not be nearly as devastating as a war with iran
because north korea does not really have a whole lot of allies, iran does
north korea doesn't have religious implications, iran does
goddammit trump
go back to the racism and sexism instead of warmongering please
8:27 PM
@GodEmperorDune To be fair, the one "ally" that North Korea does have is a pretty big one.
Even if they want to avoid conflict as well, China is not going to be okay with the regime change Trump has in mind.
@Yuuki i dunno if China would jump into a hot war with the US as much as most countries around Iran would jump into a hot war between US and Israel vs Iran
@GodEmperorDune If the US starts a war with NK, China is almost certain to follow. Any outcome of a US-NK war without China being involved is not an outcome that favors Chinese policy.
If S. Korea absorbs N. Korea, China loses its buffer state. If the US topples the NK regime, thousands of N. Korean refugees will likely flood into China (and probably S. Korea). Both are scenarios that China emphatically does not want.
If the US starts a war, China will likely join and attempt to force a stalemate.
@Yuuki yay, another syria
@GodEmperorDune And so long as N. Korean citizens stay in N. Korea, China is okay with that scenario.
Although given the Syrian refugee crisis, that likely wouldn't be the case.
But it's still better than the other two outcomes of a US-NK war.
In China's eyes, that is.
i don't see how war with North Korea would NOT result in refugees pouring into China and South Korea
8:36 PM
@GodEmperorDune Well, that hinges on whether the refugees come all at once or are more of a constant staggered flow.
@GodEmperorDune Well, I can imagine one situation where that wouldn't be the case. But that's something I wouldn't think even Trump is capable of
@MadScientist trump might be, but i dunno if the military would follow through
The former is more likely if the government is toppled, the latter is more likely in Syria-like stalemate situation.
@GodEmperorDune Some generals have been biting at the bit to "finish the Korean War".
@Yuuki ugh, this is why civilian control is supposed to be there
i think we can all agree that war with anyone will be extremely bad
I mean, war sucks. Period.
1 hour later…
9:56 PM
John Kelly's personal phone has been compromised for months http://politi.co/2fVp1i2
For all you folks who love to joke about "fake news" while your colleagues are literally feeding shit to Breitbart https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism
double wtf
@TimStone i mean this was kinda obvious but to have it documented so clearly
Yeah, it's it's definitely "Today in WE TOLD YOU, JFC", but JFC
FEMA website takes down statistics on Puerto Rico's drinking water, power outages: report http://hill.cm/kuZcmg6
also i had been hearing about some terrible things that weev had done, but i was unaware of the daily stormer connection
> Again the story went back to Bokhari, who on the 24th sent Yiannopoulos still another draft, with the subject head “ALT RIGHT, MEIN FUHRER.”
rubs temples
did no one ever learn not to put incriminating shit in emails?
10:06 PM
Like even if they weren't morally reprehensible I would still hate these people
Who cares if Kim Jong-un gets a nuke? Nukes don’t kill people, PEOPLE kill people. ... see how fucking stupid that sounds? #GunControl
@GodEmperorDune I mean I think they teach that after "Don't be a Nazi" so I guess why bother at that point
@TimStone yeah :/
also zoe quinn's response to those emails about her is great
If you have any questions about my genitalia just picture me unzipping my pants to reveal a banner that says "delete your account"
The Iran nuclear deal is working. Here's how. https://t.co/UxlYfWoqsW
@GodEmperorDune Hahah
@GodEmperorDune hm I think I saw something like that, will send it over discord
10:09 PM
@TimStone Are they like, advertising on Twitter because Trump is too dumb to do normal diplomacy? Who is this for?!
@GodEmperorDune fucking hell sometimes I really hate people
@TimStone the fact we have to have people POINTING OUT THIS SHIT
I am too much anger squid for this today
Dozens of Trump-tied lobbyists linked to $42 million in lobbying in 2017 http://hill.cm/X1BvPC8
something something swamp something something
News per CNN: Robert Mueller has interviewed Christopher Steele who put together the Trump dossier.
A guy just created 3 accounts w/the same name & same avi, @'d & dm'd me the same dick pic from each acct. Reported all 3, got 3 diff replies
Like, how? How is the process that inconsistent?
