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@KamilDrakari @TehPers Cubically now has input, see repo.
@MDXF Cubically can now take input, then output the input it took in!... assuming single character input
Though, I'm pretty sure Cubically is now capable of answering the "Add two numbers" challenge.
$7+7$7+7%6E0 if I'm not mistaken
(With E0 being more of a clean code thing which should be ignored in code-golf)
@MDXF I've updated your answer on the "Hello, world" challenge, but my edit is wrong. Please reject it if you can because I didn't update the rest of the post (I brainfarted x_x). I can go back and create a new edit updating the whole post if you want, or you're welcome to explain the program yourself.
@KamilDrakari Yeah. And it really should be &0. I have no idea why I made it E, but it was unintentional. E still works, but the README is updated to say &.
@MDXF I like the update! Any clue how to update TIO? Also, why choose a specific index for input over replacing the notepad value?
@TehPers Feel free to update it if you like; however, since you rewrote the program entirely, you can post it as your own answer.
@TehPers Thanks! And I just ping Dennis asking him to pull the repo.
If I were to replace the notepad value, I would not be able to perform comparisons between the notepad and input buffer.
@MDXF I'd rather just update yours since you already have 3 upvotes, and there's not really any reason to make a new answer for it.
@MDXF OH good point!
Yeah... I was trying to avoid adding a new index, and I didn't think it would work based on how input could be taken, but I saw a light.
A command to take input could fill the input buffer with one input. A program could then use that one input and do things with it, then take another input once it's done with the previous one. So it's actually quite useful, while still tedious.
@TehPers you forgot to include your new score :P
@MDXF Oh thanks
I mean, given the premise of the language I would think that forcing somebody to somehow store the value of the notepad onto the cube before taking another input would be appropriate
@KamilDrakari Agreed, but how do you store values greater than 81?
@KamilDrakari Yeah. But that would be a) useless b) pretty darn hard to get working c) near impossible to find an algorithm that sets the notepad properly d) clear the memory cube, which is not something we want to do
I mean, if I wanted to have a really easy way to reset the memory cube, I would just have a command to do it
I still think the most accurate representation of Cubically is the little note I left in the Hello World program description.
> At this point Hell has been printed, which should be good enough for this language. :P
I suppose not requiring users do something impossible to take input is a reasonable rule for programming languages
Is there defined behavior for when a program is formatted correctly, but has an invalid argument for an operation? For example, @8?
@KamilDrakari That's correct. I tested it offline, fixed a few interpreter bugs. As soon as Dennis updates TIO you can post that.
@KamilDrakari Uhh.... if undefined behavior counts as defined behavior, then yes?
@TehPers I can't seem to find the review queue item for your proposed edit that you asked me to reject. Can you post the new Hello World code here?
@MDXF It's already been rejected.
@TehPers I know, I rejected it. But I can't find it and I'd like to edit the code into the answer.
@MDXF Oh, I can just post it here then: +53@6:2/1+551@6:5+52@66:3/1+552@6:5+3/1+4@6:5/1+3@6:2/1+553@6:3/1+552@6:5+1/1+5‌​52@6:5+52@6:1/1+551@6:5+1/1+3@6
110 chars
I've been updating your post, but you can do it instead if you'd prefer.
Ah, no problem! Go ahead
@MDXF you should specify on the repo if ^ is XOR or exponential
TIL you can edit chat posts...
@TehPers Done
Thanks for the edit :D I gave you credit in the post.
No problem, and thanks!
@TehPers Now it's actually done. I had made the change in my text editor but not pushed to GitHub or even saved it. *sigh*
@MDXF You also seemed to have removed all control flow from the language... While on the topic, how do you use ] to create a loop you can break which iterates depending on the input? I suppose you can take the input, store it in the notepad, then decrease it while rotating the cube in such a way that you keep a 1 stored somewhere or something? I'd have to see how others approach the problem.
Also, do you want = to work for the notepad and input, or just the notepad and faces?
@TehPers I removed control flow from the language because it was useless and the syntax was awful. I'll put it back when I can think of a better way to do it. Umm... I don't know how you could do it depending on the input; that's another thing I'll have to spend some time thinking about.
@TehPers Ah, = not working for the notepad and input was a safety net I'd put in a while ago. It's no longer necessary and I'll fix it.
Do you want control flow to depend on the cube and force the programmer to rotate it? Or do you want it to be independent of the cube, with the ability to repeat a set of commands 5 times (for example) without any rotations?
I think it's going to be able to handle both since I just thought of a really great way to do it.
I can use ?, ! and s like in my other good esolang, Triangular.
For example, ?6 will jump over the next command and all arguments being passed to it, if the notepad value is truthy.
@MDXF Oh, that's a great idea! I like it. Also, you can rotate the cube to store values in memory for later, then revert the rotation somehow.
$?7%5555555555 will spam the user, for example, if they enter anything but 0?
I'm trying to think of a way to rotate the cube depending on the value stored in the notepad
It'd be possible with a loop, probably.
@TehPers There's no way to do it in Cubically's current state
Once I get around to working out ?/!'s flaws I'll implement them
1 hour later…
@KamilDrakari You can post that now, the TIO Cubically has been updated

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