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I think I will.
well, i think it is a good question, in a sense, but you're right, it needs a language added.
so, don't recommend deletion, until you tell them the option: too broad closure (can't answer)/deletion or add a language (tell them they can possibly later add questions for other languages?)
Are there other tools/sites that can do auto grading without being language-centric?
a google search to that affect produces several results immediately, including autolabproject.com,
inginious.org and others.
In that case, this seems fine. It does bother me that the question seems to invite promotional answers.
well, we'll just have to have our spam flags ready.
i'm slightly worried that the OP is more concerned about his/her answer than any other answers (i.e., the question in general).
also, i had to leave in the middle of our discussion of my question earlier - you and @Peter are welcome to make any edits you wish; it'd be appreciated.
From his comments it seems like OP is a TA and actually wants to help other TAs/instructors and that their project can be an answer to many of them. Yes, it's still self-promotion, but it's not for gain so much as to be helpful.
yeah, well, i hate to say it - but we can't exactly be sure of that.
it makes me more doubtful when that person is trying to promote a product. however, at least the OP admitted they are asking mainly to promote a product, and it's also non-commercial, so that's also encouraging.
in CS Educators Question Help, 35 mins ago, by tusharsoni
That was my initial question here. I won't post it if it's against community guidelines. And, its not a product. Its non-commercial developed by TAs for other TAs/instructors :)
I think OP is trying to help the community and promote their product which is fine. Any relevant promotion is totally OK on SE sites, as long as the affiliation is disclosed.
@heather Can you see deleted things yet?
@thesecretmaster i don't know, i'm over a 1000
oh, i think that happens on beta sites at 2000 so no.
Yeah, I'll just explain then.
This morning I destroyed a real spam account. What we don't want is what happened: 1) The account had no other contributions. 2) The answers were promoting a product. 3) The promotional answers had no relation to the question. 4) All the spam was posted within a few minutes.
Comparatively and generally this is fine.
right, i understand it's fine - i guess i just am a little more wary than i should be. thank you for pointing that out =)
If this makes you any more conformable with it, a good general rule is this: If it could help the OP, then it's OK.
In this case, the auto grader is certainly helpful and relevant to the OP.
random question: when this site graduates, will our rep stay at where it's at now and our privileges correspondingly diminish or will our rep be "ramped up" to match our privilege level?
Privileges will diminish.
okay =)
BTW @heather, I know I've been critical of a couple of your recent questions. I just want to make sure you know it's nothing personal, I actually think your a pretty awesome person (from what I've seen here and when I occasionally stop by Physics).
thanks, i really appreciate your help.
I concur with what thesecretmaster just said. I hope everyone knows that the feedback is never personal. We are all on the same side here; we all want to foster and develop a great site. And that means we're all learning from each other as we go.
(Especially, I learn from the people here. I am so grateful for this community!)
Hi CM! (Pops) :)
Hello @HenryWHHackv2.0
How's life
Life is good! :)
What does TSM mean?
TSM = (T)he(S)ecret(M)aster
Apparently that's me (T he S ecret Master)
Triple jinx
You owe me so many sodas
We all posted at the same time. (kind of.)
Did someone besides me write TSM? I got tired of typing it out.
I mean, @the works too.
@BenI. I'm checking the records.
What is the meaning behind the name?
It's a great story. I wanted a punny name with a language, so I wanted to do acecretmaster, then I forgot to type it in right.
And since then I've never changed it because SE doesn't auto correct it elsewhere.
Inspirational, right?
I still don't get it.
Because "C"
The C master?
I need to call up SergiyKolo.
Sorta. I honestly don't know what I was thinking.
Apparently I used to be my real name:
@IsaiahZwick-Schachter what OS are you using locally? If you are using something with a non-case sensitive filesystem (e.g. Windows or Mac) then it will still work, but will fail when you push to Heroku (which uses Linux with a case sensitive FS). — matt May 31 '15 at 0:54
So I really don't know what I was thinking.
My real name is Josh Heyer aka:
For some reason I doubt that. But you're Henry, which is pretty awesome anyways.
Ok you figured me out.
Ever wonder why I am in so many rooms?
I have wondered that. Why, sir, are you in so many rooms?
I can barely keep up with 3 rooms!
@BenI. I still don't know myself.
How do you manage it?
It just seems so cognitively difficult. (And time-consuming!)
It's not stressful really.
If schools have classrooms like the chats.
You can be in 10 or more classes at the same time.
3 hours later…
I got back online. Does that count?
Oh. The chat just didn't update nevermind :)
<-- shivers in boots
well, ok, s/boots/socks/
Well, technically, I suppose. Not to sure of definitions there.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 traveling salesmen missiom
Hey @Pops, nice of you to drop by.
@BenI. boo who?
(my own "knock knock" joke version XD)
Good night, folks!
I did it.
I made a video of my desktop.
OBS screen recorder was too complex.
So I got something more simple.
A: How to record my screen?

