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Q: Compatibility between shields

EdeniaDespite that I am new to Arduino, I am tasked to invent a serious alarm system and I chose Arduino. I study electronics, but virtually I am a software programmer and C is my area of expertise. I ordered the parts I think I will need and the time is immensely pushing me. The delivery goes slow an...

I don't want to disappoint you, but it seems a lot is at stake (robberies). Are you sure if you are new to Arduino / electronics, to create something critical in a short time, instead of buying a (probably more expensive) solution?
I agree with @MichelKeijzers that IF this project is for protection of a building then its a stupid idea. You should be able to purchase a commercial system with at least the same capabilities for not much more than you have already spent. I see the attraction in doing it for fun, but not for real. Would you operate on someone to remove their appendix? No, you don't have the skills and its unreasonable for someone to think you can jump into another field and just start achieving stuff.
That said, I think the kit you have selected isn't really good enough, any image processing requires much more grunt than an Arduino can provide, but you don't want the lack of real time of the Pi.
@CodeGorilla What if I buy second arduino, optimized for the screen only and connect it to the main arduino creating I2C bus. I also bought motion sensor as a condition to activate the camera, I bought 4 li-ion lg batteries for independent power supply.
@MichelKeijzers We have very limited resources unfortunately. And we only need to protect a room.. it's a small apartment.
@Ediana ... I hope you can finish it in time, I also have a 'hobby' project in mind, but it will take much longer than expected, but of course it's fun. I wish you all good luck (and see you already have tips/answers from others).
@Edenia - I understand what you mean, but I don't think it is the right way to go. Why have a screen on this system? Who are you showing pictures to? What about using a old smart phone, could you write an app for that and leave it connected to a PCs USB port?
@Edenia - Remote IP HD Camera ~ £17 (ebay), Arduino Uno ~£25.
@MichelKeijzers Thank you Michel. I am not a give-upper, I know there is a solution for everything. My programming experience has proven it.
@CodeGorilla there is no computer near the place I intend to mount the alarm (I called the project "AllArm" it's catchy), also I plan to make it electricity-independent (Well more like house electrification-independent). The screen I need for varying diverse configuration of the behavior and yes, you are right - eventually for showing pictures as well. I will be auto-calling police after all, they must know who are they looking for.
@Ediana That's the good spirit
@MichelKeijzers I play on midi keyboard :d I am really looking forward in the implementation of your project(s) too!
@Edenia ... I think my project will take at least one year to be 'useful' ... but so far I learnt a lot. It's slower (more detailed) than software engineering, but electronics is an interesting world (too).
@MichelKeijzers I agree.. and there is a potent relation between programming and electrical engineering. Are you experimenting with real midi devices? You can get rubbish midi devices and get parts from them. Then use a digital programmer and machine code to reprogram them.
@Edenia I have real midi devices indeed (synthesizers). I don't builtin in something into them, just make a device that communicates with them (like a MIDI message changer).
@MichelKeijzers Midi message changer? That would be.. remaping MIDI messages? It is useful, there is one very good, though paid software (It was actually hard to find it) that does that. (p.s Synthesizers are more complicated then plain midi keyboards afaik)
@Edenia ... yes, MIDI message changer, like remapping values etc in MIDI messages (dynamically). Can I ask which software product? There are also hardware solutions (which I need since I don't want a laptop on stage), but those hardware solutions are limited and costly.
@MichelKeijzers Bome MIDI translator PRO. It of course requires writing driver. Also I hear you don't want laptop on-stage, but such software code can be embedded into your own computerized device, with a few (or a lot) modifications nonetheless.
I don't want a 'MIDI device', only a device that can read and send MIDI devices (and maybe later more). And yes, I'm going to program everything inside. And creating a PC application to create some kind of installation file.
A device that can send MIDI devices? Hm. About the program, it's generally used to translate midi messages, I find it for very well-written. It has clear interface that hides a lot of advanced functionality.
No, a device with MIDI inputs and outputs that can change incoming MIDI messages (dynamically). Maybe I can get some nice ideas from that software to incorporate.
That program is indeed very alike with what I have in mind, but just in hardware (so more 'mobile')
@MichelKeijzers Yes, this is why I initially suggested it. Anyway what you plan to accomplish is very useful and I don't see why you wouldn't have success in mass-selling it too if you desire to.
I have not checked patents, also for selling the requirements would be much higher.
@MichelKeijzers @Edenia Hey there! I'm a mod here on Arduino SE. I've moved your MIDI conversation to a chat room here so you can both talk about MIDI and such while keeping the post comments for on topic discussion.
Enjoy both of your days! Ping me with @AnonymousPenguin (if you don't use that syntax I won't get a notification) if you have any questions or need any help! :)

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