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@Tinkeringbell it had an even less pronouncable name earlier
Q: How do have a serious talk with my boyfriend without crying

KayWe have been going out since September. We have so much fun. He said he loved me first. Then we discussed maybe me moving in. The issue is, my adult son lives with me. Long story but I took him in when he was suicidal. I can't just kick him out. He has a job, but his spending habits are not great...

3 hours later…
Morning everyone!
ahoj! :)
@JourneymanGeek 2019-nCoV?
had a hashtag somewhere
Not that hard to remember, but yeah... doesn't really roll of the tongue. Wuhan-virus or Coronavirus did fine though, if you ask me.
@avazula morning.
coronavirus is a family
and even the current name is for the disease
and where was that article I saw
@Tinkeringbell scientifically speaking this one or even COVID-19 makes more sense than the others
But yeah idk what people with no biology background understand from them haha
@Tinkeringbell ignore me, I apparenty misremembered
@avazula True, true... then just say so though, this article I read yesterday really presented it as the main reason being that we shouldn't associate people or places with a disease!
'We have a new, official, scientific name for everyone to ignore!' XD
@JourneymanGeek No worries. It's still early? :P
kinda sorta
@Tinkeringbell well, most species have a scientific and a popular name
@Tinkeringbell it sure sounds silly ... Harm's done to me but seriously, it wouldn't have been a bad thing to have a name that's not related to a location in our racist country...
My Vietnamese manager gets shouted at racist threats every day now u_u
Meh. There's been this petition over here because a radio maker made a song that wasn't nice to Chinese people too... and a nice bit of virtue signalling related to it on the company's intranet.

But the guy apologized so... seems like problem solved to me, unless he does it again.
And the problem with the name Coronavirus is that it's like calling Python regius Snake. It's not wrong, it's just not very specific.
@avazula That's not good....
if I remember correctly (AND YOU GUYS NEED TO CORRECT ME IF I AM NOT...)
@JAD Yet it's specific enough: 'the' coronavirus vs. 'my snake' :P
@JourneymanGeek SURE NO WORRIES
Its the entre class of virus
including SARS
And MERS, yeah
and while it's clear enough for most people to know what you're talking about, for the scientific community you need to be more specific. Those two names can easily co-exist.
@Tinkeringbell exactly
@JourneymanGeek correct.
It is yeah
A coronavirus is one of a number of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections, including the common cold, which are typically mild, though rarer forms such as SARS, MERS and 2019-nCoV can be lethal. Symptoms vary in other species: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory disease, while in cows and pigs coronaviruses cause diarrhea. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections. Coronaviruses are in the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae, in the order Nidovirales. They...
it's similar to how HIV is a Retrovirus, but a Retrovirus isn't necessarily HIV.
Why did SARS and MERS get to keep their location?
SARS didn't have a location
South Asian Respiratory Syndrome, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome?
Severe acute respiratory syndrome what location?
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) oh, that location
Basically "Patient's Resparatory system decided not to respire any more"
(taking those from Wikipedia)
Oh. I always remembered SARS as South Asian XD
I am cross referencing too
@Tinkeringbell uhm
South Asia = indian subcontinent
Yeah, wiki says the virus came from Southern China.
This I am sure cause I have been ranting about this a lot :D
I shall update my memory of it to include Southern chinese Acute Respiratory Syndrome ;)
One of my coworkers is completely panicking where really there's no reason for that
@avazula I've had a nasty cough the last 3 days :D
everything else is fine tho
@avazula They'll love me. I have a cold and a very nice nasty cough to go with it right now ;)
I'm wondering if I should tell him I'm going to London at the end of the month and therefore I'll basically be surrounded by crowds from all other the world ...
@avazula work has us submit our body temperatures twice a day
Everybody I know has pretty much ignored the news about it so far
@JourneymanGeek oh. :(
someone mis-typed and immediately my bosses boss - who no one has seen before went "Are you ok?"
