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I'm a bit anxious to see how the election turns out lol
1 hour later…
morning peeps
2 hours later…
@Rarst Could you help me understanding something?
@kaiser I could try... tiresome morning, brain not on yet
Thanks. For some reason plugins_url() adds me a the the full path into my url, after altering the const WP_CONTENT_URL
This is the (only) affected line: define( 'RWMB_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
which then turns out: http://example.com/content/plugins/C:/dev/development/xampp/htdocs/example.com/‌​content/plugins/FILENAME.js
The problem seems to be inside plugins_url() (inside link-template.php), where $folder = dirname(plugin_basename($plugin)); adds the full path...
I could hard-fix it with the filter (which would be stupid), but I really want to know the why. Maybe you got any idea?
@Rarst nvm. seems that I found the problem.
I like when things work like this...
:) I reworked some of the dir structure and moved for this to a new local install. Just forgot to move one plugin.
morning all
everyone get their WPSE swag?
not me...
@rarst well i only got mine yesterday - thought there was going to be a pen as well, but only a tshirt and 2 stickers (says the person being ungrateful for getting not enough free stuff!)
our mail is not known to work nice...
I hadn't timed how long it took for my mod swag to arrive, but not fast...
yup, was thinking it might take a little extra time to get to you
Still haven't got it.
@Brady how do you handle $.ajax(), when no result was found (no error/header 200)? Searching for the error message jqxhr.responseText during .complete() is annoying...
are you sending back json?
If so I put back by own status
so I send in the data array("success" => false, "error" => "Ooops!");
then in the JS callback I check success if true or false
Inside .success()?
if false alert the error and then tidy up
no i do it in the response
My problem is that I need to update some stuff after the success, using .complete(). And inside there I've the actual status and jqxhr.response. There I only have the JSON as (string) responseText: "{"success":false,"error":"No results","statusText":"error"}"...
,function( response ) {
Now I can do complicated substring() stuff for different types of errors, but that's far from ideal.
Im not sure what the diff is between repsonse,complete,success
response is just the object. I named it response inside .success() and jqhxr inside .complete().
.complete() triggers after .success/error() and should be used to update stuff, etc.
Problem is, that when I'm intercepting to display an error dialog during .success(), I've to abort inside .complete() too. But I don't know how (aside from checking the string)...
Have you tried switching it off and on again?
Be back on later. I have to clone my HDD and move it over to the new SSD
hm... how to move users from one site to another? just overwrite completely? I thought it's as simple as copying users table over but apparently isn't
never mind, my brain is still off... needed to move usermeta table as well
@Rarst facepalm
grrr not getting very far with cloning my HDD
Because Im going from a 500GB to 250GB drive I need to shrink my 500GB partition to under 250GB for the clone to work
Q: WordCamp Phoenix Follow-up

EAMannYes, I'm breaking all the rules by posting a non-question. Since we don't yet have a separate WPSE blog, this seemed the most appropriate venue for a post-WordCamp discussion. This past weekend, I left the frozen, drizzling weather that is my hometown of Portland and made the trek to the sunny d...

1 hour later…
anyone played around with _s yet?
@anu I was talking to a couple of the guys who write it last night, but I haven't had a chance to dig in just yet ...
thinking about using it as the basis for a new project
Me too, actually. What kind of a project? I'm curious :-)
a client site - i'm just tired of starting with other themes / frameworks that take an age to grok, and where you end up modifying almost everything, so thinking about starting with something completely minimal
Same boat here. I think it'd be easier to start with _s than to build something 100% from scratch. It's already got the right loop templates and theme hierarchy built-in.
Should make things move a bit faster.
yup, that's what i figured!
I always thought you guys use your own base theme.
I never took the time to make a base theme ... so I end up doing things the hard way :-(
most of what i've been doing with WP over the last couple of years has been back end integration work - i've used one off the shelf theme as a base for front end stuff, but i've finally come to the point where i want to not have to deal with someone else's opinion!
I don’t even accept contracts where I have to work with other people’s theme. Too many dependencies.
@toscho where i have to do front end stuff i think i'll adopt the same policy!
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If the "other" theme is a well-known system, I'll work with it.
So, if it's Genesis, TwentyEleven, or a child theme of either, I'll usually take the job.
But if it's a custom "I bought this from a marketplace" theme with a lot of non-standard hacky code ... I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole.
I got my WPSE t-shirt! I feel much better now. :)
got a note from the postal service that there's something to pick up. Seems package arrived finally :)
hey all, I just want to add one line of php when a wordpress page loads: if ( isset($_GET['invalid_password']) echo "invalid password";
any idea where I can put it?>
2 hours later…
Q: WordPress Answers Top User Swag

Rebecca ChernoffAs a thank you for being awesome, if you have at least 890 reputation and are on page 1 or page 2 of … http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/users?tab=reputation&filter=all … we'll be sending you a little care package shortly: WordPress Answers t-shirt in your size WordPress An...

@kaiser Did you ever figure out your problem with $.ajax()?
Because I found this on the jQuery site and thought it would be helpful
@Jared No. Currently I intercept the string with an unnecessary complex substring statement. Then check for string true/false for error, extract the message and add it via js as the dialog title.
@Jared Thanks for the link and code. But it won't help. I already found a way to acchieve the same thing: Just add a 404 header along with the response.
The problem is that it's not actually an error. It's just "No results", so I want to avoid sending an 404.
Oh I see that makes sense
@kaiser No results is 204.
@toscho Thanks. I already considered sending 204 too, but I wanted to leave the backdoor open for other feedback messages that are result blockers and still be able to handle the outcome in js...
Point is that - in this case - I'd have to rethink a lot of the logic in the php class and not in js, as I planned to do.
@toscho @Jared FYI I just gave 204 a try. $.ajax( { ,error: function() { doesn't take 204 the same way as it takes a 404. It simply adds to success: function() { with a response of null.
The problems with this are: A) No possibility to translate strings with php gettext and B) it lets the complete part execute - which then is missing the data. So sadly also a no-go.
1 hour later…
@kaiser Kudos for taking on questions from needy non-devs. You have more patience than I :-)

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