@Jean-philippeEmond in Text Mode - shortcodes are shortcodes. I think WordPress does some fancy-smancy javascript to get their shortcodes to display in Visual Mode but the default in the editor is just to display what the shortcode is instead of processing it.
it is on html mode.. (text-mode) I saw my fte_Account.. but in front-end.. it display only the echo value and not the return value.. well.. it should be to display the return value...
anyone know any good documentation written about menu forms in the admin panel? I'd like to stick with a default form structure if its desired before I go about building custom forms in a plugin. Just trying to stick to good WP practices.
admin is just a mess in general. I would say use some meaningful bits like POST endpoint, redirects, and stuff... but it's not something worth copying too hard
@Jean-philippeEmond Thanks :D ! Have fun on vacation or whatever it is you're leaving for!
Can anyone explain why using date_default_timezone_set() on plugins_loaded is a bad idea? I've narrowed down a plugin conflict to setting the timezone on said hook but I don't understand why it would conflict.