last day (1109 days later) » 
22:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

use the link in the starboard and th eaccess code above
wen's in the game
alright, anyone else
deusovi is first
ooh, I'm first
@ffao, do you like anyone else here?
I can't stop thinking of this every time I read spyfall...
Not particularly
I'm probably going to be so bad
we're bad too!
we're all terrible
ffao next i think
maybe I can train to be better at this IRL
How does it choose who's next?
(q&a rules: you can ask anyone but the person who just asked you a question, that person asks the next question)
Oh, new game? how do I join?
sorry, we just started
rounds are quick
thecoder61, are we indoors or outdoors?
we'll finish this one then let you in
especially at our level :P
kk. someone ping me when you're done?
I think you should edit that into SPYFALL RULES
of course!
ffao, we are indoors
I was thinking but I'll just ask anything to let alconja in faster :P
wen ask next
wait, or is it me>
since you were just asked
Wen1now, how's the atmosphere?
The atmospheres lively
@Deusovi What are you doing?
Nothing useful, really.
@thecoder16, how long have you been here?
STOP corporate party?
yes, corporate party
Oops, I think that was my fault :(
the like anyone clued me to school, but the lively atmosphere made me immediately think party
yeah, the "lively" thing was a giveaway
what were the roles?
mine was secretary
i feel like we completely disregard them :P
nah, you should answer in character
I was an entertainer
Access code: rbdmni @Alconja
Yeah, I think we should play more on the roles
I was the security guard at the supermarket
I did, that's why I said I didn't like anyone
yes, i did know that
Because I don't know them after all
oh, I thought you just didn't like people because coworkers were terrible
alreight, starting!
@Deusovi, what do you think of this place?
sorry, was afk for a second
my coworkers are generally nice people :(
except when they're inside your desk
Why the sad face?
I wish I got to be here more often.
because Deusovi's comment implies he expects coworkers to be terrible, so I was wondering about which sorts of experiences he had
@Wen1now, what's an interesting thing you've done today?
typical white workplace stereotype?
STOP, I'll guess beach
wait what
Nope! Space station.
Quick game.
Well. that was a quick game
There's no way I could've bluffed that
Could've just gone abstract... "Wrote a letter home to my family"
(ok, so semi abstract)
But I thought beach so you know...
yes, starting]
wens starting
Yeah, give me a sec
@Alconja What do you see?
brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
Nothing of interest really... at least from where I'm standing
bronwie points for anyone that can continue the story
@Deusovi how often do you come here?
@Deusovi well, rotfl'ed
@Alconja I'm here pretty much every day.
@ffao, have you seen anything interesting recently?
it has been the same as the other times as I was here
@thecoder16 how long do you expect to be here?
Oh, another hour or so
@Deusovi every day? what do you do here?
I mostly work with money.
65440 = ffao right?
@Wen1now, what do you think about the tragic event from the other day?
@Wen1now (yeah, it's hex)
scary bear
I've seen worse
( @thecoder16 - did you leave the game? )
by accident, it's ok i still remember the information needed']
(alright then)
oh hey you're back
oh wow i can rejoin
@Alconja Where are you standing?
@Wen1now Same as always, just hanging out in my little hidey hole.
@ffao So... what are you wearing?
This game is interesting...
I'll try the next
I'm dressed casually
@Wen1now how is the atmosphere in this place?
I think ffao is the spy.
(how do people find these rooms so fast?)
Anyone want to back me up on that? If no unanimous agreement happens, then we just keep going.
Yes, I vote ffao as well
(well, unanimous except ffao)
I'm going to pass for now
Alright, back to q&a.
i'm not saying ffao now
Wen, you need to answer the question
The atmosphere is different from yesterday
@Deusovi Do you get to see any action?
Most of the times I'm here, no.
@ffao, what's the floor like?
I'm going to stop and guess casino before I get accused again by an angry moderator
Nope! Theater.
do you guys not dress casually for theaters?
ah i suspected everyone because of the odd responses
Somehow I still feel action was a dead giveaway
I thought it was that, but the accusation threw me off
deusovi apparently is broke and lives in theatres
deusovi is the ticket guy
I'm the cashier.
I'm a coat check lady, so I wear a uniform (i guess)
coat check lady?
action did seem givewayish]
it means acting theater, not movie theater
I also dress casually for acting theaters
you guys are too fancy
that's in response to the "coat check lady" thing
and it was your questions that gave you away, not just your answers
(although that first answer was pretty suspicious)
If you are playing another ping me
@n_palum, it just finished
Access code: rbdmni
access code^
TIL I'm still awful at being spy
@ffao The first answer was way too vague
New round?
none of you should've suspected me, by the way - and as soon as @Wen1now answered my question, I didn't suspect them either
Who's plum?
Few of my friends call me that for short
ffao, you're first
@n_palum, what do you see?
Timer = ?
something only used in voice games
Ignore the timer
we're ignoring it
Cutlery and dishes galore.
oh hey you acn stop the clock
your turn to ask a question, @n_palum
started it again :P
@Wen1now, where were you last night?
Do you stop it by clicking on it? I tried that, but somebody else must have clicked it at the same time :P
Oh I was accidentally clicking it like 50x trying to tell what it was doing
(@Wen1now, you're up to answer)
I was sleeping
Wen1now's role is not ffao
i accidentally pinged
@Deusovi How was your meal?
Stop. I think Wen1now is the spy.
not risking it now, no
Alright - it just seemed suspicious to me.
Wait what
You would say that... :P
I thought if someone stopped it to guess that was it
no, we're continuing
you can stop at any time to make an accusation though
if you're stopping to accuse a spy, you need unanimous agreement
and if it's a unanimous vote (besides the accused) then the game is over
(and a spy can falsely accuse others too)
That's what was confusing
(to make themselves seem less spy like)
deus spy confirmed
Anyway, I don't get the same thing everyone else does.
If you're not spy and got accused, and it was unanimous does just the spy win
or do both you and the spy win
We do need some sort of timer though, I don't see unanimous agreement in midgame unless the spy gives a very bad answer
timers are hard to do over text though - people can be temporarily afk and stuff :/
Maybe make a rule of question count, or accusation count?
@thecoder16, how much longer do you intend to stay here?
IMO it's fine as it is, play a few more games first
^ good plan
before making decisions on timers and stuff
yeah, sounds good to me
sounds good to me too
I just wanted to throw the idea out there
What we need, is a guillotine
@Deusovi until i need to leave.
@Deusovi, "why is there so much blood here?"
ignore that
the question or the edit?
@Wen1now, why is there so much blood here?
twrong person ping
Maybe we should bold/format stuff that is actually part of the game
That one is a good idea, it does get a bit hard to keep track of actual Qs & As
okay, bold all questions
and answers?
I don't see any blood here
@Wen1now, your question?
@Alconja What do you see out the window?
22:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

  last day (1109 days later) »