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12:52 AM
it wasn't removed
afaik the correctly earned strikes have been undone
1:07 AM
@Unionhawk oh, i thought it had been removed
maybe i misread the tweet that was posted here
He claimed that it was being removed
That is both false and not how the process works
(advance notice is never given aside from strikes)
yeah he probably just got a copyright strike on something lmao
saw an opportunity
1:24 AM
He got 2 community guideline strikes
Joy Ann Reid has a "Major brands were advertising on InfoWars' channel?!" take which is bad and I'm tired of people acting like companies are putting out hand-crafted ad placements as if the complete garbage fire that is online advertising isn't evidence otherwise
If YouTube wanted to like, claim they had guidelines at all they'd have said fuck you starting at Sandy Hook
Which, to be clear, the infowars channel has claimed was a hoax by the Obama administration to do gun control
Someone who understands false flags help me my mass of crisis actors is dying
It's just all so, so dumb. And I know people believe dumb things and that's not new but when you're dumb for a long time and what you say obviously isn't true by virtue of never happening like...it feels like more people should clue in idk
1:40 AM
Hell yeah.
1:59 AM
@Unionhawk solidarity.mp3
Roy Moore is having a hard time making ends meet. So I've sent his legal fund a check (below), and you can, too! #RoyMoore Address: Roy Moore Legal Fund One Dexter Ave. #3 Montgomery, AL 36104.
2:35 AM
start-up culture is like 85% breaking employment laws & claiming that by doing so you’re a revolutonary. the other 15% is twitter self-owns.
I cannot stop laughing at this
@Ash for a minute i thought they were interested in the band from the early 2000s, so probably would've gotten #2 wrong as well
@Ash sorry sorry I'm trying to remove it
@GodEmperorDune hahaha me too I was confused
Early 2000's me was listening to like...country, Christian contemporary, and the odd pop thing (whatever people my age were currently OMG in love with)
@Ash i can recommend "poem" as fun, if kinda generic metalish rock of the era
2:41 AM
Shiny :)
2:56 AM
@Ash Like, all of these requirements are dumb and arbitrary anyway lol
RE: #3
A mood:
3:09 AM
@TimStone so true
Last time I was searching they had a thing that parsed resumes and prefilled the fields so it was mostly correct
3:46 AM
"Don’t forget, I was in the real estate business." - The president of the United States after explaining that doors can be locked
@TimStone le sigh
throws up hands
"How come some people always make the four-footer..." While defending his proposal to arm teachers, the president began talking about golf putting:
the human body is like a golf club
4:16 AM
JUST IN: Mueller subpoenas documents from Trump, numerous campaign associates http://nbcnews.to/2FpFPZc
The world at large may not yet understand how alarming this information is, but as a paid social media buyer, I read this report and just stared blankly at a wall for 3 minutes solid. You know who’s in a “custom audience”? Everyone who uses Facebook & Instagram. Everyone. https://twitter.com/d1gi/status/970072595331723264
Unsophisticated, potentially serious exploit found in Facebook Custom Audiences—allows unauthorized collection of users' phone numbers, email addresses & other personally identifying info. Presented at FTC PrivacyCon by team of cybersecurity researchers. https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/public_events/1223263/p155407privacyconmislove_0.pdf
2 hours later…
6:44 AM
State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0. via @NYTimes https://nyti.ms/2FQ9TLb
tillerson, wut
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
9:46 AM
@GodEmperorDune It got fixed, so that is good.
3 hours later…
12:40 PM
@TimStone I was just thinking this yesterday on career beacon
I just left the fields blank
1:23 PM
Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November? Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented. Bigger than Watergate! Plus, Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling.
So he does admit that the Russians meddled now?
@MadScientist Except for the millions of money that was put into the state department to stop russian meddling, which you government hasn't used yet.
Also: not using a name so she sounds less human and more like just a stupid letter?
2:14 PM
@Arperum Character limit?
Surprisingly plausible
Though abbreviating Administration to Admin. would be clearer and better
what is the twitter limit now anyway
I'm sure that was intentional regardless
@MadScientist So he started an investigation ostensibly related to Russian meddling, but he didn't do anything about the meddling?