@JAD Except me, me is being confused about name-giving ;)
@avazula even when off work
@JAD we have the second most cases
@JourneymanGeek That's really something you can only get people to do over there... I know over here people would scream something like 'that's PII, and an invasion of my privacy, I rather take paid leave' XD
@Tinkeringbell one of my workers came back from china
and got 2 weeks quarantine
@Tinkeringbell :shrug: scientific name: nCoV-2019, popular name: Coronavirus. I think it's too late to change the popular name effectively
(home quarantine, avoid meeting people from work)
Yeah, there's a few people that were evacuated from Wuhan and they're apparently in quarantine over here too...
Same sort of, if home situation allows it.
@Tinkeringbell I'd take paid leave over quite a few things tbh
@Tinkeringbell sars kinda lasted a few months
and it seems this is significantly more serious
@JAD :) that last bit wasn't entirely serious but I do know some people will make a stink over privacy!
I think the government is spooked
At the same time, it sounds like the mortality rate is lower
I think people are trying to spook us all.... There's quite some horror stories.
@JAD The spread feels oddly random
there's a few people who caught it at work, cab and grab (its like uber), a chinese medical hall for tourists ...
That doesn't sound like they've found patient zero yet.
@JourneymanGeek isn't that partially because of the lack of symptoms in some people. While no symptoms is nice for the person in question, it 1) lowers the mortality rate and 2) makes controlling the spread harder
@Tinkeringbell there's no one patient zero
Morning :)
@Tinkeringbell At this point, what good would that do?
ugh, where's the map
@JAD Squash the rumours of it being man-made and spread in strategical locations to ensure a proper outbreak? :P
@JourneymanGeek maps.google.com
@CaldeiraG Morning :)
What are the blinking red ones?
latest cases
(new cases)
oh, found the legend, nvm :P
gimme a sec
let me explain why I am so freaked out
I live somewhere around the bottom middle red circle
I work at the airport, somewhere around circle on the left
And you work on the other side of the line of zombies? :P
Yay, guessed right XD
I also live near the main general hospital (though the infectious diseases place is somewhere else)
Singapore's roads look like a nice bowl of spaghetti
@JourneymanGeek right*?
Other left
I need a new left/right sign :/
@JourneymanGeek left is red right is green :D
@avazula oh, its indirectly related to my dyslexia
I have no sense of which is which
Me neither ... I didn't know dyslexia caused that
It's better now that I'm driving but before that I'd only distinct them through odd socks and homemade wristbands. I'd just have to remember which one is which side
Left is where your thumb is on the right ;)
@Tinkeringbell HOW IS THAT CLEARER?! Left on the right? screams in isometry
@avazula its a bit messier
My dyslexia might have been worsened? triggered? cause I was forced to switch handedness.
I just switched monitors. My old monitor had a sign saying <--- Left Right (Other Left) ---->
@avazula Heh, that's the whole point of that sentence XD
@Tinkeringbell If you look at the back of your hand, left is where the thumb and index finger form an L
@JAD Yeah, so the thumb is on the right ;)
(was playing RA with a friend... told him to go left, when I meant right... and at some point I realised and was hollering OTHER LEFT. OTHER LEFFFTTTT)
left is the way you turn a screwdriver to loosen a screw
We already live in a world where a movie is renamed for SEO optimization :( (source)
@CaldeiraG and get hotfixes.
Even if said movie is a hot mess. (Cats)
with emphasis on mess
@JAD This drove me crazy when I started engineering
@avazula hmm, ok, most sensible screws*
@avazula I just softly test both ways and hope no one notices
@JourneymanGeek Tested & approved since 1997
I'm looking at options for new signs
the problem with the one I like the most is I'd need to order 50 :D
@JourneymanGeek Same but not softly so.. 'oh, it moved'.... 'hmm, but now it's even more stuck'
@Tinkeringbell for a big guy I'm surprisingly gentle when performming planned disassembly
unlike the real engineers in my family :/
@JourneymanGeek XD my tasks mostly consist of just opening things up to see what's inside, I'm not allowed to touch stuff still deemed 'fixable'
For example...
