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@Wen1now lots, but it gets a bit dull after a while
What's this?
@deus How long have you been coming here?
Can I join in halfway?
Not really. But rounds are short.
@boboquack starred stuff on the side should show you how
I've been coming here pretty much daily for a while.
Stop. Deus is the spy.
i'm for it
I kinda have to come here or nothing happens.
I don't think so
His answer matches the previous one
You hush spy boy
we have 2 spies?jk
(I'm not even mad, "you hush spy boy" is hilarious)
^ it is
alrigt then , continue
I've got my eye on you
I think we're giving ffao too much info
Stop WWII squad
Why's it matter what they get?
Nope! It was the passenger train.
I had literally no clue
Deus was driver right?
conductor I mean
ffao answered 0 questions
Fun fact! Conductors are NOT the people who drive the trains!
I would have stopped if I had to, I really had no idea
Okay, driver then
I was the train driver, yeah
well, I knew people ate there, but that's about it
@Deusovi I thought it was you because it felt weird to say you were there daily.. then I realized you may be crew...
@thecoder16 Why would there be blood?
I was a restaurant chef :P
yeah, I was worried for a second when n_p gave the cutlery hint
@Wen1now it was a test :)(
then I realized "restaurant" was another option, and it was fine
and it seems ffao fell fo rit
Cutlery could be a few things so I was fine
In fact it could be pretty much half the locations
yeah, lots of places where you can eat in the list
I was marking off people who I didn't suspect - the only ones left were Wen and ffao
alright @boboquack if you want to join
the window was a good hint in hindsight
I'll play
Access code
its starred
that we are starting :)
Who's 65440 and Plum?
ffao and paum
ffao and n_palum
@Deusovi, what do you see?
well gg guys I was the spy
@Deusovi reply all. DO IT.
that was......
no fucking way I could bluff my way out of that one
I accuse Deusovi of being spy, who's with me
me too
I am agreed
okay, new game?
@Alconja, you're up
Why'd you give in
@n_palum how the hell could I have bluffed my way out of that one?
A good spy could probably do it, but he'd need to be here to tell you how
My game hadn't even loaded yet...
Out of what the location?
@n_palum out of being suspected
Sorry. was AFK
Why were you suspect
Besides saying gg
because I was about to give an incredibly suspicious answer
@thecoder16 Are you even supposed to be here?
I have no idea what answer I could've given
that's fine, you won the last game @Alconja
I did? Horray... ?
@Alconja yes, for sure. I need to be here!
(bold plz)
bold, please
@Deusovi what do you see?
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
(deus spy confirmed again)
I see lots of cloth.
Wait, are we playing?
Probably sewing something
@Wen1now, have you talked to anyone recently?
@boboquack Yes.
So Deusovi wasn't the spy?
Sorry, I'm confused
We started a new game.
he was
Do I click end game?
No. At the top should be your new role.
Yes, but I don't know many people here
I didn't see a change... can I reload the page?
(is that safe?)
I think so
Should I wait?
only if you are asking him, i think
Oh no, I gtg soon...
its pretty simple to read
I'll play the role it says then.
@Wen1now doesn't matter unless you are spy :P
(interestingly, it asked me to put my name; I could have chosen Plum or something)
@n_palum How did you get here?
The same as everyone else
@boboquack well, honor system
it doesn't even matter what your name there is
well, only for us to know who starts
okay, I reckon Plum is acting suspiciously
Do I ask next
cya, I was not spy
@Wen1now that could clue the spy too much, typical not to talk to much betwteen questions
@ffao Have you met anyone new?
I meet many new people in this place
@Alconja Are you excited to be here?
@ffao I sure am! This is fascinating
@n_palum Do you like being here?
Not quite as much as you
well that's a way of dodging the question
both of them have been dodging questions
@Deusovi Do you like the mornings here?
There's nothing special about them.
also, that question was very suspicious - anyone want to accuse n_p of being the spy?
or is it just me?
i'm almost there
bt not quite
fair enough
You're a towel
because like when i asked "is there blood" to see how people would react
What's the timer for?
@boboquack - how are things going so far?
