As Security Stack Exchange has just passed its 1st anniversary of graduation, we are going to follow in the tradition of other sites and run a competition.
With prizes! Cool ones!
Obviously in order to deserve these prizes you'll need to put in some effort, but I know you will rise to the chall...
@Crazydre ... I looked at both university web sites for specific info for your friend. It was there, but not as good as this, from another uni, which gives step by step directions on going from B1-2 to F-1 while in the country. Note that UW is the uni's abbreviation for itself...
@Crazydre and, same site, how to do it outside the US for the F-1 and very straightforward with all the necessary info and links
I tried to get some closure on the Algonquin park question by e-mailing the "Friends of Algonquin park". The e-mail was a little bit shorter than I had hoped. But basically amounted to "Pretty much everything closes on the 10th of october and most places only do canoes anyway"
Hi. Do someone here as some experience of bribing the China embassy to get a permit to visit Tibet on its own? (I mean, without being forced to have a guide and a driver spoiling all the fun...)
I would like to know if my brother can fly by United Airlines from USA to El Salvador, and my father, from El Salvador to USA using the same round trip ticket, both of them have the same name.
and I don't understand how it's useful because presumably the two would want to come back at some point. How often do you swap brother and father like that?
@Berwyn What does "as per direction of travel mean"? Does it mean they won't know when they see my inbound record with a US passport that I flew out with an EU passport?
All this water filtration stuff is so weird. Either you're going to be someplace for a long time and you want a quality installed system, or you're traveling around a lot and want a small portable camping filter and/or bottled water
and the OP seems unnaturally paranoid about water supplies in places where water is generally safe
If I was OP, (or those relatives of his) and did not really trust tap water I would buy bottles water before buying filter or purification systems. But I am not OP and I do trust tap water, I have used it everywhere apart from where there are warnings on the taps.
I must admit that I do not trust filters, when used in a home or out of doors environment. I feel that filtering should be checked afterward, as they do at the big water companies.
I mean they exist: Mexico, some places with really bad well water
but mostly, you're either talking about a camping situation, where a big plug-in distillation rig isn't going to work, or places with acceptable water and plentiful bottled water
Well, my plan is to build a database of all tap water places on earth, not only in airports. It's just taking a lot to find the right programmers to code the site, but I invested quite a lot of money on that site, so I want to see it finished :D
when I edit posts that seem to have been written by a non-native speaker, I try to keep some of the flavor of the original rather than rewriting the whole thing in my style, even if that means leaving some grammatical errors. I think it gives a clue into the OP's background/level of English knowledge that can be useful
I am old enough to remember the first computers that did things for private people, well before the home computers. I was just not into online things for a long time.
Usenet was like forums, but using emails to post. Hundreds of thousands thematic channels distributed world wide, with no reputation, no badges, no rewards, no ego (most of the time), just people wanting to communicate and to help other for the sake of it (or love for the argument)
I did at first communicate on forums, one topic (although they do spread the definition) and moderators. I became one on each forum I joined. (Maybe something wrong with me.)
@ZachLipton That depends on the group, I imagine. And maybe the years: I spent a huge amount of time on Usenet before Internet was the massive widespread tool that it is today, so the average quality was higher. I left when people discovered that they could spend time there to boost their ego far from reality and consequences
But then, in the days, I could be sure to find someone to answer the question I'm posting here on the chat from time to time and that everybody here seems to ignore ;-P
I am a solo female traveller in Rome.
I want to know how safe Rome is for females.
What about transportation? Are buses generally safe? What about at night? How about trams, trains, metro, etc?
Are there any special precautions I need to take? What are the biggest dangers? What are the best ti...
@JohanGronberg IMO "no" As (with proper support) are even better than "yes" As. They do risk downvotes but even going off to find an alternative that (eventually) turns out not to have been required is preferable to wasting time searching for what seems impossible, or to appear to be ignoring the Q. Text from 'Friends' + Comments would probably get a +1 from me.
And bear in mind Cunninghams Law :) (I tried that once and it appeared to do the trick, but not something I should make a habit of!)
unsupported does not meet "with proper support". If the Friends of Algonquin Park write "Pretty much everything closes on the 10th of october and most places only do canoes anyway" and Comments include somewhere between difficult and impossible in high summer. In October, forget it and there is no sign of any web advertising for the services/timing required then that is good enough for me (at least pro tem!)