QasimSimple Screen Recorder SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that I've created to record programs and games. There are programs that can do this, " but I wasn't 100% happy with any of them, so I created my own " My original goal was to create a program that was just really simple to use, but...

@HenryWHHackv2.0 What?
Oh I got carried away.
@GypsySpellweaver What?
What did you record on your desktop?
It's showing how I customized my desktop.
Want to see it?
I think I better pass.
Just got his beast back online after a meltdown
Anyone else?
# last reboot
reboot   system boot  4.4.46-11-defaul Wed Jun 28 17:10 - 01:27  (08:16)
reboot   system boot  4.4.46-11-defaul Wed Jun 28 04:10 - 01:27  (21:16)
reboot   system boot  4.4.46-11-defaul Tue May 23 13:03 - 04:02 (35+14:58)
reboot   system boot  4.4.46-11-defaul Tue May 23 06:06 - 06:43  (00:36)

wtmp begins Mon May 22 23:53:23 2017
@GypsySpellweaver Poor you.
We have the technology. We can rebuild him.
figure it out.
I haven't settled on the CPU to get, but I'm slowly saving the $$ for it.
I know I can recycle my PSU, and hope I can reuse the video. The mainboard and its components are what I've got to settle on, then get.
So you can't watch any online videos.?
Poor you. :(
Entertainment isn't a priority with me anyway. Coding is my fun.
You go @GypsySpellweaver!!! :)
Here it is:
Do you use/help in Charcoal, or do you just watch it work?
I just wait and flag.
Wait for a report then flag.
Are you privileged?
@GypsySpellweaver Why are you asking these questions?
Just wondering what you did there. You're there a lot and didn't know if you replied or just helped with the flagging.
I just flag
I mainly flag bad post on SE.
As said in my user's profile.
Although I'm not a background process like the Community User I help the Stack Exchange sites in the background.

Here are the tasks I do on the Stack Exchange sites:

    I flag bad post.
    I do edits on some SE sites.
    I do Close/Reopen reviews on private beta sites.
    I Congratulate. (chats)
    I case (Up | Down | Close | Reopen) votes on Area51.SE example questions.
    I ask example questions on Area51.SE proposals.
That's needed. I try to help with Charcoal for some of the smaller sites that don't get much user activity. An extra flag here and there can make a difference.
If you anyone is interested.^
So ItamarGreen is now ItamarG3.
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
4 hours later…
The usual silence
Silence is golden
Or, if you've watched The Adventures or Remo Williams "Blessed silence."
I am waiting on Aurora0001.
As usual.
@GypsySpellweaver not as golden as a flow of questions
2 hours later…
I'm going to introduce a new tag type today and see whether people like it. Well, one of two tags. Either or , I haven't decided. They'll be based on codereview.se's rules. I'm pretty excited :)
Hi there o/
A question: Is it only me or do you also see the meta post accepting pro tem mod nominations in the "Featured on meta" list again?
Yeah, it's a bug. Possibly caching, but I doubt it.
I also assumed it was caching at first, but in this case it seems to be pretty resistant.
Could this have something to do with the post lock?
That's my hypothesis.
It was locked while featured, so the system may have had trouble removing the featured tag. It seems weird that it comes and goes though.
If this behaviour doesn't disappear, we might file a bug on Meta.SE
It's gone.
(Let's hope it doesn't reappear out of nothing somewhen)
It's the Twilight Zone and the Featured Meta is stuck in a time loop.
Or else some forgot to find the proper invariant for their loop.
As long as my bias question is off HNQ, I'm happy. ;-)
I just asked a new question:
Q: How can I prepare CS majors for non-programming jobs?