I think we're dissecting this too much
Yes I think so too
2:21 PM
@GnomeSlice 280
@KevinvanderVelden Character count is 279 on that one
Case closed lol
Hence the surprisingly plausible
(I had actually come out to 280 cause I pressed enter in the thing I used to count it)
2:36 PM
not even half the crowd lined up to get into the capitol ✊❤️ #55strong #55united https://t.co/1caBj5MtMJ
2:47 PM
@KevinvanderVelden Also: everyone knows the election was in november. So "in november could have been removed too)
@Unionhawk That is not going to fit.
ooo, got an interview with a striking WV teacher in the pod queue
will share if it's like, actually good and passes the "good enough to share here" test
so far so good
3:02 PM
I think my sister the school teacher is also striking today? Maybe it was next week
Ah no, 14th of march (her birthday!)
3:39 PM
@TimStone Just because I've tried to move away from everything Oracle and have one more obstacle, does any free VM software compete with (not exist, have performance parity with) VirtualBox?
@quartata @GodEmperorDune me too
@Yuuki You almost certainly know more than me about country music, but are we sure stereotyped is the right word here?
@puzzlepiece87 this isn't the bridge =p
@puzzlepiece87 Why not?
3:55 PM
@TimStone Exactly what @GodEmperorDune said, love too win trade wars
@KevinvanderVelden grins and tucks tail between legs
@Yuuki For the country I have listened to, the views expressed are highly correlated with conservative viewpoints. For example, frequent mentions of God.
@Yuuki My concern is pretty much that I have an unrepresentative sample.
@puzzlepiece87 By the same token, the lyrics expressed in the few rap songs I've heard are highly correlated with criminal activity.
NEW: 15 police & a judge have arrived at @realDonaldTrump’s hotel in Panama, whose owner is trying to kick out Trump Org. Not sure why yet.
4:12 PM
"George Soros has bought the library industry" might be a frontrunner for the best take this year. https://twitter.com/SafeLibraries/status/970681149440909312
hell yeah
Library... industry?
Big Library
@TimStone I thought it was well-established that Trump randomly retells stories all the time? Inauguration crowds?
@Unionhawk Like the New York Metropolitan Public?
4:15 PM
@Yuuki Would that be a wrong conclusion to draw?
@puzzlepiece87 To people outside the administration, sure, but it doesn't seem like there's even supposed material benefit in doing it to the staffers
The kleptocracy never ends. Trump’s Organization has ordered tee markers for his golf courses featuring the presidential seal. Deeply unethical abuse of public office for private gain—and it is likely illegal. https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-extra-the-trump-organization-ordered-golf-course-markers-with-the-presidential-seal-that-may-be-illegal?utm_campaign=sprout&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_content=1520249935
snipes @GodEmperorDune
@TimStone rekt
@TimStone So I'm extremely skeptical of many Trump takes, but I do believe the narcissism.
Here’s some nicer news
Librarian-turned-journalist rises; she 'helped us be this giant scoop factory' - Poynter - http://nzzl.us/mBjCWlL
@puzzlepiece87 That's like saying rap singers/artists are all criminals.
Which is mostly definitely a stereotype.
4:18 PM
I mean that's an additionally racist stereotype to be fair
@Unionhawk That too.
@Yuuki I mean, I thought the main problem was when people go from "rap songs frequently associate with criminal activity" to "black people frequently associate with criminal activity because they're black"
There's an interesting parallel between country and rap. Both have strong stereotypes, much of which is racial in origin. Rap has Eminem and country has Darius Rucker.
I am probably behind but I don't see much problem with "a genre of music whose current most popular artists frequently discuss X in their work is probably more associated with X than artists in other genres"
And that's not to say rap is inextricably linked with crime or something
or that country is inextricably linked with conservative viewpoints
Florida teacher Dayanna Volitich has been removed from her classroom at Crystal River Middle School for reportedly hosting a white supremacist podcast.
4:22 PM
But so far, historically, it seems like the artists do show those proclivities at higher rates than other population groups. And that could change in the future. All it takes is more people with liberal viewpoints becoming popular country artists or people whose work doesn't touch on crime becoming rap artists.
But also, I would be completely open to refutation along the lines of "I don't even have any stats for you right now, and you may be right, but since a bunch of racists typically take that argument and run with it deep into racist land, let's not give them the baton here."
Technically correct doesn't need to be the best kind of correct here and I am not sure I'm technically correct either.
Actually, I think I'll just go with dropping it because you are exactly right.
You spoke of the racial associations with those two types of music and people often randomly say they love/hate country or rap just to racial signal.
So even without getting into actual conservative viewpoint/crime rates, I think it's too much baton passing. You are right.
I'm still not sure why "stereotype" is possibly an incorrect word.
@Yuuki especially punny in music
Stereotype for me means it needs to be factually false.
