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A: Change Sharepoint Icon

Venkat KonjetiHere are steps I have followed. Go to the SiteAssets library. You will find a __siteIcon__.jpg file. Replace your logo with the same name. Clear cache it does affect. I had the same problem when I updated a logo but (CTRL + F5) get this affected immediately.

Now you have my settings pages doing what I want them to, but my homepage still acts up...
I didn`t think it has to do that initially. But after I inspect the element and took the URL and see the new logo. Then I thought it is an issue with cache same as CSS and JS files.
So I had to do this from the SharePoint using my internet explorer, not from the SharePoint Editor. For Some reason, it just wasn't getting pushed to the server otherwise...
But now every time I exit out of the page, it resets to the default TE
I have tested by logout and login from same browser or different browser I see updated logo.
Can you inspect the element and see the image path getting right image.
<div class="ms-siteLogo-actual" style="background-color: white;">

<img role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" style="display: inline;" src="/sites/TestEnvironment/_api/GroupService/GetGroupImage?id='6e5a9804-84b0-4fe2-99fa-f9aaac70557b'&amp;hash=636373886811347062"></div>
It's weird because it changes when I set it from the website, but when I restart the computer, the file gets reverted to the original TE on a pink Background
@Venkat Konjeti
2 hours later…
do you see the your images when you browse this url https://<<your tenant name>>'‌​6e5a9804-84b0-4fe2-99fa-f9aaac70557b'&amp;hash=636373886811347062
I see always latest logo different devices, browsers. I don`t any problem
2 hours later…
@VenkatKonjeti <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m:error xmlns:m="">
<m:code>-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException</m:code>
<m:message xml:lang="en-US">Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException' was thrown.</m:message>
That's what I get'
@VenkatKonjeti nvm, I got it now. It's there, and its the correct logo...
But when I restart my computer and go again I hit the original TE again...
I see the history of my logo as well. It has only one version but I did couple time browsing from different browsers then I got old logo which is default online logo and found System account overrides the file. I will let you the results on this.
2 hours later…

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