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23 messages moved to Trash
^ See, not showing off. Moving things to the regular, public trash.
@EmC just came back from all day at the amusement park which @El'endiaStarman 's work paid for so totally awesome.
9 hours later…
Q: What do we need in a back up by personal experience?

ÆlisWe now require answers to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. And I believe that a "TL;DR" of what we expect from a back up by experience would be interesting to have somewhere in the faq. I don't know where to put this "TL;DR", but think this summary should look a bit like ...

This place is better then ips.se, if you like the drama. — rene 3 hours ago
I'll slowly pick that flower, leaf for leaf.
I don't think he means it in a "that site has problems" way
But the nature-of-topic way
13 messages moved to Trash
Afternoon :)
How we doin' this Saturday?
Just a few more hours until my Switch arrives. I'm wondering if I should mark myself absent as a mod for a few weeks :P
@AJ Nintendo Switch :)
LOL. Enjoy! ;)
I will! :D
@Tinkeringbell yay gaming!
@Ash The only bad thing is that now I'm probably expected to go outside! :P
It's 30 degrees C here, way too hot ;)
It'd not that warm yet here today but I think it's gonna get there.
Time for strawberry salads ;)
Ice cream, strawberries and chocolate sprinkles.
I'm a master cook, can you tell? :P
Hahaha yes excellent plan
Right now I can shelter inside, claiming I need to able to hear the doorbell when the delivery arrives :)
I hope my delivery is late. I never hope that!
@Ash Does it regularly get that hot over there? Or is it (supposed to be ) some kind of exceptional too, like here.
@Tinkeringbell How can I? I never tasted any dish you prepared. ;P
@Tinkeringbell Sounds fun!
@Tinkeringbell summer here can regularly be 27-30C
@Ash Ah, luckily those are exceptions here (or used to be, this is like the third year in a row where we regularly have those too) :/
3 hours later…
@CaldeiraG I was for 13 hours once.. I changed my train route afterwards
1 hour later…
Q: Telling a friend I normally hangout with on a holiday, I don't want to this time

HesterryA national holiday is coming up :) I have a friend (call him Joe) I normally hangout with on this holiday. I also see him on a regular basis. This time I would like to hangout with a different group of friends. Joe has been messaging me asking if we're still meeting at the usual spot for the fest...

1 hour later…
We have an official faq now! Thanks @EmC!
@Ælis np!! I figured with the uptick in HNQ and recent discussions we ought to have some (long-overdue) red tags on the posts :)
They were definitively long overdue :p
there's still a few posts that are on the main FAQ list and some that I haven't tagged yet though
mostly because they're kind of specific or have multiple discussion answers, so not the sort of thing that makes sense to convert to CW
a couple were linked in other FAQ'd posts so I could just remove the links but the remainder I'm not sure what to do with yet
Hum, not sure what to tell you. Maybe you should ask a meta question?
haha I was hoping to avoid a meta-meta post xD I'll poke around on other site's FAQs first to see what they do
Pfff, meta is too much meta for you :p
hm, RPG has this tagged as FAQ and it's a discussion-type post.. so I guess it's fine if we do that
wew, I think I'm done :)
@EmC Do we really want the "comment templates" meta post in our faq when we have decided to not use it (at least for now)?
@Ælis hm.. which discussion are you referring to about not using them
the post was updated recently so I figured people were still referring to it
I know we are "allowed" to use them as a template, but having them in our faq makes me feel like just copy-paste them is fine. If we decide to put it in our faq, maybe we should add a note at the beginning saying something like "please only use this as a temple"?
yeah, it seemed like nobody was saying "start from scratch every time you comment", but rather "make sure you're customizing them appropriately to the post"
a disclaimer like that would be a good idea, if you'd like to edit it in :)
On it :)
otherwise, I'd suggest a meta about deleting the template post altogether, if we don't want people using them
Hey guys.
What were the results in the election? I am sorry, I have been busy and had no time to check.
Hello :)
Can anyone link me the meta post for the results?
@Sid Look at the pinned message of the chat room, ava win :D
Q: 2019 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9Interpersonal Skills's first pro tempore moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! F...

Ah. Congrats @avazula.
@ankiiiiiii well that was a pretty rude thing to say to her :P
@EmC It was him actually, then I switched to her. Now we're happy and talk a lot!
@Ælis out of curiosity, how do you express third person singular in French in verbs?
@ankiiiiiii haha, glad it's a happy ending :)
@EmC Inb4 Thanos snap
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I still haven't seen that >.>
A question: How do I ask fellow members on SE to put a bounty on my question on SO?
BG: I wasted some on a petty question. And this one is kinda important
Would it be inappropriate to ask?
@EmC Haven't even seen Infinity War yet? Too busy, or apathetic?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ apathetic, mostly. and spouse doesn't like superhero movies / doesn't know much about the MCU
@ankiiiiiii We'd really prefer if questions about online interactions aren't specific to SE/SO only... Let me look up the link ;)
and I don't like watching movies by myself
@ankiiiiiii It would be pretty weird to ask even if it's weird to ask
A: Is it ok to ask questions about issues on Stack Exchange? If so, where do we draw the line?

