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@P.E.Dant Thanks for the edits. :)
considering you did all the work and all i did was flounder, it's the least i could do.
but i DO wish you hadn't chosen the RAS syndrome phrase for the list in the first section
@P.E.Dant Your comment led me straight to the answer.
well now i can have my dram in good conscience!
thanks for the props
@P.E.Dant The what?? (Googling…) Oh. That was on purpose, but I never got around to pointing out that that's typical, and results from the way the "noun cluster" construction works.
there's probably an RAS answer somewhere already
@P.E.Dant There has to be! Hopefully someone will link to it.
StoneyB says "What we've really got a crying need for is an English grammar translated into the English language." CGEL tries hard but it's a flop imo. They make matters worse half the time.
ok i'm gonna watch a ballgame, ciao
Ciao! (P.S. "Baseball" is a one-word noun cluster.)

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