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@Bainternet Can you access the Crash Course linked in the welcome mail? I get a 404.
@toscho yep i can try this direct link chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/4/conversation/…
@Bainternet Ah, now I can see it too. I send an email, and some has been working very fast. :)
Does anybody here use a mechanical keyboard?
American culture. I simply don’t get it.
I have to say that is not a very good example of American culture lol.
Well, maybe it is.
Yeah American football is pretty dumb, I don't follow it
Meh. I'm a huge sports fan.
American football. Real football (soccer). Rugby.
I am a big winter sports fan
If I could, I would ski every day, all day.
I've never been skiing.
Went snowshoeing for the first time a few weeks ago, though.
Just not a big fan of being cold :-)
Well I am a Norwegian so I guess you could say it's in my blood lol.
Skiing is very expensive though..
Well if you're ever in the States, maybe we could to a WP ski weekend or something. Ya'll can break me.
I actually live in Wisconsin, born and raised but my family came to the US only a few generations ago.
That would be awesome though
Ever travel for WordCamps?
WPSE Ski trip!
Nope but I plan on going to the next one that's close by if I can make it
Well ... WordCamp Seattle is coming in May. Not close to Wisconsin ... but plenty of time between now and then to arrange a trip.
I have a good friend in Puyallup I could stay with, definitely would be a fun trip. I went to WA once for two weeks and loved it.
Flights are pretty cheap too
If you do decide to go, let us all know. We can do a WPSE hangout during the WordCamp.
2 hours later…
@Jared Finally someone who understands me :)
morning :)
Sad that there was no chance for 4 mods
It's all good. :)
What time is it there?
"What does 'data' mean? Where is it stored? Is it code or content?" - Brian Fegter
@BrianFegter Currently it is too late. I slept for an hour, left the computer on and trying to finally sleep for some time. Too much css stuff in my head...
Are you putting together a quote book of my famous nuggets on the site?
It's midnight here
on the US east coast
I'm in central europe :)
Vienna looks beautiful from photos.
Worth a visit. Worth a hundreds of visits. One of the best cities in the world :)
We only have Mickey Mouse here in Orlando
worth one visit for about three days max
Working on a plugin to generate a color palette per uploaded image attachment
Btw: Nearly everyone over here speaks enough english to tell you where you need to go.
@BrianFegter Sounds like WP-Kuler.
Maybe Adobe would sponsor that...
ha I think they would sue me
It's basically going to associate an attachment with a custom non-hierarchical tax hexcode terms
Not shure about that. When I worked at a printery, we did some Adope stickers and T-Shirts. I met the austrian CEO (or something like that) and had that T-Shirt on. The guy just laughed and asked for the stickers.
@BrianFegter 1st Q: One term or many terms?
Probably about 6-12 terms per attachment
@BrianFegter 2nd Q: How do you get the colors?
via GD
I forked a class that generates a common palette of colors from an image
Ah, ok. GitHub repo available?
No license info though...but it's public....so I am assuming it's open source
I contacted the author
No license available sucks...
yah it does
Btw: Never forget the Rule of 5 :)
No license means GPL2
Teach me the Rule of 5 oh sense
Simple: Brain & eye never catch more than 5 things without starting to count things. So never go beyond 5 if you don't want to interrupt tasks.
Interesting...I've never heard that before
That's the reason why for e.g. kuler.adobe.com/#themes/rating?time=30 doesn't take more than 5 colors into a palette.
Same goes for colourlovers.com and nearly everything else.
Good advice
Thanks for the tip. I wrote it down for future reference as well
One thing I always question myself when I'm talking about this to someone: Is this the reason why we got 5 instead of 6+ fingers per hand?
There's quite a few things you could do with the color data on the presentation side