CatijaInterpersonal Skills is not the "court of public opinion" of Stack Exchange. If you have a serious grievance with the users, moderators, or community managers on this site or any other site in the network, that needs to be voiced (preferably in a calm and open manner) on the child meta of the s...

I think your question would fit better on Meta Stack Overflow, in fact, I'd be surprised if it isn't already asked there ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ You mean, using a gender-neutral pronoun? In any case, it depends if the verb is in present, past, future, conditional, etc... And if the verb comes from the "1st group", the "2nd group" or the third one
You'd have to brace yourself for the impact of downvotes too @Anki, and that's regardless of the fact that I'd say if your question isn't urgent, you shouldn't be asking it right now there, because the mood is, well.
@Ælis Yeah I was wondering about that third group thing.
In English, it's "We eat", for example, against "he eats"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ English is simple...
I guess I miscommunicated. @Tinkeringbell and @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ. This was a disguised request to do the same. Not that I was going to ask this anywhere.
@Ælis AHAHA the devil is in the details. I know your pronunciations are even weirder than your punctuation style guides tho.
@ankiiiiiii Ah. Well, that's usually a bit against chat etiquette ;) Just don't spam every room, people will notice and it may have consequences. I don't think I have the rep to put up bounties on SO.
@Tinkeringbell Yes you do, but you most probably don't wish to and neither do I (we don't wanna lose the privilege of downvoting)
I doubt it's an okay thing to ask even an 100k user.
So the privs are a side issue
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Oh? That's one privilege then that doesn't change on graduated sites?
Well, how can I put this? @Anki, you're basically, erm, asking for currency (read money)
@Tinkeringbell Meh, why should it? I think the original 25-rep bar there is so people don't go resetting themselves back to 1, that'd be way too discouraging.
@Tinkeringbell Yes I won't do that. I was a bit familiar and comfortable with people here so I thought better ask how people would receive it.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I don't know. I just thought everything like doubled upon graduation ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ First group, present: "je mange, tu manges, il/elle mange". Second group, present: "je finis, tu finis, il/elle finit". Third group, present, with a verb who end with "re": "je mords, tu mords, il mord". Third group, present, with a verb who end with "ir": "je cours", "tu cours", "il court". (There are other verb end for the third group, but let's keep things simple).
Like you know, those money grab games that make people "prestige" or whatever it's called and go back to the beginning
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Okay gotcha! Sorry about that
@Ælis Basically English but more elegant. And more caffeinated. (BTW thanks, those bolds seem painfully boring to format)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ TL;DR: "je" end with a "s" but sometimes not. "tu" always end with a "s". "il/elle" end with a "t" (mostly).
@Tinkeringbell Well, trusted user goes from what, 5k, to 20. Or 25. I forgot about privs. Too jaded.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Well, this is only for the present. Present, is very simple compared to all the past and future we use ^^
@Ælis And writing seems very simple compared to talking it
@ankiiiiiii if you're just looking to get more eyes on your question, maybe a better way would be to ask in a relevant chatroom?
When I listen to French it's like a never ending choo-choo behind a walkie talkie with lots of noise and terrible quality.
@Ælis Is that language evolution specific? I assume you know piraha tribe and their language
I mostly just hear zhzhzhzhzhzhzh
@ankiiiiiii Well I count around 10 languages where I can say present tense is subjectively objectively easier to learn than past.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ do you know 10 languages?! :o
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Well, we don't write the way we talk which can make it hard to learn to write when you know how to talk and vice-versa. But I wouldn't say that "writing is easier than talking". But I'm biased, I learned to talk as a baby when learning to write was a very, very painful process (learning to write in English was so very easy in comparison)
Persian, Turkish (not much different, this one. All verbs are inflectionally heavy and tough), Arabic, English, French, German, Russian, maybe Portuguese
@EmC No just 4. Or really, 3.5.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ That might stem from the conversations babies are exposed to. Like what are you doing going etc.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh that's more reasonable :P haha
@ankiiiiiii I don't know piraha tribe and I'm not sure I understand your question?
@Ælis Well, as a native speaker, you learned to link back writing to talking, and the spelling was the extraordinary thing. As an arrogant babble bubble who doesn't plan on learning French until a few years later, I can look blankly at both writing and speaking.
And don't forget humans have been 'talking' for as long as they've existed, but writing came from those Middle Eastern weirdos who ran out of things to do with their farming material.
They don't talk about Past or future or abstractions. Mostly present(in front of them) and concrete. So did French/the French at some point showed the same ?
One can get hints from ancient literature.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Maybe you find it difficult because you are not used to the sound we make but a Spanish person would find talking in French easier than you do?
