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Hmm, does anyone think there'd be interest in a question and answer set like "what's stored in my passport chip"?
inspired by this interaction, which I'm not very happy about as it's pmuch a q and an a in answers travel.stackexchange.com/questions/192201/…
Perhaps even "what's stored in my passport chip, and who can access it?" etc, seems even more informational for travelers that way (different sets of data have different access methods so it'd make sense to have those two adj questions together imo)
@RoryAlsop oh I'm pretty sure it was a scam, but I was curious about the MO
It'd also be useful to know if this is a more widesprrad thing. One could theoretically clone a bunch of the keys, not just one. They did look hard to clone thru normal methods (never seen blanks that'd suit them) but did look potentially 3d printable, wouldn't even need much precision due to the size of the bittings.
@ave er. not answers, comments.
@Willeke as I said above (sorry for late reply), I would be interested in the scope of it: is this a known scam? is this done at a scale where people may lose items even if they choose a locker at random? I do rely on the train station lockers for my bag sometimes, and it'd suck to lose it.
@ave, that, (is this a known scam on larger scale) would fit the site, so yes ask it and make sure that angle is clear in the question.
There are already several questions and answers about the passport chips so please do a search, the actual question might be off topic depending on the actual question. Information storage is not travel, even though it is on a passport.
1 hour later…
@Willeke ha.
"hm this question looks like a good one, but it already has an answer" "oh it's kinda in-depth" "oh."
A: Which information is stored in European Passports other than what is written in it?

aveePassports are a subset of eMRTDs (Electronic Machine Readable Travel Documents). The data that can be stored on them is governed by ICAO 9303 (specifically part 10 and 11). Most of the data that it allows to be stored is optional, and only required data is also printed on eMRTDs' identity pages....

I totally forgot I wrote this answer 3 years ago.
4 hours later…
@ave, this is a case of being sad about not being able to upvote twice. You even had something to add to the long answer
2 hours later…
@Willeke I could write endlessly on this topic. eMRTDs were my lockdown special interest :p
and yeah I guess that set me off on a bit of a route of enjoying collecting as many ones with my name as legally possible. I have 4 rn, will be up to 5 once I get the foreigners' TD.

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