@Tinkeringbell I once took apart a decade old speaker dock, swapped out the battery for one from a drone, and it worked... for a while
I have better tools now though
.... seems a perfect use for those heatshrink/solder things I have...
We have a shed, and a lamppost in the alley behind it.
One time, some kids decided to start demolishing said lamp, pulling loose some cables.
Dad repaired it, seemed fine.... until they went on vacation and it started raining. Water got into the lamp somehow, and made a shortage.
I tried turning the power back on, it just went out again. Tried again, same result. Tried it switch for switch, found out the problem was in the shed.
(also, apparently the kitchen lamp and router in the back of the living room :/ )
Anyhow, there's a freezer in the shed so I wanted to fix things rather quickly XD
Went looking, saw nothing, remembered to check the lamp and saw the moisture... at that point I called dad. I know there's a switch in the shed where you can easily disconnect the lamp from the grid, and fix the entire problem.
Dad went uh, huh, hmm, yeah.... HUNG UP ON ME.
seconds later my brother comes down, on the phone, calling, with dad...
Yeah, so dad seriously called my brother to fix this instead of letting me do it.
Yeah well... and that's why I say I'm only allowed near non-fixable stuff :P
Now the real question is which one is the most fun? Fixing some boring regular issues or being a badass that never lets go and goes beyond impossible to fix the unfixable?
dun dun dun
@avazula It's okay, we laugh about it now ;) Dad's reasoning was that my brother is a head taller than me, and could more easily reach the switch. I would've needed one of those household step ladders (which is stored in the shed XD) ... He just didn't explain at that time, only when I talked to him about this afterwards (that I can fix things and I didn't like him defaulting to the boys when he needs help)
@avazula Ehh, I do neither. But apparently that makes @JourneymanGeek a badass ;)
@Tinkeringbell no girls here and if I had a sister with the gift I am bloody well going to let her use it 😁
How's that going, btw?
No updates
boooring :P
It really does take long!
You would be about the third to know
I'm still going solo and clueless
@JourneymanGeek the two first being you and her? xD
Okay, but only because I know who else is on that list. Otherwise I'd never appreciate being put in third spot! :P
@avazula I suspect she would know before me. 🤣
I would want to be first 😁
@avazula I would say the girl would probably be in on the decision sameish time as me
I hope at least
Don't answer if you don't want to, but what would happen if you met someone outside of this system? Would it be possible for you to get together or does it have to happen through the system?
@avazula I'd give it a shot
Might have done a few things "outside the system" when I was younger
but that's... not a story for SE chat :D
haha, okay.
see you on Discord then ;)
One of my cousins married a guy who is outside my caste and vegitarian
@avazula oh... which one? :D
I found a client I don't dislike but...
@JourneymanGeek Aren't you on our Discord TAS?
(anyway, we like him more than we like her)
@avazula no?
I didn't use discord much until last week or so
@avazula is that still alive?
@JAD lively as ever!
@JourneymanGeek lemme fix that. :D
@JAD would you be interested? I think the link is still in this room's favs
@avazula Invites expire after 24 hours, you'd need a new one for JAD :)
@Tinkeringbell I'm gonna wait to see if he wants it then :)
I already sent one through Discord, I still have them in my friends list XD
You can accept or decline, whatever you want, JAD :)
And if anyone else wants in, lemme know! :)
@Tinkeringbell I want in! :D haha
You're already there :P
Am I? :O
One of your arms is longer than the other, @CaldeiraG
@Belle lol :p
you're remote today @Tink?
what gave it away?
IIRC you're remote W T F (and also the green icon in Discord :p)
Only W and F :)
and yeah, I may keep a few tabs open that I close at work ;)
Isn't that too hard to alternate between office and home?
I find it quite nice actually, it allows for handling work that I struggled with one day, the next day.