I imagine a lot... endless possibilities
Is it for a client?
Tell that to Count Rugen of the Princess Bride lol
No, I'm on a mission to complete 10-15 useful plugins this month
He has six fingers
Ah, k. Don't know his royalty ...
Would be interesting if you take this colour scheme and use it for single post display. So take 5 colours: 2 primary, 2 secondary, 1 special purpose...
You should see The Princess Bride sometime
Would need a lot of testing with lots of crappy photos :)
that would be cool
I also see dynamic backgrounds to match galleries
Sorting by hex value
Oh yea. get_posts( array( 'orderby' => 'hex' ) ); ;)
I'll let you know how it goes
Would be interesting if you could intercept the orderby. I guess it could be possible with some sort of automagically added meta key of hex and then intercept on posts_where filter with if ( 'attachment' === $post->post_type )
@BrianFegter Wow. World Record. 38 downloads + 5 votes.
You know that MIT is not compatible ;)
Didn't know that
I can change it
Too late. Afaik change isn't possible ;)
I logged into my 5 accounts and rated myself lol jk
Btw: Nice code. But you should really start commenting your code
so, I'm breaking something else now lol with my MIT license
You're right. I have a bad habit of not commenting my own code.
I do lots of phpdoc all day long for my job
which I hate
Sidenote: I'm not sure how define exactly works, but I guess it's not typecasting stuff like 1 and 0, so it could be int as well ... ?
I always try to use true/false instead to be on the safe side.
@BrianFegter I love docBlocks in my IDE - close to fanatic - example: github.com/franz-josef-kaiser/Internal-Link-Check/blob/master/…
I use both depending on how I feel style wise.
Nice! Keep at me about commenting
it's my lazy habit of coding
Do you work for yourself?
What does "Keep at me about commenting" mean?
If you see any future code without comments, nag me about it. I have to start making it a habit
Ok, have to go to sleep for some hours now. Have a nice evening. And yes, I'll punch you :)
haha thanks. Good night
2 hours later…
@All What's the best flow chart software to use for brainstorming?
@StephenHarris Thanks
@Jared dont know the best but you can use MS Visio
or if you are the open source type: OpenOffice Draw
@Brady Thanks, I'll check it out.
@kaiser to what, GPL? perfectly is
@Jared there isn't one... I mostly use WorkFlowy which is not exactly flow chart but awesome enough to compensate
@Rarst The slogan for WorkFlowy sounds promising. "Organize your brain." Sounds like exactly what I need. :)
it's not enough for my brain... still great tool :)
1 hour later…
Grrr this irritates me. Fills a common requirement but their code is just not thought through... Why are they using get_pages() to return 5 posts when they only need one...
We should invite the author of the List category posts plugin to WPSE.
@Rarst Oh, I missed that.
the reason there are many questions is that he points to WPSE for support in plugin, I helped him setup pre-tagged link so it's less of a mess
@Rarst Then this shouldn’t happen.
don't look at me :)
Sometimes I get upvotes for answers I don’t even remember. I really, really hope this is something good. If not, I’m doomed.
still doesn't compare to my blog... that one gives me major "I wrote what three years ago?"
@Rarst Yes, I look up things on my blog too.
But I remember at least that I’ve written about this tpoic.
@toscho that may have been from me. Now and then I go around looking for 0 score accepted answers and upvote them if I feel they were good answers
I hate it when people accept my answers and I get no upvotes :(
So I go around spreading some love :)
@Brady Right now, it was this answer. I never touched BBPress …
@toscho Yeah that was me that upvoted you ;)
Oh. Thanks. :)
Strange, I remember the BBPress loader class but not my written answer.
morning guys, anyone got an idea about wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/43970/…
possible duplicate
Q: Add a custom meta box for client to order CPT posts how they want