Ellen SpertusI teach at a 4-year liberal arts college near Silicon Valley. Our stronger grads are able to get programming jobs straight out of college. In addition to preparing them well academically, I've worked as a software engineer and, while in industry, interviewed software engineering candidates, so I ...

What's wrong with being on HNQ?
I created a new tag for it. I'm happy to use an existing one instead.
@GypsySpellweaver In principle, nothing, but it drew some antagonistic people.
@ItamarG3 Sorry, left this room open while I wasn't here. How's it going?
This site stopped being fun for me for a while.
I'm sure I could get another HNQ by asking whether to use the terms master-slave, but I'll pass.
I think that just proves that the bias denied is real, and justifies the question even more.
Exactly. Lewis' Law.
@GypsySpellweaver I know the backgrounds of the other moderators but not yours. Are you a teacher or another precocious student?
Both in the past, neither in the present.
Stepping away for now.
Self-taught and passionate about computers, later refined in formal education, then some time training for commercial/industrial environments, then teaching in the classroom, now just doing coding for fun.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Sorry, left this room open while I wasn't here. How's it going?
@Pops I'm fine. It would seem you have a copy paste response XD
sound legit.
I went back through the transcript and you both basically said "hey look it's Pops the CM" so...
Just out of interest, how many chats do you have open?
@Pops More like "Hey look, it's Pops"...
Seven right at this very minute? But it varies.
Seems like two. If everything is shown on that page, however.
I mean, lately I welcome most users when I see them for the first time here
@Pops oh my.
@Pops Are these 5 hidden rooms? Or am I overlooking something on your user page?
Employee-only rooms don't show up there, yeah.
Okay. Again learned something new :). Thank you :)
makes quite a bit of sense :P
Well, time to go clear SO queues. Later!
I'd also think so.
See you o/
9684 cvs on SO. Classic ...
I just went through an exhausting 0 review spree and cleared all our queues.
As did I, just now.
and again.
(on a scale of CSE to SO, how bad are your review queues)
I like this site.
@EllenSpertus I would like to answer your question, but I don't have much knowledge in that area. All I have is "management or research".
any mod on site? There's a typo in Ben's old edit here
Where's the typo?
in the end.
Oh, that's funny. Why did you need a mod to edit it?
because I don't want it to be bumped to the newest activity. There are some really good questions in the recently active tab, I'd rather they stayed at top.
Oh, not sure if that's a thing I can do anymore. AFAIK we lost that ability a little while ago. Let me poke around and see if it's possible.
@thesecretmaster I was thinking of careers like product manager, technical writer, sales engineer, support engineer, QA engineer, tech support.
But I genuinely don't know how to prepare them for those jobs.
Oh, I don't have the knowledge to help with that, as a HS student :)
@EllenSpertus I would suggest asking alumnae and alumni (I know the difference know ;)), who are in those jobs. I haven't read the question yet, so I'm not exactly sure what aspects of those careers is being asked about, but I'll read it now.
Well firstly I think it would be good to mention that the jobs you're talking about are ones like those you listed here...
@ItamarG3 That's good advice. Of course, I'm also trying to think up questions for this site.
That's always welcome :) (As long as they are high quality but I think your record shows we don't have to worry about that when it comes to your posts :D)
why is it that my internet connection specifically to sites in the se domain name is super slow, precisely when I need it? sigh
@ItamarG3 I fixed the poost
But it bumped, I guess there's no way around that.
@ItamarG3 Whoever edits the post, it'll bump; even SE staff don't generally have the privilege to edit without bumping
I think the CHAOS team did originally have non-bumping privileges for a while.. but that was a long time ago and they don't now
@heather Hi
@Aurora0001 Yup, CHAOS hasn't existed for years.
What is this CHAOS you speak of?
From out of the void...
Alex Miller on September 15, 2011