10:17 PM
@TimStone hahaha what how how is that even what
how do they not have dick pic sensors in place already?
or even just sense "this account has sent an image to an account they have never DMed before"
What if they accidentally blocked something from a random person in your DMs that only looked phallic? WHAT THEN?
See, stuff like this? This is why I have trouble being like "okay yes Twitter might be doing things I can't see"
@GodEmperorDune tbf I did that the other day
@TimStone RIP your account, dick picker
i'd imagine that interaction from both sides of the DM before pics are sent would be a good metric
or even public tweets between the two before DMs
instead of rando new account + unsolicited pic
10:21 PM
Yeah, something akin to the rep limit required to add images to SE posts
@TimStone also i would love to see a warning "this might be a dick, do you really want to look at it?"
Or however that works
honestly terrible people are everywhere
@GodEmperorDune And if you come across someone who's been flagged a lot, "this person might be a dick, do you really want to look at it?"
@Yuuki yes, this is the next logical step
10:22 PM
@Avery I am sure they are but that doesn't stop this from being a problem
It's the starfish thing
Yeah but then we get filters like "this contains sensitive media" and I agonize for five years about whether I should open it and it's like a picture of a train or something.
like yes it's all bad but we gotta try to make a difference somehow
@Yuuki and the way you enable that is really dumb
you either enable account wide or disable it account wide
(Not that Twitter is really trying to make a difference...)
10:23 PM
@Yuuki i think i get this on most pics when i'm not logged in
@Ash I agree
@Ash the makes a difference to the starfish thing?
@GodEmperorDune yes
like we can't fix all of it right now
but we gotta try to toss some starfish back
10:26 PM
(this reminds me I should save money for the starfish tattoo I want)
I don't get what y'all are talking about by starfish tbh
@Avery @ash tells the story better, but i can jump in if they don't wanna use the spoons
Nah, I got you fam
@TimStone I will die a happy, laugh-induced death if the first public statement Mueller makes is "I have seen the pee tape."
@TimStone "... and it's pure gold"
10:30 PM
Starfish: So there is this guy, walking along the beach. He sees another human also walking on the beach. The other person keeps stopping, picking up starfish, and tossing them from the beach into the water. There's a lot of beach and a lot of starfish, so the walking dude is like "you know that you won't be able to save them all, what's the point, you can't make a difference, some of em are going to die, how do you even" and the thrower just bends down, picks up another and tosses it back
and goes "it makes a difference to that one"
so yes, you can't save ALL TEH STARFISH all the time
but you can help one starfish
and one starfish
10:34 PM
and then soon that's a bunch
Hm, I see
That's true
I know that microsoft cognitive services supports detecting obscene material, I wonder how hard it'd be for twitter to implement that or use another product etc
(Hardest part would likely be financial)
Discord did something like that I think
BREAKING: Weinstein's lawyer gave Manhattan DA $10K after he declined to file sex assault charges against Weinstein http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/harvey-weinsteins-lawyer-gave-10000-manhattan-da-after-he-declined-file-sexual
@TimStone is this the same DA Vance implicated by the ivanka/jared stuff?
Uhh I guess it would be, huh?
Financial Firm Behind ‘Fearless Girl’ Will Pay $5 Million for Allegedly Underpaying Women and Minorities http://adweek.it/2z1Qu67
My goodness, what a day
i was about to say
@TimStone facedesk
@TimStone you'd think a guy who worked in the hacking branch of the NSA would know better than to work on classified stuff on a home machine
He probably couldn't install his own software on the laptop due to group policy restrictions
Classic fail
He tried to kill her with a gas leak, but failed at that too
lol wow, how can you be that evil but also that incom… remembers the current state of affairs Hm
I missed that, apparently he legitimately thought throwing cans into the crowd would end well
11:27 PM
@TimStone who knew interacting with humans would be so complicated?
Wheeeeee updating support documentation like an English degree having boss!
(This is fun why can't I just do this all day every day)
Seriously this thing is going to be 10000% badass by the time I am done with it.
Woo! :D
11:42 PM
Sorry, I should've posted thati n the Bridge whatever whatever whatever
We could use some good news in here tbf >_>

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