(if you play IRL or with voice chat, you use it to keep the game moving - once times up people have the chance to make one last accusation, no more discussion)
@Deusovi I think n_p is the spy too
we should try with voice chat :)
it would be interesting
discord anyone? xD
Same-same, you know the way
I do have discord
(I'm not sure if same, same or same-same...)
Meh, whatever
I do have discord, whether I should use it in the middle of the office is a different question, of course
Oh that's right you're still at work..
It's like 830 at night here :P
well 5:30 here, i'm off and getting home
@boboquack, your turn to ask a question
so now that thecoder is off, does that mean we can accuse n_p? :P
? i'm here
@Alconja - Is everything going well for you?
No because he's the spy, he can't leave
who hasn't had a question yet? thecoder hasn't
meant off as in not where ffao is :P
@boboquack For now, great. But I'll be moving on soon.
@Wen1now What do most people wear here?
guys why has nobody asked thecoder anything
Because he's the spy
Cause it's skyyyyfaaaaall
asking is overrated
@Alconja wen1 left no?
also yeah that
alconja ask someone else
like me'
or me
or adele
@thecoder16 What do most people wear here?
(sorry partially afk)
Not what ffao wears to the theater!
@n_palum what are you doing here?
Here for a moment, then heading along
n_palum is definitely spy.
for sure now/
any objection
I'll second that accusation.
@n_palum too late :)
after we stop, you cannot guess
Oh that's lame
Why can't I make a last second guess
you didn't stop though
well, we didn't stop
still, that's wrong
oops okay yeah
so you lose either way
it was the embassy
Hmm that was like my third choice still
I didn't have much to go on
@Alconja exactly how exciting is an embassy lol
yeah, I'd suspected you for a while
I'm a tourist :)
that's what I thought
but wasn't 100% sure
I'm a gov official
I was an ambassador.
ima secreatry
i'm off-bye!
yeah, I'm done for now - it was fun
will try this again tomorrow, yay new game
I had nothing to go on mehh
that's the point!
Exciting and cloth threw me off
Cloth was meant to refer to flags, of course. c;
I thought about that but the not a long stay/exciting made me think of the spa
I guess the general strategy is to go as vague as possible lol
Which makes it harder for the non spies
@Deusovi how do I make you an owner?
the "room" button in the top right
then "control access"
@thecoder16 What's the point?
None at all
Oh, did someone end the game?
I lost
Are we starting a new game?
I believe deus and coder left
I'm ready
Hmm... I think too late :P
There's only 3 of us here now
I suppose there's enough for Contact
5 hours later…
What is this thing?
I have tried reading the transcripts. I don't understand anything..
Do you want me to explain?
Yep. Go on.
Try click on the Join/create games here link on the side
Create a game
Click start game
Now you'll see a list of locations
Basically, how the game works is that one of the locations is the one that you are in. However, everybody knows that location except the spy
Everybody except the spy gets a role in that location, so for example Train Driver if you were on the passenger train
How the game works is everybody takes turns asking questions. The spy's job, of course, is to try and blend in
How are you so far?
So... if I am a spy, can I ask questions too?
Yeah, questions are asked in a specific order
Oh, got it..
So at the start, on the link you'll see a little 1st next to who asks the first question
Then after that whoever was last asked gets to ask the next question, and they can ask anyone except who just asked them
Lastly, anybody including the spy can call STOP and make an accusation at somebody else. If there is unanimous agreement (excluding the accused) that they are a spy, then the game ends
If they were the spy, the lose and everybody wins, otherwise the spy wins and everybody loses
Ohh, got it! Nice..
Lastly, the spy can call STOP to guess a location. If he/she is right, they win otherwise everybody else wins
And it was established that the spy can't stop/guess after somebody else has Stopped and accused
Oh yeah, if there isn't unanimous agreement after an accusation then play continues
This game is so hard :(
Basically every answer you feel like you're giving too much away
Does anybody want a game?
Oh, wait, on a different topic, has anybody tried today's google cricket game?
@Sid @Techidiot Do you want a game?
Trying it now..
