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12:11 PM
Wait weren't they already arrested? lol, amazing
Imagine if people put all this effort that they're using to defy public health orders into demanding the action necessary to make not opening their business manageable
12:26 PM
@TimStone Yeah, they were. Apparently that doesn't stick.
1 hour later…
1:47 PM
The article doesn't say how many of those are actual positive tests, and how many are quarantined because of possibly coming into contact with one of the positive tests.
Judge Salas has released a statement after the murder of her son and shooting of her husband, comes out strong against the ease with which personal information about federal judges can be obtained
She also thanks all levels of law enforcement which hrm
> “If Trump were the fascist that they pretend that he is, wouldn’t he have cracked down much, much harder on the unrest in the American streets?” Cortes said on The Steve Cortes Show on June 25, less than three weeks after the incident at Lafayette Square. “To be quite honest, you know, when there were people being bloodied, cops being attacked, businesses being smashed, I could have used a tad bit more of a fascist Trump.”
@TimStone Mentioning this in particular because it's not like the shooter was some unknown rando, it was someone who was on Fox and was clearly a bad person that the response was to shrug off, so idk
oh god the settle account is real and they think that joe will end private prisons hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
good joke
2:28 PM
@Frank Oh huh I didn't know one of the owners killed a teen too. Great folks
@TimStone Gotta make dat moolah, no matter what.
2:44 PM
Who funds the Federalist? Apparently this guy, in part, who backed Roy Moore
But Trump wants that unqualified person!
None of the others kiss butt like he does!
2 hours later…
5:09 PM
Trump Explodes After Nevada Approves Automatically Sending All Voters Mail-In Ballots talkingpointsmemo.com/news/…
> Trump claimed via Twitter that the measure, which aims to protect voters from the COVID-19 pandemic, will make it “impossible for Republicans to win the state,” reflecting his main grievance with vote-by-mail systems: that they supposedly hurt him politically, particularly in a swing state like Nevada.
> The President also claimed the the post office “could never handle the Traffic of Mail-In Votes without preparation,” which could indeed be the case considering that his own administration is implementing extensive procedural changes at the U.S. Postal Service that may jeopardize the agency’s ability to process mail-in ballots.
Trump really likes to say the quiet part out loud, doesn't he?
Make it easier to vote, allow more people to vote, and find out the party of old rich white dudes doesn't actually represent most of the country.
@Frank Funny how that works, eh?
@Wipqozn He makes it obvious what he's doing...and people still support him?
I don't get it.
@Frank Well he claims the reason GOP can't win is because the democrats will use mail in ballots to cheat, and his supporters eat it up
IT's complete bullshit, but they still believe it.
Or rather, I get it, but I don't get the stance that because God takes care of everything, it absolves them of responsibility of helping their fellow man.
5:17 PM
@Frank Hasn't he been doing that since the start?
My brother in law specifically said the government shouldn't handle social services because that's what the church is supposed to do.
@Frank Partly, they've been convinced that helping people makes those people lazy and dependent, so the real way to help them is to not help them
The fact that most churches don't is apparently beside the point. They're supposed to, so the government shouldn't be taxing them as much.
@murgatroid99 He made that argument to. Give someone something, and they're just gonna want more.
Never mind that here, at least, it's cheaper to give a homeless person a basic apartment and food allowance than it is to continue draining the medical system.
But give them a place, and next thing you know, they'll want more. And more. And more. For nothing.
@Frank For Republicans, it's not about what would be cheaper for society. It's about making it or not on your own, and making sure that people suffer the consequences of their "personal failures"
@murgatroid99 To a degree, I feel very strongly about personal responsibility. I do believe people are accountable for their own choices.
But even from that viewpoint, it's pragmatic to just give them a place. It's just cheaper.
5:21 PM
So do I. The difference is in the understanding of which things are really the result of one's own choices
It's the fundamental attribution error as a worldview
The US doesn't have much of a social safety net at all. It's hard to see medical bankruptcy as someone's own fault.
Oh, no, you got sick. Now you owe all this money, and you can't pay it? Shouldn't have gone to the hospital.
It is if you see sickness as God's punishment for sin
@murgatroid99 That's...such a backwards view.
Or, more realistically, if you think that sickness is largely the result of bad habits, diet, and other choices
He also believes the American medical system is better than Canada's, because there's no wait time.
@murgatroid99 And that's largely true. Quite a few things are. But pragmatically, allowing those people to be homeless or die just means your tax base shrinks. And that continues the spiral.
5:27 PM
@Frank You don't get much in the way of taxes from the poor and homeless. That's not their concern.
@murgatroid99 It's such short term thinking.
By spending money on them now, you'll get more out of them being productive members of society.
Not to mention, it's just the right thing to do.
@Frank And yet, it's a system that has been fairly stable for a long time. I think it's more complex than just short term thinking.
If you look at things from the left, every instance of poverty, medical bankruptcy, homlessness, etc is a tragedy, and we should fix it, and fixing it will also be beneficial to society at large.
And from the right, spending that money on the lazy and the shiftless is a waste, because they'll never amount to anything.
From the right, the economy is still chugging along, and the people who are "supposed" to be benefiting from that are, and what happens to the rest doesn't matter
threat of total misery is the only thing that keeps people working for starvation wages thus generating larger amounts of profit it's not exactly rocket science why the right thinks that it is good and cool that such a threat exists
"if you don't like your job just find a new one oh what's that you'd lose your health insurance if you left to look for a new one wow that sucks"
5:35 PM
just the way of the world you gotta pull yourself up no handouts
Credit where credit is due; my brother in law walks the walk; he could be on disability, but works himself to the bone.
also I like when people say stuff like "there's no wait times in America!" as if you can just go to the doctor to get something done without insurance preapproval in a lot of cases
The right is kind of two groups. There's the rich, who are benefiting from the situation as Unionhawk describes, and then there's the not-so-rich who have been convinced that this situation is "right". And the latter group has their own rationalizations that don't really match the capitalist reasons
or as if it is a good thing that people forego care because they can't afford it
I think from a religious standpoint, helping your fellow man is a no-brainer.
5:40 PM
(it is in fact a bad thing and is the primary reason why health outcomes are consistently worse here than in I want to say every other developed country I forget)
@Frank The great thing about religion is that there's so many ways to interpret the information given
@Unionhawk Me sitting in the doctor's waiting room fifteen minutes past my appointment time, living the dream
Imagine never having to have gone to the ER though
5:58 PM
> “The reports, including investigations into the president’s wealth and an article on the congressional testimony of his former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, said that the president may have illegally inflated his net worth and the value of his properties to lenders and insurer,” said the Times.
@TimStone that list is kinda ridiculous even for a Trump appointee
It also feels like there are plenty more competent grifters to do this with than Jacob Wohl if you really couldn't just bring yourself to not, but here we are
if these people were capable of making good decisions, they wouldn't be where they are right now
oh my FUCKING god politifact
@TimStone lol she's out
I would like my credit for humans being able to breathe as I have kept my promise to ensure there is oxygen
7:12 PM
lmfao that's even worse
Holy shit
Also I would like that Back the Blue painting to never show its hideous face on my timeline again
@Unionhawk I mean, I think we should be happy that he didn't use his political power to start torturing again
Ah, but the Trump-O-Meter very helpfully points out that this is a BROKEN promise with the same moral value of breaking a promise to not cut medicaid etc
7:27 PM
@Unionhawk I... what? How about GOOD!!!
1 hour later…
8:58 PM
ah damn it
posted that in the wrong chat
for some reason my Bridge window keeps closing

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