It's not factually false for me if country music artists are more conservative or more rap artists have taken part in criminal activities.
But I'm not doubling down, I think you are right on the larger point, I concede.
@puzzlepiece87 For me, it is logically flawed to say artists are more conservative because they perform country music. Or that they are criminals because they perform rap.
And that's what the stereotype implies.
4:29 PM
@puzzlepiece87 stereotypes are never going to be 100% true or 100% false, they come from generalizing something about a subgroup to a larger group, so there should always be examples of both fitting and not fitting among the larger group
@Yuuki thats a correlation causation fallacy
@Yuuki I guess I wasn't connecting the dots or something? I didn't see any kind of causal statement like that. I thought it was simply seems to me that country music artists are, on the whole, more conservative than average, and therefore might be interested in having a well-known conservative on their board.
Mike Huckabee is an extremely poor choice, and I don't know what a politician in general would accomplish on a music board, but to say that a stereotype exists and they don't share general interests seems to be taking it too far.
That is the stereotype though, I've seen plenty of comments along the lines of "oh you like country music, you must be a rural white conservative".
@GodEmperorDune Right, but that's why you use averages.
@Yuuki I mean, rural white conservatives like country music more. Whoever says "you (the particular person) must be a rural white conservative" doesn't understand statistics.
Just like some people were furious at 538 because they had Clinton at 66% chance to win and she didn't.
"They promised"
@puzzlepiece87 yeah that's not how statistics work lol
basically no matter what the outcome ends up being, the chance to win was correct
4:34 PM
The real lesson here is we live in XCOM
@Yuuki I apologize, am I being thick?
I'm sorry if I'm being slow to understand.
I just don't see how an interest group being, on average, more of a thing implies that every member must be the thing or that the interest causes the thing or the thing causes the interest or anything like that.
@puzzlepiece87 You seem to be understanding what a stereotype is, but it seems that you're having trouble processing "I don't believe in this stereotype" in conjunction with "this is a common stereotype that exists".
Just like how I would have zero concerns about anyone listening to rap music even every single song was like crime was awesome do crime all the time because I'm skeptical that that would really do much to anyone listening. If someone committed a crime after listening to a song like that I would assume that person was basically looking for any excuse at all to commit a crime.
@Yuuki Oh oh there we go.
@Yuuki Thanks.
@puzzlepiece87 Like, it's good that you think that way. But that doesn't necessarily mean that that stereotype doesn't exist.
@Yuuki When you first spoke, I didn't realize you meant that the stereotype was that country music caused people to be conservative, or whatever other patently false thing you are saying the stereotype is. I thought you were saying the stereotype is that more conservative people listen to/create country music.
I was only contesting that the latter is a stereotype (I'm pretty sure it's true), but if you are saying the former, I'm not contesting. That seems like a really weird belief to me and I'm not sure it's as common as you say, but I'm not in a position to know how common it is really.
So I'm with you.
Thanks for explaining your point.
4:57 PM
NEW: the owner of @realDonaldTrump's hotel seems to have won a victory as a result of this police/judge visit this morning. He just played a piano concert in the lobby. Still figuring out exactly what happened.
Florida lawmaker: Only "thoughts and prayers" will stop evil behind shootings http://hill.cm/vaq9n8l
Uh, I guess that's a direction you could go in 🤔
Not "there's nothing more we can do" but "it's actually the only effective approach despite gestures towards everything"
@TimStone i mean they told the trump people to leave like a week ago
@TimStone think this guy might have misunderstood the party line
you're not supposed to be that blatant
@TimStone I'd say this was the dumbest thing I had seen today
@thehill How many thoughts and prayers does it take exactly? Asking for America.
@bitoche @thehill Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three
5:11 PM
there were two separate "neoliberal is the new n word" takes today so
gun control: 0 thoughts and prayers: 9001 someone who is good at life please help me my constituents are dying
@Unionhawk Oh my god
@TimStone I mean it's a take that has already been done
but twice in one day by two separate people is a new record
@Unionhawk 0.0
There's a reason I unfollowed @nucleartakes but even still sometimes the takes bleed onto my TL through other channels
I think I muted nucleartakes even
@GodEmperorDune it's just a full 4 or 5 levels more amazing than "it isn't a real word with any meaning"
5:16 PM
Kelly is frustrated with Kushner and Ivanka Trump, questions what they do all day: report http://hill.cm/wlICIVD
John Kelly,,, welcome, but to hell because you ran DHS
which like the Adam Smith Institute would like to have a word with you
@TimStone John Kelly welcome to the resistance because you ran DHS
i am so tired of the kelly vs kushner drama
someone get rekt already
5:29 PM
United Airlines swaps out employee bonuses with lottery, employees reportedly unhappy to get chance at cash or prizes instead of quarterly performance-based reward http://cbsn.ws/2FoREyJ
after tax cuts, united airlines eliminates bonuses, implements a lottery
oh right godspeed to MSU
Amazing: Speaker’s office sends around story about POTUS trade policy weakening market.