This game? I am going through the rules..no idea for now..
ping me if you need help
or if a game is starting
Sorry, I gtg soon, I should be back within an hour or two
This game is hard and puzzling
I'm facing hard time getting it.. So, there are multiple players
One of them is a SPY
Other are assigned a location and character
All of them have a list of characters and locations in the game
So, they start asking questions to each other...One at a time..and form a Q&A chain
And, they need to find the SPY.
and the spy has to avoid being caught.
If they are wrong identifying a spy, they lose.
Apparently, Yes.
So, either a SPY wins or All lose
Or if they get the spy, spy loses.
And all win
... I guess?
Quite same as Mafia
If I have got the rules right
Is Mafia another similar game?
Yes. . It's similar
There is a god/mod who assigns everyone with a role..
Everyone is a part of village..
They have Village/Doctor/Spy/Vigilante/Mafia roles
And they discuss, fight etc to come up with a conclusion of finding the Mafia
So, in this game - The ones who are wrongly accused of being a spy are kicked out of the game..
Spyfall will probably work only if there are more than 4 or 5 participants. Else, it would be too quick, I think.
This will not immediately stop the game..
The ones who are kicked out have last words to say to the rest..which can be anything like where were they or what character were they playing..and whom do they suspect..That will help others figuring out the real Spy
Don't you have to find the mafia? Why would they want to find the spy?
Mafia has an additional thing called "Joker" who will act like he is a Mafia and when all accuse him of being a Mafia, everyone loses and the Joker wins..
I was talking about this game..
We can bring that rule in this game..
I think the way it is working right now is - if the accusation is wrong, the game ends.. Which makes the game quite short
But, here accusing requires unanimity. So, if you kick one out, you kick all out..
How? If they unanimously come to a decision of accusing someone of being a spy and they find out they were wrong, the one who was accused is kicked out of the game and the rest continue playing and finding the right SPY
If at the end, only 2 remain, the SPY wins..
That will be too long for a single game.
Yeah.. May be they can play till half of the team remains..
Less than half and the SPY wins..
That way, the spy can keep accusing everyone else. 100% chance of winning..
But, one wrong is quite quick..
He can't do that..
That will indicate him being a spy
And will get a unanimous positive vote
I think atleast a couple of chances should be given to all for accusing ..
MAFIA does take a really long time to finish ..
Since we can ask an infinite number of questions, anyone will accuse only if they are confident. So, I guess that is the reason only a single accusation is allowed.
Another question I had, is that do we answer in character? For example, say I am a sailor, do I have to answer like a sailor does?
Hmm..may be it's just a start and people concluded too quickly :)
Yes. You do answer in character
No just location
If you are asked "What do you see?"
Now if you are a sailor on ship, you say, Water/People in hats
If you are a tourist on ship - you say, musicians/dolphins..
Nope, sailors talk like Captain Jack Sparrow. :P
You have to reveal your identity to people so that they don't accuse you..
Lol. Yeah. That works good too..
A good liar who is a SPY can play this game really well.
The thing is - It becomes difficult if the SPY gets the first question :p
Because, at that time, he/she doesn't have any idea about what characters/locations they have in the game and needs to answer that very nicely in order to avoid suspicions.
They could ask general questions like "What do you see?", etc.
Oh, they have to answer the first question? Gosh, that would be hard
Yeah :)
That was a reason Deus submitted
When he was a spy and was asked the first question :p
Deus doesn't know how to bluff, I guess. :P
But, then, you need a context to bluff..
Yes. That
That's also a point where I think it's not fair.
In Mafia, you have some defined set of characters. And it's difficult to easily find the Mafia
Mafia can easily be into anyone's shoes..
Spyfall is good with 4 in chat, because people tend to take longer to reply than in a voice conversation
If you read the transcript, what usually happens is most people are too afraid to accuse/guess, so the game goes on for a while
DO we have 4 now?
Because I need to understand how this works. It is easier to understand if you are part of a live game.
If it's just a "training session" you could do it with less than 4
@Tech are you here?, @Bobo You?
But... I have to sleep right now
Sleep is a bad thing. Very bad. :P
Oh a game has started?
I'm here
@everybody let's start
@Techidiot @Sid You guys wanna play a round?
@boboquack Wanna play?
I can now
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