Mr.BrownIm looking for a way to add a custom meta box to a custom post type that will allow the user/client order the posts to show up how they want on the site. Is this possible? Basically using a very similar functionality to "page attributes"...

Q: Query menu_order custom post types

cnotethegr8I added 'supports' => 'page-attributes' to my custom post type, and now i have the meta box for page ordering. When i use the argument 'sort_column' => 'menu_order' with get_pages() on my custom post type, everything orders properly. So why do the custom pages not order properly when i qu...

@anu what do you mean by how do I expose the menu order value on the admin listing screen for this CPT?
edit.php?post_type=CPT on this page?
@Brady y'know, you are like a moderator now... deal with it :)
@Rarst well I've determined they are not duplicate as anu is asking something else
ah, I didn't connect the two
@anu dansmart.co.uk/2011/09/… this any use?
deluxeblogtips.com/2010/05/add-custom-column.html and that should help you add a new column
@brady - adding a column isn't a problem, that's easy. trying to work out how to show the menu_order value, but that dansmart post should be enough. thanks
@anu ah ok. Doesn't $post->menu_order exist?
@Rarst I still haven’t figured out how migration works. Could you help me with this? Should be moved to SO.
@toscho close > off topic > belongs on another site > search for SO and choose it
@Rarst Thing is SO doesnt come up when I search
@Rarst Ah, thanks! Done.
@Brady it does for me
@Rarst ahh it does if I type it fully as StackOverflow
damn, we have huge diamonds... was pointed out in mod room and now I can't unsee it...
btw I advise you to fav mod room now, even if you don't hang out there - there will be mod pings
@Brady probably does - not thinking straight, i'll check
@Rarst I was thinking that earlier today hehe
@Rarst link?
@Rarst btw was I suppose to get an email or something with an introduction? If yes then I didn't get one :(
These Street view pictures are still awesome.
heh, we are still not snapped by Google... at least Yandex did
@Brady I’ve send you an email.
@toscho cheers :)
@toscho I take it was a manual process and they typed my email wrong ;)
@Brady Oh, yes, probably. Shouldn’t be the first time, I guess? ;)
@toscho not noticed it before. but l3rady is meant to look like Brady ;)
I can understand how the mistake was made
some days I just want to quit everything and work on Yahoo Pipes clone...
@Brady I once had a email address named [email protected] (with another domain, of course). I thought it was extra easy. People found at least a dozen ways to type it wrong.
I wish activity graph was always visible in sidebar... would be explanatory for people who hit chat during off hours and see it empty
@toscho that's what I like about email on your own domain... redirect everything to yourself, don't care about people mangling it... until they mangle domain of course
@Rarst Unfortunately, catch-all addresses are a spam magnet.
@toscho agreed and plus my issues is that people are mangling the domain bit of my email address
@Brady That’s one of the reasons why you should register the typo domains too. I made a client with a rather obscure domain name register a dozen domains with similar names recently.
@toscho It isnt that easy.... why do you think i bought l3rady.com? because brady.com was taken ;)
@toscho I have multiple email addresses mapped to single umbrella one, so I doesn't make a difference really... I get spam anyway, but I would hate to miss email from my bank or something :)
and most spam I get is because government sold out my email, nothing I can do about that :)
@Brady Well … alphabet gymnastic is not the answer to this problem. May take a look here?
brady.off.ai is cool. :D
I got asked on twitter why don't I own rar.st and I said - screw it at that price :)
@Rarst Switch your government.
@toscho they are mostly at same BS level in this age...
@Brady You could buy brady.bb and dive into BBPress!
brady.co.ck lol
dont want to change that to brady.loves.co.ck
maybe you can buy
loves.co.ck and sell subdomains to the gay comunity
brady.com.bo is cool too.
@Brady it kinda has live site on it already... :)
@Rarst do I dare visit lol
@Brady strangely it's not porn... I fail to see domain to content connection
@Rarst yeah thats a total mind ****
Dammit, I should buy toscho.bs and republish my chat conversations there.
@toscho don't talk bull s**t
rarst.at/home is still possible …
damn, new graphs in GA suuuuck :(
@toscho lol
@toscho you not doing a lot of work today?
@Brady i was just about to say that about you @Rarst and @toscho :)
@Brady Cannot find a focus. A friend died two days ago and the … emotional reactions start to raise up right now. :(
give me a break, I was in crunch mode for several months :) and I am actually getting work done today, it's just that I currently mostly have research and not coding on my plate
@Bainternet I have a lot of work to do. Im just busy avoiding it
@toscho Sorry for your loss.
Q: How long to allow for a user to make question better?

BradyLets take this question for example: I have created a wp plugin for my local server and downloaded it as a zip file to my wordpress site which is also on my local server There are many more like this where the question is really not clear what the user is getting at. In the comments many people ...

heh, yes - we have big bubble! stackexchange.com/sites?view=grid# people are jealous already :)
@Rarst how do you rate the jealousy?
@Brady by the fact that someone noticed and gives a damn :)
is the bubble size based on views/traffic/questions?
who knows... but someone does think of us fondly. for example we made into big pretty infographic about network and I never got to the bottom of why with our craptastic answered rate
1 hour later…
and it aint even wordpress related
@Brady You could add with WordPress to the title.
@toscho or he could, you know, close it... :)
@Rarst Let’s move it to outdoors.
This question has a very good ranking. Wow!
@toscho Google is sucker for SE
Logitech is going bonkers? logitech.com/news/cube
@Rarst its an evil companion cube in disguise!
@Brady How is the diamond fitting?
@ThomasMcDonald Am I in trouble?
Of course not.
:) wipes sweat from brow of forehead
Q: Photo gallery on profile page?

