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5:59 AM
Thanks for this answer! I upvoted this too since there is value in here as well for some people. For me though, like DJClayworth mentioned, I had lots of trouble interacting with people when not knowing their type (since I can't understand why they do that, so I keep forgetting and falling back to my natural assumption). Understanding why they do that (which the labeling does good enough) is the first step for me to make their behavior (with different type) resonates with me, so I can respond more naturally but still catering their style. The next step, of course, is like your answer. — justhalf 3 mins ago
#27109 justhalf (126 rep) | A: How to quickly tell if someone is an asker or guesser? (score: 1) | posted 18 hours ago by Flater (6317 rep) | Toxicity 0.072545685 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]

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