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17:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

I don't live directly here, no, but I'm not too far away
Oh, that looks like something :p
I'm not sure letting people know exactly when they've been ruled out by you is a good idea
@BusinessCat do you like your coworkers?
^^ not too early, better off marking on the site
@Techidiot You have 2 mouths? :S
Too many extraneous hints being given :P
I do. Some of them are still learning, but very capable.
@dcfyj Wrong way around - Tech has no mouths but two hats
are we at school
^ That works too
Nice trap
university was my other guess xD
university haha
You know I hadn't even been asked anything yet
I'm a psychologist so I work with grad students sometimes :P
There's a reason why both are on the board - you need to wait until you're sure which one :P
I am the professor. So everybody, listen to me.
@BusinessCat they aren't your coworkers though?
Oh well :P
why would school be wrong if uni was the answer?
Maintenance Man ager!
different places
on the board
Because they're two separate locations
I felt everyone was giving away school/uni so my answer was supposed to sound more school ish
There's two separate locations - one for school and one for university
oh. ok, hadn't seen the board :)
anyone else joining
Last game!
mine too
gerbil's up
(I'm out)
@Sp3000 Cya. Enjoy the weekend!
@manshu Do you need to squint sometimes?
I have joined
Long weekend because we get to celebrate a monarch we barely associate with, so should be good
What does squint mean? :/
What holiday is that?
@Sp3000 Nice. Plan a tour :)
@manshu Squeeze your eyelids together to try and see better
@manshu squint your eyes, to see further
oh that..
I read eyelids as eyeballs and then tried squeezing my eyeballs...
Queen's Birthday (and no it's not actually on the birthday, but the second June Monday)
Which Queen? The British Queen?
Sometimes, when there is too much light out of it
Yeah the British Queen
@Techidiot Do you like working here?
(sorry for the rephrase)
I don't work. I help. And helping someone makes me feel good
It's okay to rephrase :)
quickly rephrases the question after the answer
@n_palum What do you eat here mostly?
It's not really relevant, I don't have time to eat with all I have to do
@dcfyj Would you come for work and pleasure?
Just Pleasure
I also think this round is going to be awkward because I have already realized those here have interpreted things differently.
I have no idea who's actually in right now, the list keeps growing...
^ Same here. But, I think @Forklift and @JanDvorak joined later..
ah sorry
@G_as_in_Gnome Do you get scared sometimes?
yes, we were last I think
is this the same game?
I used to be, but now i'm used to it
Yes.. and I can leave any moment now. (unless we wrap this up quickly)
I didn't actually miss too much
I've not paying a whole lot of attention as I needed to look something up (unrelated to this)
I know Jan joined late, but Jan isn't here, so I believe it's not actually them.
who hasn't been asked?
Beats me lol
@n_palum True
I don't even know who's playing
@BusinessCat What do your peers do
@G_as_in_Gnome BG/BC
I not been asked but have asked
But, I think BG is good.
Help make sure everything is right for you and your peers
BG hasn't been asked?
yeah...he was the first
Nope, neither has Fork and I think they were in game intime
But his question seemed alright to me
@manshu been asked is the opposite of asking
I have a role in the game
@Forklift Do you see a lot people around you?
@Forklift That doesn't mean you got in before it started
He joined
after the game started
@dcfyj I know. My "yeah" was like "yes you are right"
I do, yes.
Ask bg instead of fork
ah ok
BC and NP(with that kind of smart answer) are suspicious atm
WEll looks like Fork answered
@Forklift If you join after the game was initiated, you still get assigned a role, but you are automatically not the spy, therefore making you irrelevant to the solution.
missed a set of stars, but yes
It's fine we're just determining if it matters asking you, and bold is the format for Q/A
No need to apologize
okay I really need to go so
Anyway, you did answer, so you can ask a question.
we are at the theater
Oh of course.
I think Gnome is the new "always spy"
Gnome is fighting me for most spies in a day
It was between ww2 and theater lol
anyways guys
@G_as_in_Gnome ww2? I answered pleasure :S
I have to go; enjoyed the games :)
I assumed Gnome was an actor with that answer
I would like to point out that some people took this as a Movie Theater, when I believe it's supposed to be a Play Theater, as I was a Director
I also should go now.
oh yes, totally overlooked that xD
I was a stagehand (I think)
@n_palum It's a play theater
For future reference, what is the Crew Man role?
Ergo, eating is irrelevant.
As I recall, actor is one of the roles for theater
@BusinessCat Could just be stage crew. Props, lights etc
Ok so I was thinking the right thing
Anyhoo that one is broken so don't bother resuming it.
we going again?
I'm pretty sure that's not Jan
If it were, I'm sure he would've said something by now
(that was pinging him to see if he'd respond, not asking)
let me guess, someone just appeared with that name? of course
He's in the lobby (at least his name is)
None of the Jan are real
I'd be okay moving somewhere less intrude-able like Contact
heh, the name just changed to Random jumping troll (9, 8)
sounds better to me
just ignore it
yeah, moving on
Tbh I don't want to play Spyfall with only 4
D: I missed a game
2 hours later…
@Deusovi Not a spy indeed
... or even present
17:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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