Does it rotate layer 3 twice, then layer 2 four times?
Also, which layer does U³²3 rotate?
Also, do you have a table containing the values of each character? I'd assume the first 128 characters are the same, but where do the superscripts fall in?
For now, I'll just assume the superscripts are decimal 128-137, but I'll change that once you reply.
@MDXF I think it'd be better if this behaved as "rotate index 3 twice, rotate index 2 4 times". It just makes more sense in my head. I can't really justify it past that xD
The first two things in Rubik's SE's description would - mathematics, theory - but the other things are less so - algorithms, solutions, permutations, mechanics, or design.
Of course, you might be right, it might get closed as a dupe of that; however, PPCG's "Esolangs SE" proposal has gotten closed as a dupe of Programmers SE... and questions about esolang development are most definitely not going to be well-received there.
Basically, I'm converting the string (program) to the UTF-8 character array, but each element in the array is actually the byte value of your codepage, or -1 if it doesn't exist in there
Then it can be converted to characters, where � is used for unknown characters
� is not part of the codepage. It's just used for characters without a spot in the codepage, like decimal value 184, or decimal value -29
Just in case someone had plans, until we find some other use for superscript numbers, I'll make them compatible, so you can use superscripts or subscripts to define layer depth
@MDXF In response to the issue with arguments being passed in from input, maybe allow superscript x do that? The thing is, this can also be done by setting the notepad to your input (or whatever) and decrementing it in a loop
Number Forms is a Unicode block containing characters that have specific meaning as numbers, but are constructed from other characters. They consist primarily of vulgar fractions and Roman numerals. In addition to the characters in the Number Forms block, three fractions were inherited from ISO-8859-1, which was incorporated whole as the Latin-1 supplement block.
== List of characters ==
== Block ==
== History ==
The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Number Forms block:
== See also ==
Unicode symbols
Latin scrip...
Unicode has subscripted and superscripted versions of a number of characters including a full set of Arabic numerals. These characters allow any polynomial, chemical and certain other equations to be represented in plain text without using any form of markup like HTML or TeX.
The World Wide Web Consortium and the Unicode Consortium have made recommendations on the choice between using markup and using superscript and subscript characters: "When used in mathematical context (MathML) it is recommended to consistently use style markup for superscripts and subscripts...However, when super and sub-scripts...
Assuming I understood your comment correctly - you mean is there a way to pass an argument to R (or L or whatever) telling it to turn the Xth layer, where X is the value stored in the argument passed?
Well now I'm just wondering... how useful will it actually be to take the layer as input?
It's something I'd like to add, and a good feature, but is it useful enough that it's worth either rewriting the language or using up most of the codepage slots?
It'd make Cubically alot easier to use, but at the same time, it would remove some of the fun and the story behind it
Yeah actually it would completely remove the necessity to use the cube at all... it would basically make the language an extension of Brainf**k, especially since Kamil found a way to increment/decrement the notepad regardless of face values
Regardless, you can't pull a value from the cube, manipulate it, and revert the cube
If you take the value from the cube, and you store it in your notepad, you can't return the cube to the state it was in without messing up your notepad value
The period of a sequence of moves on a Rubik's Cube is the number of times it must be performed on a solved cube before the cube returns to its solved state. For example, a $90$° clockwise turn on the right face has a period of four; a $180$° clockwise turn on the right face and a $180$° turn on ...
@MDXF I'm rewriting the language and reorganizing the codepage, as well as changing a lot of operators. I'll show you when I'm done, and hopefully that gives you some ideas.
Maybe, since we don't have any use for superscript numbers, subscript x could set the layer to x, and superscript x could set the layer to the face value of x?