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I have arrived
Codenames could theoretically be played in three, if one player acts as a double agent.
I still can't figure that one out, waiting for a good answer to my question ;)
@Techidiot ?
Codenames or Spyfall? What are we playing?
I'd prefer Spyfall
Oh, that's why you asked
Hey does anyone know how to do strikethough?
---like this---
triple dashes
In an answer, I mean
<s>like this</s>
@Mithrandir what do you see around you?
@JanDvorak A lot of impatient people.
@Techidiot Why are you here today?
To take something that does not belong to me
wait what???
The game just switched
Which one applies now?
Let's finish the old one quickly
Oh we've started
are we at a supermarket?
Oh we've finished
I was going to ask a question to Jan :p
That's what I get for rushing :-D
Are we playing the new one now?
Alright. @Avantgarde, you here?
now for the new game
@JanDvorak Yes, I'm here
hang on a sec
@Mithrandir, I mean
let's make sure avant knows what is going on
@Avantgarde see the example above - the messages in bold
@Mithrandir okay
Do you understand how it works now?
Oh, sweet, yet another restart
Here, @JanDvorak was the spy. The location was the Bank. I was customer, and @Techidiot was a bank robber
(I'm guessing)
I was a robber. Yes
Please don't anybody press start game or anything
@Mithrandir I understand somewhat. I'll get the hang of it once I play
Alright, so let's start. @Wen1now you start
@JanDvorak What do you see?
I see lots of people
@Mithrandir Do you enjoy it here?
@JanDvorak It can be dull at times, but at least I have a good job... and a nice position of power ;)
@Avantgarde what time did you get here?
@Mithrandir About 10 minutes ago
(and now you have to ask the next question to someone else, but not the person who asked you)
(got it)
@Wen1now Is it loud where you are?
Yes, everybody is chatting but I expect they will soon settle down
wen and jan are clear IMO
@Techidiot Has anything interesting happened?
Well, watching the people nicely dressed, and enjoying makes me think that something good has happened.
@Avantgarde Are there any kids here?
@Techidiot Nope
@Mithrandir What are people around you doing?
bold, please
You can bold it ^ Also, no need to tag the asker. You can simply answer.
Laughing and talking, and some people are drinking a bit.
Ok thanks
@Wen1now Do you like the people in charge?
Deep down, not really, but of course I have to pretend I do
@JanDvorak Do you like the people around you?
Yep. I've had plenty of time to get to know them, especially Mith.
@Techidiot What is the ceiling made of?
It's a usual ceiling. Nothing fascinating. Quite boring place though
STOP I accuse Wen
Why me?
I was spy, gg
I don't think this corporate party will settle down anytime soon
btw Were we at a Corporate party
The question you asked was a level 0
When it was around 2nd or 3rd question :)
I was expecting a better question - and yes, Corporate party
I was an entertainer.
Accountant here. I like this game
I should've guessed...
@Mithrandir's comment gave me a false sense of security :(
hey, did everybody just leave?
I'm here
You seem to have left
@Avantgarde You left the game
You can rejoin
Yeah, I gtg, have fun guys!
I see Wen having left
I didn't press the "leave game" button.
Btw Whoever does the Spyfall explanation, please put in bold that you don't need to change rooms every time
It gets soo annoying when people are randomly making new keys and stuff
But then again a key dies automagically after two hours, so it's better / needed to rotate them occasionally
@Wen1 joining again?
Nah, I gtg... have fun :)
4 player game. Ready Jan, Avant, Tech?
Jan, you're up
@Techidiot How did you get here?
I got here using a train
... the lobby died again
@Mithrandir Are you afraid of being here?
The game died
I remember my role, but it would still be nice if it didn't keep dying
I gotta go, but this was fun. I'll be back soon
I guess we can't play now, not enough players
@Avantgarde were you the spy?
Oh well. I'll take a wild stab and say we're in... WWII?
Military base
Close :)
Close :)
Bye bye!
@JanDvorak No, I wasn't! I was a tank engineer
2 hours later…
Stretches arms and yawns
switches tab to see what's going on
Oh, a thing is happening?
Was anyone writing the Spyfall explanation for meta? (I just started working on it)
@BusinessCat Just go for it anyway
@BusinessCat You must include that image ;P (just kidding)
I still say it'd be better having a detailed explanation of the games
@n_palum yeessss, that's what it's for
Nothing against Rand, but they hardly play so I'm not sure why they did a write up
See the Codenames answer.
@Mithrandir Not much of a fan of that write up either, just kinda gives cues and shiro commands plus some screenshots
feel free to write more answers
Oh, I'd appreciate if someone actually included an example game in their answer.
Sounds like a lot of work
Weeding through all the nonsense between every turn of codenames or every question of spyfall
make one up
A short one
Yawns cries and shrugs all at once
I already wrote a bunch of meta responses today D:
A: What are these chatrooms with names like 'Codenames', 'Contact', and 'Spyfall'? What are they for?

