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@AnneliseToft I am back! whats's up ms. Toft?
What are you doing?
@clark you there?
yep everyone remembered me today
I was on the phone
is your birthday then?
haha you'd think, it was strange indeed
because I talked to two people I havent spoke for at least 8 months
and they dont know each other
did you talk about math?
a little bit, however the conversations took an philoshophical turn
when you are a graduate student most of the time the answer to the questoin whats new is about that problems you are working on
it is a different world
is it difficult?
my problem?
at least for me
I am lacking some intuition
which is the topic?
or subject
it is probability
but I am trying to understand some geometrical aspects
which I am far from expert
I took a course of probability in the past semester, and I did it pretty well
I had 10 as grade
:) I will consider your help in the future
haha, sure
it was weird because I usually don't get 10 in my subjects,
My mean grade its 8,7,6 but hardly ever 10
but I think probability is one of the harder courses
you maybe if you are not challenged do you get bored
the do is a typo
have you taken functional analysis?
nop, is it the continuation of Analysis?
you take after you have taken real analysis for sure
it studies the space of function
I liked that course a lot
but almost no one is doing research there nowadays
And why not?
more or less it used as a tool for many areas, but the questions now do not really have any applicability anywhere
they create some very obscure counterexamples to obscure questions
however I like these questions
so its pure abstraction
sounds interesting
pure abstraction that no one needs unfortunately
if only more people thought like you
I think there are like 5-10 people in the world that are actually doing this kind of research
to the best of my knowledge
thats really sad
I think you should continue studying functional analysis, just for fun
like a hobby
and to do your own research :)
yeah I am trying!
fortunately I know another person in my department that likes functional analysis
that's good
do you work together?
but I am afraid if I continue maybe I will try to abandon everything and work on functional analysis
not actively but we talking about f.analysis occasionally
So might loose your job? or
it is like a married man man having an affairs with another woman then fall in love with her and escape with her despite the outcry of the society
that's a beautiful romantic story..
maybe if the another is prettier or makes you happier, then I think you should do it
to be happier
while you can
she is very pretty...
well it is very difficult though
that's why its better
I wouldnt have money to feed the kid
:( yea, probably
its a hard decission
but if the love is there you can always make it work, right?
with lots of difficulties, yes
hmm when I am thinking this along this lines the answer seems clear
and ?
what is the answer
I am now actually confused now
maybe this conversation will change my like forever
what would you do?
do you worry if you think that you will influnce me answer truthfuly
It depends on how much you earn (money) because of your job. And the possible money that might come with the research.
I mean you should think about the kids
if you have kids
previously with kids I was reffering to research papers, I was not sure if I would have funding to do research
but you are making a good point there
I don't see a problem there, thats why you are gonna create math, new math.
but my opinion is not so good
because im just a student
with no experience at all
in research
the problem is that I would have to do it all over again, I would have to start a new phd
but why would that be a problem?
you'll be a better mathematician
and then I would to be accepted at one of those univeristies with these 5-10 people and then find a job in a university with those 5-10 people.
now I have a real life problem to take care
I am out of water
and I am thirsty
I think I will go to the supermarket brb
do you live with roommates?
no, and actually I have never have
i dont really think I am really fit to have roomates
is your university in your home town?
oh you must be a delicated person then. yes it is
I think I really appreciate my freedom
yea there is nothing like the own space
exactly, I also usually not have a very stable sleeping schedule
which could lead to problems
so you'd prefer to live by yourself
yes, but its cheaper if you live with a roommate
true true
especially in the usa housing is ridicously expensive
here is the same story
oh really? I didnt know that, I have a friend from brasil
which part from brazil?
hmm it could be Sao Paolo I think, but I could be wrong
I dont even remember where my brother lives
I have trouble remembering names of location
and it never feels less awkward they it happen to ask me where my brother lives
maybe I will write it down somewhere for the future
do you have pets in your dept?
I used to have in my hometown
let me guess
a dog
or cat
its a cat
do you miss it?
I was very close with my cat
a kitty
I feel a little bit strange talking about personal stuff in math.stackexchange because it is a public forum :/
do you have gmail
do you want to exchange?
I think we can delete a message here if we type it
does your gmail contain your full name?
do I write mine?
if you dont mind
did you see it?
clark its not my real name btw
for some reason I cannot find the chat in gmail
yeah maybe I need to download the hangout app

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