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Yay. Chat room is still here :-)
But lonely
Rory Alsop has unfrozen this room.
And now unfrozen
Can some kind of data dump for closed beta sites be found somewhere?
If yes, it is in somewhat readable form? Or will I need to have SQL installed locally to be able to read content of the posts?
There is this post on Meta.SE: Data dump of closed beta sites. It mentions:
> The data dump of some closed beta sites are available in xml format.
However, I do not see from that meta post where should I look for such data dumps.
> The knowledge that went into these sites is not lost. In keeping with our promise not to hoard what was given freely, all content on closed sites will be available for download from the Area 51 page corresponding to each site, in the same format and with the same open license as the data dumps for graduated sites.
But I still do not see where to look for the data dumps... :-(
Ok, I see that for this site the data dump is linked here: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/4296/personal-productivity I found it through google. Is there a way to find closed proposals (and their data dumps) through SE/area51?
2 hours later…
Closed proposals: no
They don't really have data dumps
Proposals are different to sites
Completely different

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