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A: How high can you count?

ETHproductionsJavaScript, score 16, 179 bytes They said it couldn't be done, so I did it :D (thanks to a lot of help from @FullDecent) !!/!//!!/!/ C=CSS==CSS;C<<C 3 `${-``}xf`-`${-``}xb` 5 6 7 8 9 ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] 11 4444444444444444444%44 222>>2>>2 '.length.length'.length 0XF ~isNaN()*~isNaN()*~isNaN()*~is...

Why not use 33/3 for 11?
@Neil Because I'm dumb :P
This was my attempt to score 13: +!!{}, -~-~'', 3..8, 0xd&0xb, 11^1, 99/9, 2*2*2|2*2, [,,,,,,,,,,,,,].length; maybe it gives you some ideas.
@Neil Thanks, you've inspired some rearrangement, though mine still doesn't look anything like yours :)
!""|"" is another way to do 1, and it frees *
!!CSS|!!CSS or !!CSS&!!CSS is another way to get 1 and it frees " and *~~C
!!/b/|!!/b/ .
Thanks @FullDecent, those are some very good ideas. I'll add one of them if I can figure out how to get 16 with the remaining chars...
I don't know if this counts, but there are other ways to get 10, like ((!!CSS|!!CSS)+""+(CSS|CSS))
Improvement on 15 C=CSS==CSS;C<<C<<C<<C|C<<C<<C|C<<C|C, if we need ~ back
@AndreaLazzarotto Hahaha, that's hilarious xD I swear he said something wrong in there but I promptly forgot what it was because I was too busy laughing again
Yeah, it's amazing. I think I already watched it 4 times in the last year. :D
@FullDecent It'd be easier to do C=CSS==CSS;C<<C<<C<<C<<C for 16 (which avoids both | and ~), but that won't really work if we use = and < for 15...
Wait... I could do ~true*~true*~true*~true for 16... hmm...
@FullDecent Thank you so much, I found a 16 :-D
Maybe we can get 17. Swap, 15 is 0XF, 2 is C=CSS==CSS;C<<C. This frees up ^. Now can do some digit magic like 999/9/9 = 9 and 999^99 = 17. (That math does not actually work.)
@FullDecent That's just so genius. 25 bytes saved, and we now have both ^ and | to work with. Unfortunately I don't think we have any literals but regexes...
@FullDecent We could use !!/!//!!/!/ to get 1 (that may be the most convoluted expression I have written in my life, but it really does work). This uses /, but gives us back " and &. Any more ideas?
@ETHproductions In case you come to a dead end, I took your answer and ran with it for a while (ES7, also counts to 16). It might be too different to incorporate into yours at this point, but hopefully you get more ideas. :)
6 hours later…
Just a small thing, you only have these <space>"#&,:?@ABDEGHIJKLMOPQRTUVWYZ\^_cdjkmopqruvwyz| characters remaining, what you state in your answer is slightly off
4 hours later…
@KritixiLithos Thanks, I fixed my answer.
7 hours later…
I managed to make 17 integers. See my CW:
@GOTO0 You're using two .s unfortunately :-(
1 hour later…
@FullDecent @darrylyeo @GOTO0 I did it, thanks for all of your help :D
The one thing that bugs me is the use of the ES7 ** operator. I could almost take it back down to ES6 by replacing !NaN with !!URL in 5, and using isNaN()|NaN for 1, but then I'm using () in both 1 and 2
@ETHproductions Awesome work!
For what it's worth, C=CSS==CSS;C<<=C<<C<<C for 2 bytes.
If you need to reclaim lowercase a, you can replace 5 with !--URL- -!URL- -!URL- -!URL- -!URL.

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