I mean at least that's better than "we heard wages were going up and that's bad for us"
Man who shot himself outside White House identified as 26-year-old from Alabama http://hill.cm/IaajQ1b
I am, regrettably, somewhat curious why a 26 year old from Alabama finds himself in front of the White House wanting to commit suicide
Trump says new Israeli embassy will cost $250,000, not the $1 billion that he was told.
5:46 PM
I thought he was in real estate and knew about like, how much buildings cost
Look if you stiff literally every contractor involved it amounts to big savings
That's true, it is cheap if you're just standard new york real estate guy doing crimes
probably not that cheap tho
but then again on the other hand an embassy isn't a luxury hotel
My understanding @badp is that Italy is now on fire?
@Unionhawk I guess if we don't have to worry about our enemies not listening in because they already know everything you can save
6:06 PM
1 message moved from The Bridge
@TimStone doubtful
unless it's like $250k in things that weren't previously budgeted for?
@fredley at least Italy (or the BBC) uses the correct colors for left/right
@fredley maybe italy and the former UK will form a new EU
like an anti immigrant and anti trade EU
at least berlusconi lost
I am personally fascinated by five star and I don't know how I feel about where they're at lol
Like, parts of this sounds cool, but also like
@Unionhawk its a party for the lulz and based on not being politically correct so... gestures towards trump admin
6:19 PM
Yeah this is some bizarre hybrid
6:32 PM
there are too many countries with elections
I can't keep track of all of these things
Stop it
@GodEmperorDune reports from discord seem to corroborate these things (reactionaries responding to immigration) so GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME
should have just elected jeb bush
thank you #poli-global for being smarter and more in the know on these things than me lol
6:51 PM
Spez just posted to Reddit that Reddit is co-operating with Congressional inquiries re: Russian interference in Us elections which is big, b/c as far as anyone knows, Reddit has never been subpoenaed yet never set to testify In other words: T_D was an FBI honeypot
That would be the best announcement, and possibly the only thing that could redeem Reddit's lenience with T_D
That would be amazing
I actually don't see how that conclusion comes from those facts, though
yeah a honeypot would imply that they created it for the purpose of getting people to admit to crimes or something
7:01 PM
I mean, they could have just have easily ended with the conclusion "Reddit targeted advertising was an FBI honeypot"
I regret to inform you all that my discussion of politics has, in fact, been an FBI honeypot
@TimStone urface is an FBI honeypot.
I should have known
7:21 PM
Hello, officers. On the ground and we count 4 on the roof up there
7:41 PM
@Unionhawk Where is this?
MSU, lansing
8:11 PM
@Arperum Well said.
8:49 PM
Police: Alt-right supporter of Richard Spencer charged after pointing gun at protesters in Michigan http://bit.ly/2I1wW6B
that was fast
@Unionhawk I just read "Richard Spencer charged after pointing gun" and was like awesome, then I read the full sentence and felt somewhat disappointed.
lol police are communicating via text because they don't know how to use secure police band?
ecks dee
hopefully brandishing is the worst of this, but I have a feeling it won't be
@Unionhawk seriously?
@GodEmperorDune Reportedly
sometimes it is also because radio contact doesn't always work in noisy environment
9:00 PM
Point is we were getting scanner activity and now we aren't as much aside from like, asking for phone calls and such
and i think there was some story after houston got flooded where emergency personnel were using slack or some other app because the radios lacked range
bearcat militarized vehicle deployed, 1 in custody
Why is the FBI using honeypots? Don't they know that you actually attract more flies with vinegarpots?
@Unionhawk Maybe that's why they stopped using it.
@Yuuki r/the_d is more of a salt pot, anyway
9:02 PM
they've formed a line with bicycles, bringing in horses as well
@GodEmperorDune It was a walkie-talkie-like app called Zello.
wait that's MSU's bearcat
why the fuck does a university department have a SWAT vehicle
@Unionhawk love to militarize campus police
true, UDPD has an LRAD for godssake
you guys bring in DPD anyway what
arrests occurring, spiderman-pointing-at-spiderman.jpg
“Who do you serve? Who do you protect?” #StopSpencer
Wearing Nazi armbands, Richard Spencer's rent a mob arrives to provide security. #StopSpencer #stopspencerMSU https://twitter.com/don_chump/status/970768052831899648
These are members of the Patriot Front probably. Unicorn Riot has a mole inside their discord
9:17 PM
i thought discord banned all the nazis?
