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Ok so if I change my name to Segmentation Fault...
we've got one fit salt meta gun and A Female Ingot Stunt (thanks @BusinessCat)
A Matinee Golf Stunt
@MDXF SE meta gnat ion tufl??
@SocraticPhoenix Oh I love tuff ion gnats
Username Anagrams -> Gramma Sears A Nun E
where can I put that E?
taking suggestions for my username
Anyone for caird coinheringaahing?
Input too long (21 letters).

The permitted input length (maximum 26 letters) varies depending on the server load. Currently it's limited to 20 letters.
Don't forget you can use the 05AB1E script "YourName"œ
best eg
from itertools import*
for i in permutations(input()):
python 3 script :P
^ thats how many permutations there are :P
it will get quite a few of them in before it hits the limit
Whew a rad zit
room topic changed to Gramma Nun Ear Seas (Username Anagrams): Finding anagrams for PPCG usernames (no tags)
@WheatWizard Draw a White Z
I'll just be Pet Shen and get back to work
I wish I could have an anagram username
@programmer5000 --> 5000programmer!
:( That's as good as it will get
Or pr0grammer500
@programmer5000 prom gamer 5000r
@programmer5000 p00r gamero0m5
@programmer5000 RPG-5000-E RAM/ROM
@programmer5000 more RPG-5000 RAM
gamp error 5000m
pr05oma gr00mer (prosoma groomer)
Mor05e Pr0gram 0 (morose program 0)
R0meo'5 Pr0gram 0 (Romeo's Program 0)
Ooh or O, R0me0, pr0m rag 5?
This is fun
@betseg Be Gets (because grammar is not a thing :P)
best egg!
Yeah but only one G
Any anagrams of my full passport name? aaabddegiklmrsuvz
then i think i know the letters of your middle name :D
@betseg Well, pretty easy if you find my last name online. But can you actually figure out what my middle name is?
i'm trying actually :P i'm trying to find a decent name list, then i'll write a python script to permutate the letters and search in the list
nope i cant apparently
@betseg In Denmark, middle names are last name prefixes, not first name suffixes. (multiple first names are considered as one long multi-word first name)
i mean i cant find a decent name list except us
or surname

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