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@Yogi Why have you proposed "we have to leave a comment" in pull request?
@Yogi It would be better if we can add "citation-needed" post-notice tracking feature.
@Pandya Well we leave a comment on the answer right
@Yogi yes
@Pandya That's why I re-phrased it
@Yogi ok. Btw, I've bit edited and approved your pull request.
@Pandya Okay no problem
@Pandya So you are free now?
@Yogi yes comparatively :)
@Pandya Where should i help did you take a look at other readme files?, btw the commit messages should be in present simple tense.
@Yogi according to people of SOBotics, if you provide considerable improvements, they may think to add you as a member for Citation-Detector repository and you'll get write access.
@Pandya But I don't know the building blocks of the bot, so I need a head start.
@Yogi no, I didn't take a look at other readme files, to be honest, I'm new to github.
@Pandya Oh okay no problem, so to summarize what readme is, it is a specs file not a planning file, what you did is you added planning to the readme rather than current functionality specifications.
@Pandya What is citation needed post...?
@Yogi for the idea of bot I mentioned in Vedanta & Philosophy, we may think for separate project :)
@Yogi post-notice. You know banner added to post?
Q: What kind of banners (notices) do we use?

sv.Today on one of the answers, I saw this banner or notice. The answer was a complete copy-paste from quora.com. Some of the information contained in this post requires additional references. Please edit to add citations to reliable sources that support the assertions made here. Unsourced mater...

@Pandya Yeah I know banner, so you want to automatically detect that?
@Yogi Yes, among 3 post-notices, I want to track posts annotated with "Citation-Needed" post notice
@Pandya To teach anything to bot like bad answer signatures etc we can use ANN's techopedia.com/definition/5967/artificial-neural-network-ann
@Yogi post-notices can be tracked from StackExchange API. I think you can discuss anything regarding bot development at chat-room of SOBotics. Since you're a user qualified in Java, it may be worth for you :) for e.g ping Bhargav Rao or Petter in SOBotics.
@Pandya Why don't you add Bhargav Rao here
@Yogi ok. Btw, he is a busy man.
@Pandya Oh okay I just need to know where to start!
@Pandya Btw you are an engineer not a software Engg?
@Yogi Yes but not a software Engg.
@Yogi ok. You can invite & ping him here.
@Pandya how should I ping him @bhargavarao?
@Yogi I've just sent him invitation to this room. Hope he will reply your message.
@Pandya Okay thanks
@Yogi Btw, Have you completed your Engg?
@Pandya Yeah just waiting for results
@Yogi Congratulations in advance!
@Pandya Thanks
@BhargavRao Hi
@Pandya What's your status
@Pandya yeah, kinda have loads of work atm. :/
the SO queue, work, studies and bot dev.
@Yogi Perusing Master of Engg.
@Pandya where?
@Pandya Oh seniority! :D
nopes, I asked which college/university. :)
@BhargavRao oh! not in IITs or NITs but under GTU (Gujarat Technological University).
Ah, nice. Best of luck.
@BhargavRao Yogi is qualified user for Java development and happy to help in my bot's development and want to discuss with you.
Oh that's awesome @Yogi. Lemme know if you've got any issues :)
@BhargavRao The first issue is ...I don't know where to start
@Yogi do you have an IDE?
@BhargavRao Yeah I have netbeans and eclipse
but I prefer Command line
Eclipse is better.
@BhargavRao Oh okay
First clone the project locally, and set it up using maven. There are 3 main classes. A client, a service and a utility
Once you set it up, check the flow of code.
@BhargavRao set up using maven mvn clean verify ?
mvn clean package
You'll get a jar in the /target folder.
Yeah Dependencies ?
maven will take care of the dependencies.
will be downloaded while mvn clean package I think
Nope, during mvn package
mvn clean is removing the old packages and cleaning up.
@BhargavRao I have encountered some errors
oh! so, mvn clean package = mvn clean + mvn package. ok
@Yogi what all?
spelling mistake
Unknown lifecycle phase "pacakge"
package @Yogi
@Pandya Oh okay understood, not bad!
After that you'll need a properties file. Create a folder properties at the same level as the jar and add a login.properties file with username and password as params
I need to run, have a meeting now. If you've got any issues ping me
@BhargavRao No problem
12 hours later…
@BhargavRao I have some untracked files On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
yep, don't go to commit those
Both of them are specific to your system and won't work on others.
Don't push them to GH

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