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Q: Is this Isomorphism in Polynomial Time?

Isla_BonitaLet $V=\{1,2,\cdots, n\}$ and $\Sigma = \{1,2,\cdots,k\}$ is a set of $k$ colours. Let $f, f' : V \mapsto \Sigma$ be two colouring of $V$. Isomorphism Problem : Given : $(V,f)$ and $(V,f')$ To Compute : $H = $ ISO$((V,f),(V,f'))$ (set of bijections from $V\mapsto V$ that preserve colour) (I ...

Please explain the notation, at least. What is "$ISO((V,f),(V,f'))$"?
@ Mariano Suárez-Álvarez I have edited the question
@Crostul It is a decision problem
But $H$ has exponentially many elements in general (take, for example, $f$ and $f'$ constant with the same value) and therefore its elements cannot be listed in polynomial time.
@ Crostul then print " no"
@ Mariano Suárez-Álvarez It is a decision problem (yes or no)
What does it mean "to decide $H$"?
@ Mariano Suárez-Álvarez Is H empty ?
So what you want is "to decide if $H$ is empty or not".
Yes Let me edit the question
There is a very simple algorithm to decide emptiness: just count how many times each color appears in each coloring — if the counts are the same, then yes, if not, no. This is somewhat trivial.
I need the generating set of $H$
which is polynomial
Using brute force:

`for c in colours:
for v in vertices:
if f(v)=c:
if f'(v)=c:
if a=/b:
return "no"
return "yes"`

This has polynomial time.
sorry I couldn't make indentations in chat
for c in colours:
for v in vertices:
if f(v)=c:
end if
if f'(v)=c:
end if
end for
if a=/b:
return "no"
end if
end for
return "yes"
Please explain in English statements what are u doin
a=/b means ?

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