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Q: What are the consequences of completely banning fire and burning stuff?

Pritt BalagopalI was thinking of a world where environmentalists are voted into power, and have decided that humans should no longer pollute the natural resources or cause any sort of disturbance to other living creatures. Following this, all the land on Earth is completely evacuated and left for the forests t...

No more silicon, since that requires heat. That also means no more solar panels.
@PyRulez wouldn't electrical heating be possible?
No iron, no copper, no cement, no glass, and, sadly, no life: because life is combustion.
@PrittBalagopal oh, nvm
Really, any form of fire can be replace with electrical heat, since that is fire's only application. Even BBQ chicken.
@AlexP Exclude life (respiration), although it's human caused and intentional (I guess I haven't been clear). Can't the other stuff be electrically heated?
@PyRulez You can electricially heat and grill BBQ chicken? I thought we needed charcoal for that.
Respiration is not 'burning' unless you've redefined every oxidation based reaction to be 'burning'. I might as well say that my car is burning when it rusts.
@PrittBalagopal you could probably simulate it electrically:‌​ls
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Industrial complexes and even huge cities are not visible from the Moon. Why should they be visible from Earth if they were on the Moon? (aside from the complication of running them there...)
@L.Dutch I think the main reason why we can't see cities from the moon is because of the diverse landscapes on earth, the cities would blend in. But industries on the moon, well the moon is very barren and the industries would appear like a zit on it's surface. It would look terrible from the earth, and wolves would freak out. Correct me if I'm wrong.
To be barely visible by naked eye, an object distant 400000 km should be larger than 400 km. No single industrial building nor city is that big. And you can evenly spread them on the visible surface. Plus, you could simply cover the buildings with local stone to mimic them even more.
@PrittBalagopal You won't be able to see them, and wolves won't care; they (like moths) are not reacting to an image, but to the LIGHT of the moon in a dark sky. Chances are whatever you put on it is too small in scale to see: It is 2159 miles wide; if displayed on your screen every pixel would represent over one square mile. Animals won't notice or care. Most industries, for practical purpose to protect from radiation and micrometeorites, would burrow deep under the surface anyway; only the solar panels and observatories really need to be on the surface.
Wildfires (at least the natural occuring ones) are extremely important for the ecosystem.
If they're really insane enough to immediately stop all bushfires, etc. they're even worse than what's happening right now...
@dot_Sp0T yeah when I was in Autralia, in the desert they were even making controled fire themselves because it didn't burn enough!
And what do you want glass ceilings in the deep sea for? There is not light in the deep sea, having a glass ceiling would be of no use
So fire fighters don't get trained anymore? So I guess the answer is: Everyone would die in a blaze. The irony!

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