ArionIs there a way, (or a plugin), that allows members to have their own photos on their profile page? I want to limit the amount of photos to perhaps 50. Any suggestions??? Thanks in advance!!!

^ this is the bad kind of plugin-rec, right?
@ThomasMcDonald I like the diamond. Feel like a diamond geezer :)
> The question owner tries to describe something they can’t quite remember, in hopes that the greater community will “buzz in” to hazard an answer based on the limited information provided, like on a game show. The best guess gets upvotes, and potentially an accepted answer checkmark. It’s fun, right?
@ThomasMcDonald Im not closing it until there is some resolution here:
Q: Are theme and plugin recommendation guessing games?

RarstNetwork blog just had a post about "guessing game" type questions and issues with them. Should we take this as a hint and consider getting rid of theme and plugin recommendation questions? This came up several times and I think current points to consider are: some of recommendation questions ...

Oh yeah, I know
Just thinking out loud.
I want to remove them all :)
Our poor answer rate is partly to blame because of these types of Q's
as a recommendation this is crappy, as development this might make sense but needs effort from asker
@Rarst 90% of users dont make the effort...
so do we say right you're not allowed those types of Q's and let the other 10% suffer
I thought some more about answers on meta... main issue - we don't have clear cut algorithm to distinguish good rec from bad rec. and until there is one - trying to get rid of all or part of recs in bulk will just backfire
So what you are saying. Everyone should allows these Q's but close based on the quality of the Q
So if no effort from the Q user to make it very clear what they are after, then close
which is how things work right now
@Rarst yeah hence why my question on meta earlier
how long to give them?
see my answer on waiting - it depends really...
@Rarst personally Im happy to blanket with one week like toscho suggested
if you can keep track of it... I tend to give it couple of days (if not close right away) and often it just flows away from me
@Rarst can moderators use flags for themselves?
so moderator can flag for later?
or not recomended?
moderators flags are binding, so they usually just obliterate post immediately or something like that :) not recommended unless you mean to do bad things to it
@ThomasMcDonald that took longer than expected to blow up... :)
@Rarst Indeed.
@Rarst haha we wasnt happy bout that :p
thats how he got his gold badges :)
If we dont allow those types of questions then I dont see many people getting great question badge
plus his maths is wrong
apparently we only have '790 users with a rating of 1'
although I presume he means users that can upvote, of which we have 3766
time to work on my blog a little
or play Battlefield.
@ThomasMcDonald BF3?
@ThomasMcDonald I returned that game to EA
and recently sold my two XFX 6970's on EBAY
my gaming is over for awhile
@Brady awww... why so?
@Rarst because Im on a bit of a fitness and health fad :)
ok :)
and a personal trainer aint cheep. hence selling my GFX cards
what next? fancy SSD? giant display? :)
@Rarst I have them already
I means selling next
No I'm not selling my SSD or IPS monitor. Once I'm all sexy from all the working out I've done I might sell my body :)
@kaiser please don't flag unless it needs moderator attention. Telling EAMann to shoot you doesn't need the attention of all moderators ;)
@Rarst do you think we can temp ban @kaiser for wasting precious moderator time? /jk
@Brady You're allowed to shoot me too. @EAMann was just closest :)
@kaiser POW POW!
You're dead I shot you first. You must lay on the floor until some one comes and rescues you.
only kryptonite can kill me
[1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [type] => image/png
                                    [href] => a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1859793258/PS2_normal.JPG
                                    [rel] => image

in PHP how do I get to @attributes
wait a sec. have that somewhere
@Brady it should support array access
do I have to use xpath()?
@Rarst example of what you mean?
A: PHP - Simple XML attributes problem

GordonYour are trying to iterate a string, not an array $item->Image->attributes()->source To iterate all the attributes of the Image element, use foreach ($item->Image->attributes() as $attributeName => $attributeValue) { If you just want to output the value of the source attri...

ok. avoids searching. fine :)
'image' => $entry->link[1]->attributes()->href
seems to work
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($feed);
$tweets = array();
foreach($xml->entry as $entry) {
    $tweets[] = array(
        'published' => $entry->published,
        'content' => $entry->content,
        'image' => $entry->link[1]->attributes()->href
returning something weird...
    [0] => Array
            [published] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [0] => 2012-02-29T15:21:50Z

