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I need some help with a cryptic hunt. One of the levels has something to do with esoteric languages
Hint1: tsl ! tsl ! tsl !
Hint2: #@$%<--esolang-->#@$%
Wut, why can ROs kick themselves
Does this ring any bells for anyone?
Can't say it does... do you have any other information besides that?
@BusinessCat Not at the moment... Let me check real quick
Hint3: joe newmans favourite shape GO IN BETWEEN!
Okay, this got very weird
@BusinessCat ^
There's several Joe Newmans of note so that doesn't really help sadly
@Rahul2001 this might help:
@StepHen Already looked it up, didn't help...
@Rahul2001 probably this Joe Newman
I'm not bothered about the occasional downvote but usually here they mean your answer is wrong. Could someone familiar with C# just check my answer here to make sure it is correct.
Some self-modifing "infinite-energy" BF variant maybe? I dunno there's so many BF variants
@StepHen okay, solved it
@Rahul2001 reverse image search on the image brought up a cricketeer named Chris Morris, also the name of someone who made Whitespace
Answer was "whitespace"
@StepHen Yep! :D
Ah, yes. tsl = tab, space, linefeed
so the third hint? 0.o
@StepHen No idea :P
Next level! :D
In case anyone is interested in playing along:
disintegrate probably
disintegrate actually
@EriktheOutgolfer wrong
When you wonder why your for loop isn't working 0.o
integral of ex makes me chucklelike a 14 years old (∫ex)
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
disintegrate seriously @Rahul2001
where are you playing this cryptic hunt? @Rahul2001
@Cowsquack Inter-school event
But we're allowed to take external help
@Rahul2001 o00oo let's have you win xD
@StepHen Yes! :P
@Rahul2001 I think I found the solution
> Why so Serious? disintegrate
> The answers have to be entered in lowercase without any spaces. Special characters and numbers are allowed.
It's usually a single word
did you try disintegration?
although it seems like it should just be disintegrate but I guess they want something else
@StepHen yeah
It's usually a twisted meaning
@Rahul2001 dish
@EriktheOutgolfer nope
Well why so serious? points to the joker, though I don't know how to tie that up with disintegrate
Disintegrate! Disintegrate! Doesn't sound like a great dalek phrase
@Rahul2001 wordish
@TheLethalCoder disintegrate = explosion maybe?
Are the answers always 1 word?
Poll: if you could pick a word to replace "exterminate" for daleks which would you pick
"Why So Serious" maybe WSS means something
@totallyhuman annihilate
@BusinessCat Yep. One or two
Is there a general theme?
@TheLethalCoder No, not really
@TheLethalCoder Vaguely related to tech
@totallyhuman hello
Have past puzzles had red herrings?
@BusinessCat Kinda, yep
I mean some of the hints had a very weak link to the answer
This one have hints, or are they limited?
If they used red herrings then Why So Serious? might not be the Joker
@StepHen They release hints over time
None for this level yet
17 schools are stuck on this level
No one has proceeded
@Rahul2001 let's do it
@Rahul2001 then it's probably bugged or something
can you bruteforce the answer?
@EriktheOutgolfer It isn't
how many tries do you get at an answer?
@satibel that's always the best way
@satibel Will take to much time
Maybe disarray? Integral -> area -> kinda sounds like array. Also the Joker loves causing disarray
@Cowsquack unlimited
@BusinessCat ooh that sounds good
@BusinessCat Nope. Trying variations...
@Rahul2001 your botnet is just too weak :p
@satibel they'll see the requests though and not like it :P
Integral could maybe be related to sum by Riemann sums, pretty loose though
And doesn't seem relevant
@StepHen if it's not disallowed in the rules, it's allowed (as long as you don't ddos the server.)
Okay, wait
@Rahul2001 try "rosy"
@Rahul2001 try "I take computation quite seriously." if you can
Page has HTML comment <!--lbhxabjubjvtbggurfrsbagf-->
@EriktheOutgolfer nup
@Rahul2001 youknowhowigotthesefonts
rot 13 = youknowhowigotthesefonts
that's rot13
@totallyhuman procrastinate
@StepHen coool
Alright, so it's definitely the Joker
@Rahul2001 that breaks down to you know how i got these fonts or You know how I got these fonts
This hint may not be related to this level specifically, I'm not sure
it's also a joker catchphrase though so probably
what's the name of the font?
maybe by "fonts" it means the font that has the mathematical symbol or something?
It's more likely a permanent easter egg throughout the levels
@Rahul2001 try: "LaTeX"
Wait, I just made it 500
as in, server error 0_0
@Rahul2001 nice
you ddos'd the server? noice
@EriktheOutgolfer nup
try '); or 'a'='a'
we're still talking about this right?
18 mins ago, by Rahul2001
user image
@EriktheOutgolfer yep
@satibel that might not be a good idea xD
@Rahul2001 does the webpage have a url or it's not in the internet?
@EriktheOutgolfer on the internet, but restricted access
I could give you guys the credentials...
the numbers there mean something
better leave it alone
I think
lol, nah it is
@Rahul2001 maybe "Lato" is a bit suspicious or something?
@EriktheOutgolfer it's a google font
I wonder if it's as simple as "burn"?
oh like roboto?
300,400,600 and 100,300,600 though
in Root Access, May 19 at 12:03, by Oliver Salzburg
Root Access - Free pentest with every conversation
@BusinessCat As in some people just want to watch the world burn?
@BusinessCat nope
@TheLethalCoder And burning something disintegrates it
True that
@totallyhuman turbulence
@StepHen it reminds me of ppcg challenges
Can someone ping me if you find the answer. I've gotta go in a minute.
like, 3, 4, 6 was a challenge and 1, 3, 6 is triangular numbers
@TheLethalCoder sure, will do :)
Turbulence! Turbuleeence!
@EriktheOutgolfer what's this
@EriktheOutgolfer Obviously you need to Matrix-Vector those!
@Rahul2001 it's not just google, right?
@ASCII-only puzzel
@StepHen no
the numbers almost certainly don't mean anything
that's part of the font query
@Poke yeah
@Rahul2001 try ""
I think we can safely ignore the HTML comment for now, tbh
@totallyhuman pls link
there's no link
@EriktheOutgolfer not it
No link
8 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
18 mins ago, by Rahul2001
user image
Or what part are we doing atm
@ASCII-only ^^^
basically it's "level 4"
Wait what noooooo level 3?
@ASCII-only lol, we did it
@ASCII-only it was whitespace, that's why our chatroom was relevant :P
Level 3 and its answer would definitely help us who have not tried the game, to get the feel of the game.
I think they're completely separate from one another or something?
@officialaimm it's above in chat somewhere
@Rahul2001 what about WSSD?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, levels are unrelated
> Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
@EriktheOutgolfer lol, no
Is this like notyoff
> West Shore School District
@ASCII-only btw can u pls ping when PR w/ recursive type + tokenizer fix is merge?
> West Side School District 202
@EriktheOutgolfer wait, sheep suck duh?
@Downgoat :| not on computer atm
@ASCII-only ono is still laptop being fix?
gotta go ping me if it's gets solved :3

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