@EmC You were in your late twenties, right? I'm planning to increase that 3.5 to 6 by then. So yeah, I can still show off.
@Ælis Spanish? Why Spanish?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Because French and Spain are neighbour so we mostly use the same sound
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ yep. nice! I know English and can read a tiny bit of Spanish..... but I just started using duolingo a couple days ago so hopefully will get better :)
I like grammar and still remember a lot of that from high school, but I'm bad at vocabulary
That's interesting. Spaniards sounded a lot like romantic Englishers to me (so did the Italians, more or less. Include more cooking and pizza) but la Francais seems to be an entirely different set of sounds. At least when you talk to interviewers.
I know you're standing on Spain's shoulders, but still.
@ankiiiiiii French is based on Latin and Latin used past, present and future, so... (if you want to learn more about Latin: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_conjugation )
@EmC You should totally drop that and use a book
@EmC scary! the bird is scary
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ how come?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Spanish, Italian, and French are all from the old Latin language when English and Dutch are Germanic language
@EmC Duolingo is going to teach you some random words and phrases, but it can at best get you to like A2 fluency level.
@Ælis That's useful when you comparing word roots but not after centuries of mutual interaction of all those European languages
(Spanish and Italian are easier that French thought, the rich in France made sure to make the language more complicated to distingue themselves from the poor and uneducated)
@Ælis I'll use this in my psychology of language class. Thanks
@ankiiiiiii You're welcome ^^
So what you can make of it is it's a sophisticated form of not-so-small talk.
I'm just stating an observation about a language totally alien to me (except fromage and patate) compared to other languages that are mostly alien to me
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Maybe, but Spanish and Italian still sound a lot like French when it's really not the case from Dutch and German (but the Spanish spoken in South America might sound closer to English)
. . . is there some fire over there? Ugh
Our hypocritical media loves when things are sounding not-so-good there and so enthusiastically reporting about the fire
@Ælis Yeah, German sounds distinct too.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ However where?
But Italian sounds like English if you were reading a crossword in normal reading order and ending everything in "-iano"
And Spanish sounds like English with some machismo
Hah, 'machismo'.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ We remember despacito -to -to -to
toto everywhere
I love the scene in Inglorious Basterds when Landa is teasing the Bastards who were posing as Italians
Trust me, I have learned both English and Spanish (and a bit of Italien too) and French is much closer to Spanish and Italian that it is to English
Marghariiiiiiiiiiiti, LOL
Music of Spanish lol
saw this last week
@Ælis I'll remember that! I'm probably learning some French after Deutsch anyway. It looks like a beautiful language
I would have learned Spanish but its applications seem so limited. Except to help sound more scholarly in English.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Good luck with your learning, I don't know if French is a beautiful language, but it's certainly hell to learn ^^ But if you learn French first, you will have no problem learning Spanish afterward
It's blocked here but that's OK, I've watched this movie no fewer than 10 times.
@Ælis Eh, I'll manage. I'm probably going to see the last of weird things dealing with German genders.
I mean, my mother tongue is Turkish, I went on to learning Persian, then English, then Arabic (vocab a lot like Persian, but pronunciation and grammar especially difficult), and now going to reignite my German lessons.
Certainly an odd bunch.
I first faced noun genders in Arabic. Soooo weird.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Haha, yeah, it must have felt weird. What will feel even weirder is when you will realize that a specific noun is feminine in a language but masculine in another. I promise you, that will be fun :p
Oh yeah, German doesn't disappoint in that regard
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Well, will see ^^
If there is not a global standard for kindness, then any effort that anyone using Stack Overflow makes to be kind is in vain. However, I believe that kindness is universal and I'm not the first person to make such an assertion. I also believe that being kind requires significantly more effort than not which is why kindness is in such short supply. And oftentimes, the kindest thing I can do is keep my mouth shut, which is why I rarely do anything as silly as post a question on Meta. — David Cullen 5 mins ago
Has a point.
Enough talking about me. Let's talk about politics.
Or religion.
Out of the frying pan into the fire.
You were frying this whole time?
With these temps? No other choice.
You'll fry whether you want it or not.
Hi! :D
Sounds about right.
Hi :)
@Tinkeringbell \o
10PM and the temperature is barely below 30... This is going to be one of those really hot nights again :(
Yesterday I was boiling a bit but today has been delightfully windy
And the night seems promising
I need to be super careful about an immature cold though.
I don't think I have to worry about cold or colds for a while :)
@Tinkeringbell You don't get good AC, or don't get tempted to use it?

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