If working home is two days in a row, that's also two days without a coworker next to you.
@Tinkeringbell And talking loudly with someone else about life
Source: just happened a few minutes ago
@CaldeiraG I do that too, but always at the coffee machine XD
(which is on a hallway, so it doesn't matter much :P)
Most of my colleagues have a standing desk. Every time I see them stand, I think, "I want one too."
@Tinkeringbell On the coffee machine it's fine :)
But I wonder, do I really want to have a standing desk or do I just want to have what they have?
@CaldeiraG Well not 'on'... the coffee machine won't survive XD
@Tinkeringbell :P around it then :)
@avazula I think I was in and left after a while because I felt it was part dead, part used by people I didn't know. I can give it another shot
@JAD That probably was tinyman's server, this one is set up by brug, it's a whole new one.
yes it was
I keep messing up people's discord names and SE names XD
Then there's also Twitter names, Hangout names, Facebook names... AAAAAGH
it's a difficult life
My name is the same on everywhere :) just because i don't have a better username
my name has the same root at least :P
Is that you with the red and white hat?
Nice hat
That's actually my old SE avatar as well lol
that's better
the avatar is back from an old Runescape forum. It was tradition to edit a santa hat into your avatar around x-mas there. At some point I just was too lazy to change it back
and through gravatar it sticks around
Today in small victories: one of my colleagues (not from my department/location) got reported to HR for harassment and got fired less than two weeks after the report.
I'm doing it again... I'm looking up the things that hurt me. I notice I do that when I feel upset, but it doesn't help. At all.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for either. Validation maybe? Hoping that someone gave them what I feel that they deserve? That doesn't help me, yet I want it so badly.
@Belle A way to handle them that allows you closure?
Heh. I added a pattern to Ravelry yesterday and today it shows up in my pattern highlights... Uhmmm... It's already in my library? :P
Q: How can I find out why I am in a relationship I never wanted and I seem unable to get out of it?

Asker of maaany questionsLong time ago I started dating a girl casually. I was not interested in having a relationship with her, i.e. I was not interested in being her boyfriend or her being my girlfriend. However, it was fine to meet her sometimes as friends. Maybe a couple of times per month. Then she asked me once if...

that question is a bit of an oof
Yeah plenty comments but no votes? :P
I'd rather not close it singlehandedly, ya know. Even when I do comment ;)
@Belle yay! <3
@Belle and noooo! Have some cats! Have some love! You're great just the way you are and we love you!
@IPSCommentBot cats! Right now!
Thank you.
wow, that's a cute cat <3
^ totally
1 hour later…
I hope the making of cosmetics is on topic for arts & crafts, since I just asked a question about it. As I wrote the first question about the topic, I also created the tag for it.
I think it should be, but you never know ;)
After searching a bit longer I may have found an answer to my own question x)
I used to get my stuff at Holland & Barrett, but I always felt like they were overpriced and never had just what I needed. I now found a webshop that sells everything for DIY cosmetics, right here in NL, so cheap shipping :D
that's nice!
I almost never use cosmetics, and when I do, I don't make them myself XD
I'm starting to resort to that, because of my stupid allergy :\
@Tinkeringbell me neither
I assume you use shampoo and soap though? :)
shampoo and soap aren't classed as cosmetics are they?
In the DIY cosmetics community they are
@Belle little to none...
> In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates cosmetics, defines cosmetics as "intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."
shampoo is a cosmetic in essence, there are so many of them
They specifically exclude pure soap though, but as soon as the soap is scented, it's a cosmetic
Basically anything that changes the way you look or leaves a smell or is "good" for your skin or hair. So, shampoo and soap, but also deodorant and skin cream, and of course make-up.
I use melon, strawberry or coconut scented soap
I've got coconut scented soap too :) so nice
The answer to my question is: vitamin E
I'll leave it for someone else to answer though
If there's no answer by tomorrow or so, I might self-answer
My colleagues are talking Dunglish on purpose. I can't stop laughing. "We klik the vinkje hiero. Then you go to yearrekening."