Business CatSpyfall Overview Spyfall is best played with 4 or more players. All players are in some location. This could be a circus tent, a space station, a theater, etc. Each player is also assigned a role for the location; this might be an acrobat for the circus tent, an alien for the space station, an...

Let me know if there's anything unclear or anything to add
@BusinessCat Seems fine to me.
45 mins ago, by Mithrandir
Oh, I'd appreciate if someone actually included an example game in their answer.
I'll look into it
I found out Hospital is one and it isn't in the link we use D:
It isn't?
Pretty sure it is
Remember when Rubio perfectly described a hospital
And I took an eternity to realise it.
Oh it is
Okay phew
@BusinessCat I'd recommend just using the example game from the rulebook.
I feel like we do the same 5-6 places
Hospital is definitely there :P
yeah, I wish we could add our own locations
well, without hosting it ourselves
If whispers were a thing we could use a bot like shiro, but sadly that's not an option
You'd still need 7 roles too though
Not too hard to think of imo
Depends on the location, also I suck at being creative so...
Well then you can just play :P
So.. are we playing this or codenames XD
I can? Woohoo! I get to be blamed!
are we playing?
why hide it?
(adding more)
Arg, I keep forgetting I'm not RO in here lol
I went to go look at the history of the deleted message and was denied haha
ROs can see deleted messages?
Oh yeah, add the list of ROs in the answers too
We frequently update the ROs.
so are we playing a game of the fall of spy?
I'm RO in both of the other game rooms, just not this one :P
adds don't care for your jokes
One of the answers says ROs are just those who frequently play, but I think it should also highlight they are trusted users just so people don't assume "I play a lot" I can be an RO too
@Mithrandir Don't you mean Regular red-faced fury of Jim, a puzzler (5)? :P (thanks)
And that Codenames answer needs more. Including that Shiro has limits like a whitelist
Did I reload your page?
Yeah, in the middle of typing :P
Yeah, Shiro only listens to "trusted users".
1 min ago, by Kritixi Lithos
so are we playing a game of the fall of spy?
I'm up for either
I will create a new game
Code: powhsf
We should attempt to do some key hiding imo
no, don't include the link
For anti measures?
Or just delete things afterwards
@KritixiLithos Why?
I don't really want to play spyfall with this few people
The link is much faster to connect to anyhow. That's why I put it up
4 is pretty hard
We have like 6 people?
If mith/bc play
5 with mith I think
otherwise I'm fine for moving to codenames
cat's in here? haven't seen him talk
right now it's just two in the lobby
Cat said they're around earlier
Oh yeah I'm here
@n_palum That font again?
Umm do I really need the list of locations in my explanation? It'll be too much of a wall of text to include the example in addition to that
I don't think it's necessary personally
Anyhow, I'm ok with playing either game.
I'd prefer codenames atm since I'm not paying full attention
I'd just like to pick one so we can paly
...Zalgo? Seriously?
...Gandalf? Seriously? :P
it's better than zalgo text
Well if cat/deus joined, that's 6
oh, never mind
as for locations, here are a couple off the top of my head:
pizza shop: manager, angry customer, baker, cashier, delivery person, diner
courtroom: judge, defendant, defense attorney, prosecutor, audience member, plaintiff, bailiff, juror
convention: host, speedrunner, cosplayer, obsessive fan, security guard, booth runner, ticket collector
concert: performer, fan, security guard, merchandise seller, audio mixer, lighting controller, backup dancer, stage crew
(not all of them have 7 roles, but I tried to get some varied ones)
Some of those have good overlap with other locations too, poor poor spy lol
5 people now
We've already got restaurant, do we really need pizza shop?
oh, is restaurant one? I haven't seen it pop up
and I guess I kinda forgot about it :P
I would think juror could be a role in the courthouse too
oh duh, juror - I meant to put that in but completely forgot it
@Deusovi Concert could have stagecrew
I think pizza shop could be a bit different from restaurant but it's close
like the theater one haha
start game?
@Deusovi game of 6?
@n_palum yeah, maybe we could make it "fast food restaurant" instead of regular restaurant
gah I hate theater - some say movie some say play and it's play
@dcfyj yep, that concert/theater overlap was intentional c;
@dcfyj sure
@n_palum It's clearly play
@Deusovi I'd say fast food and pizza shop could be two then

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