            [content] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [type] => html

                    [0] => FT House & Home takes a look at Ladbroke Grove, including @<a class=" " href="http://twitter.com/PortobelloSq">PortobelloSq</a> <a href="http://t.co/1Hd47wrx">http://t.co/1Hd47wrx</a>
why is it converting published from string to SimpleXMLElement Object?
@Brady use array notation, see links above
    [entry] => SimpleXMLElement Object
            [id] => tag:search.twitter.com,2005:174877040711966721
            [published] => 2012-02-29T15:21:50Z
            [link] => Array
                    [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [type] => text/html
                                    [href] => twitter.com/PortobelloSq/statuses/174877040711966721
^^ thats my XML
so to get the content its simple $entry->content
I dont see any other logical way to get it in a string
give me input
$feed = file_get_contents($feed);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($feed);
$tweets = array();
foreach($xml->entry as $entry) {
    $tweets[] = array(
        'published' => $entry->published,
        'content' => $entry->content,
        'image' => $entry->link[1]->attributes()->href
my output being:
    [0] => Array
            [published] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [0] => 2012-02-29T15:21:50Z

            [content] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [type] => html

                    [0] => FT House & Home takes a look at Ladbroke Grove, including @<a class=" " href="http://twitter.com/PortobelloSq">PortobelloSq</a> <a href="http://t.co/1Hd47wrx">http://t.co/1Hd47wrx</a>
which is not what I expect it to be
Wait, who is it I need to shoot and why?
Nevermind. :-)
@EAMann I think he is gob smacked by the long answer you gave
Mighty impressive I must admit
I've been known to give even longer ones if I'm in the mood :-) This one didn't even need any screenshots.
But when I saw it my first impressions was TL;DR
Yeah... you missed the other fireworks that necessitated that particular response then.
$tweets[] = array(
'published' => (string) $entry->published,
'content' => (string) $entry->content,
'image' => (string) $entry->link['href'],
@Rarst lol I was thinking of trying type casting...
but I thought nahhh it cannot be that
SimpleXML is not a stadard vanilla object, it's nasty hugely complicated thing
don't expect it to work in straightforward ways
@Rarst thanks for the help as always ;)
I've done the same type casting on SimpleXML before, quite effective.
Just got a spam mail from William with subject: "I want marriage" lol!
@ThomasMcDonald your question here:
Q: What is the range of the EOD bot?

Thomas McDonaldI've recently unlocked the EOD bot, and while playing around with it (and being hopelessly ineffectual with it) I've noticed that after I have driven a certain distance away I will return back to first-person view. Running towards the EOD bot will allow me to take control of it again. How far ca...

ah nvm I didnt read fully
I found that sometimes the EOD bot would self destruct if driven recklessly
but you dont have that issue as you say you can come closer and the bot works again
yeah, I found it odd. I drove a distance and the bot disconnected
I then ran forward a little, and I could drive the bot a bit further forward
Hey everyone. Live from wordpress meetup in london
Live sounds ominous.
chat is not mobile friendly....
2 hours later…
Fun with WordPress’ media management: upload a file named .gif. :D
Oh, ..gif is nice too.
Afternoon everyone
Howdy Jared
Tips on getting my "boss/client" to stop giving me ~5 plugins/themes at a time to work on? :P
@Jared Simple. Break all five.
@Jared work on them as good as you can and let him suffer consequences he conjured upon himslef
To be honest: I have almost the same problem. Just without a boss.
He had another developer literally throw a plugin together (it was horrible) and I took it, redid the entire thing in a couple days. Now he is under the assumption that I can make anything in a couple days.
Oh well it's kinda good I guess, pushing my limits.
Why do people use GitHub and similar things? As in the main purpose?
@Jared off-site repository, repository for multiple people (as in working together or as in showing/sharing your stuff)
@Jared Easy deployments between different environments
@Jared Our company's main client uses SVN and we make deployment requests by providing SVN commands for stage and production environments
@BrianFegter there isn't really difference in that regard between github/alike and simply a repository
@Jared Internally, we use GIT for upthemes.com themes because like @rarst said, we have multiple devs working on a theme at one time
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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