Dunglish is fun :)
If you need help chiming in, I can look stuff up for you ;)
hmm, it's always lovely talking to the development team. The general code language is english, except for domainspecific terms like Overlijdensrisicoverzekering or Hypotheekrenteaftrek. It makes for a nice jumbled vocabulary
Q: How to confront affair but not quite?

RijumoneAlice and Bob were dating. Alice left Bob. Alice asked Bob to take her back. Bob refused. Bob and Alice gradually became friends again. Alice renewed her campaign to get back into a relationship with Bob again. Bob kept refusing and continued being very good friends with Alice. Bob came to know f...

@ExtrovertedMainMan hmmm
@JAD We actually translate all our stuff. Sometimes it's wrong. That's frustrating.
I prefer it this way tbh, the translation for ORV would be LifeInsurance, which is just confusing as all hell, given it's entirely different vs levensverzekering
Yeah, I'm not very fond of it either. It works for terms like trial balance / kolommenbalans, but it gets weird when you have things that are based in the law
@ExtrovertedMainMan I have a feeling this is an hypothetical story rather than something real
@CaldeiraG Hmm. I'm looking for a way to ask why Bob has to say this/wants to say this, without being accused of editing the 'should I' out of it in the first place XD
I see your point :)
It just looks odd to me
3 hours later…
@ExtrovertedMainMan Guys we really need to get a bit better at closing stuff that needs workshopping.... it looks bad if I do it all on my own once the bad answers come in!
@JourneymanGeek are you asleep or awake rn?
Sorry @Tinkeringbell, I've been pretty busy with the new job and thus less active on IPS
@Rainbacon No worries :) How's the new job? :)
I'm enjoying it so far, though the hours are a bit later than I'd like
But hopefully it starts later too? Or are you working overtime?
It does, but I'd much prefer 8-5 to 9-6
Ahh gotcha. There's no flexibility to just come in an hr or two earlier?
My manager comes in earlier, but she also stays just as late
Sorry to interrupt, hope you don't mind
I just bought the house!!
So whenever any of you is coming to France, I have bedrooms ready for you!
@avazula Congrats!
woohoo! I might take you up on that offer some day :)
Ayyyyy! If I'm ever around baguette country, I'll hit you up :D
@Tinkeringbell you're more than welcome to do so <3
@scohe001 BAGUETTE!
Can I count on you for a home tour if I drop by Texas on my American trip? ;D
@avazula lol I'm not near any of the cool/fun parts of Texas, but we can probably house you! DM me on Discord when you're setting up your itinerary and we can talk more :)
@scohe001 what I'm most interested in about this trip is to meet you guys (does that sound creepy?). So basically you're the cool/fun part ;)
Will do! I'm afraid it won't be this year (moving, works in the house and garden, blablabla) but probably 2021 yes
Ooh IPS road trip! Haha you're going to hit all the American households?
That's good to give yourself time, especially with everything happening in the Ava life. You'll have to keep me posted!
@scohe001 i don't think I can do that :p y'all are just all other this country!
I do have some places I don't wanna miss though. California and NY are not to be missed and I have a thing for Texas (drag queens, again... Haha)
But this seems very difficult to achieve in just one trip... So for now I'm just fantasizing about it.
Ohhh boy. My neck of Texas is a little...conservative, unfortunately. I don't think I've seen anyone dressed drag in this city since I moved here actually (as opposed to how often I'd see ppl in CA)
2 hours later…
the SO jobs sidebar just recommended to me: "Android System Administrator (Active Secret Security Clearance)" 0.o
(Note to self - Stay away from SO Jobs - SO Jobs is working with The Man)
"Android System Administrator" is weird enough, but combined with a security clearance... what the heck
They are prolly just trying to weed out the libs
don't want none of those liberal apple fanboys ;p

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