As you may guess, the leaks are Fucking Awful
Nazis can't get past anti-fascists 💪🏿#StopSpencer https://t.co/WeXnEf8Bba
"Suspects carrying Tiki torches patted down for flammable liquids" #StopSpencerMSU
Cop 1: "getting ticketholders inside is top priority right now" Cop 2: we have no ticketholders at checkpoint #StopSpencerMSU
Greg Conte of NPI arrested outside Spencer rally at MSU
@Unionhawk So the police is actually arresting nazis?
more cars being called in
[3rd command to get off open channel] but why? Who could be listening to such dull bantz?
his speech is scheduled to start now
though it might be delayed based on what cop 2 said above
The Utah legislature is considering designating a highway as the "Donald J. Trump Utah National Parks Highway” https://le.utah.gov/~2018/bills/static/HB0481.html
9:32 PM
@TimStone Wait, didn't he try to defund national parks?
Yes and somehow complete ignorance of that is their selling point?
I just
smacks head against wall
@TimStone The highway is the thing Trump want to protect, he'll obviously make that a national park.
Trump name chiseled off the Trump International Hotel in Panama after weeks of tensions over control of the property. http://abcn.ws/2FWAPZY https://t.co/Ph6xlHgwBr
"All neo-nazi folks have gotten in vehicles and left for [radio garble] westbound" #StopSpencerMSU
We're not in the clear yet but it might be in the dispersal stages
Which is the most dangerous period of these things
Also apparently everything else is on fire?
9:37 PM
define on fire
and everything else
Anyway, the bulk of TWP, @PatriotFront_, and miscellaneous skinheads (about 30 altogether) have been turned back.
Video of NPI's dapper nazi Greg Conte's takedown. Looks like he charged the riot line. https://twitter.com/nickkingphoto/status/970770624317665280?s=19
speech has indeed begun despite TWP and PatriotFront leaving
Nope, not gone, on the move, being escorted
Uhh Sam Nunberg is rambling about things which are Interesting if True but also seemingly insane, Acosta getting pissed off with Sarah Sanders, Bibi comparing Trump to Cyrus the Great
@Unionhawk dude got flattened
BREAKING: Sen. Thad Cochran, a Republican from Mississippi, says he will resign April 1.
@TimStone i'd say that's a safe republican seat but maybe they will nominate a pedophile again
@TimStone the nunberg stuff is lit
@GodEmperorDune Almost assuredly, but he's the chairman of the appropriations committee
Ah, seems it's for health reasons
9:45 PM
@TimStone a pedophile is highly inappropes for the appropriations committee
Just asked Devin Nunes if he or his staff leaked the Warner texts. His answer: "You guys never give up do you? They just come out here and they give it to you, and then you run with it. You guys are geniuses. You are great, great reporters."
@TimStone trump's gonna be pissed that nunes is stealing his lines
footage of tough guy fascists taunting counterprotesters from behind the safety of the police line is p good
It looks like the finance committee might Check and Balance Trump's tariffs too, lol
"Mr. President, the NAFTA negotiations are in a very delicate state..." "Canada and mexico are gettin tariffed now!"
9:48 PM
This is very much not over
Officially delayed to 5PM EST
@TimStone i did not realize there was video of this
its a beautiful sight
It's a pretty good visual
oh wow it's finally here. in the goodwill with the busted keyboards and crusty printers
@TimStone hue
In other news that Facebook survey:
what the fuck
One of the answers was "Do nothing and I'd be happy to see more of this on Facebook" and none of the answers was "Call the police"
@TimStone dafuq
i don't
9:57 PM
Yeah, I have to assume the answers were created separately from the questions but whew
@TimStone what the hell
@TimStone I'm hoping it is like those FB polls where anyone can add answers
@Ash That actually makes it worse, since no-one added "call the police"
@Ash I think they tried to make generic answers they could weight to feed into some sort of system at the end but they overstepped on what sort of content they should ask about >_>
@chrislhayes @philipaklein I am Danny’s opponent in the primary. From serving in military, running a nonprofit, a small business, and office, I have taken a stand against anyone who holds or accepts racist ideologies.
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