For the past couple months, we’ve had a new team starting up out of our NY office, CHAOS (or if you’re not into that whole brevity thing: Cheerful Helpful Advocates of Stack Exchange).  You’ve probably seen them around some of the sites or run into them in one of the chat rooms – but here’s your official introduction:

CHAOS works directly with Joel and me to come up with, and execute on, new ways to promote all of the new SE sites and bring in new users.  Looking at the original job posting we put up, you can get a bit of a feel for what they’ll be doing: …

Q: Why did the CHAOS programme stop?

DanBealeBack in September 2011, SE hired people as part of a CHAOS programme. This team was used to promote SE and help smaller SE sites develop and grow and leave beta. For example, they could edit titles and posts; they would provide well researched answers to questions; they'd help run competitions t...

@EllenSpertus your newest question is on the HNQ board! Congrats =)
@heather Thank you.
Can mods make edits of fewer than 10 characters (or whatever the minimum is)? Sometimes I just want to fix a single typo.
I'm pretty sure we can't, and the limit is six characters.
Anyone above 2k should be able to. Which post needs editing?
The thinking is "fix all the mistakes, not just one thing"; in the rare case where the post is absolutely perfect other than that one thing, then it's possibly not worth fixing or you can make a change somewhere that isn't better or worse, just different.
I don't remember a specific case, but it comes up occasionally.
(There was a typo in my above comment, which made it self-referential, but I was able to edit and fix it.)
Hey folks, I have a straw poll for the site regulars who are in this room
If we wanted to run a CSE contest for writing the best question (in some particular format), what would be a cooler/funner/motivatinger/nicer prize:
1) 150 rep awarded to your account
2) StackExchange swag mailed to you directly by the company
(Anyone can answer, not just the regulars)
Getting an email from the SE team is not too difficult. (But very, very cool :D) Just find a bug. As the old saying goes: "the number of bugs is exponentially proportional to the number of lines of code"...
But I'd love such a contest. It'd bring a flow of questions, and would define a format.
Not email - physical email mail. Like a hat, or a shirt, or stickers or something
Is this even possible? I mean, I know that during winter, hats are a thing. but an actual hat. Now that's a hat.
Yes, this is possible :)
I'll take that as 1 vote for swag :)
How about making a meta post soon? once more people see this.
Sorry to disappoint, but hats are a mod-only special item. Stickers are on the table though. Maybe pens or markers or shirts as well.
yes please :D (wait, but we don't have a design yet).
It's StackExchange swag, not cseducators swag
They'd be Stack-Exchange-branded, not CS-Educators-SE-branded.
Oh. then there's no problem ;)
So that's still 1 vote for swag?
is giving old questions some attention a good idea? Questions that were asked in private beta, and so have <100 views...
Would CS-Educators be a good place to ask questions about informal CS education? Like, I'm really having troubles explaining What I would consider a basic CS problem to someone who is not terribly computer literate.
we have a tag for it
Excellent, just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be stepping on toes in a community I'm not terribly familiar with. :)
Glad to help. Oh, and welcome to chat! (You haven't been here before, right? I'm just unsure)
Hm... Actually, looking at the site, would questions on programming education be on topic? Like -- There's a disconnect between the computer science site, and the stack overflow site. Does that exist as such here?
I haven't
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. What kind of question are you thinking of?
Well, I'm having trouble explaining programming concepts to a friend. The friend is in data science, but he's having to learn python to further his career, and going to an actual class isn't an option for him. Are questions on how to explain programming concepts like the differences between an array vs a list to someone who doesn't really grok the concept of how storage space works on topic on this site?
Well, there are these question:
Q: How to explain what code is to my parents?

ShashimeeI am an engineering student in computer science and recently my parents asked me to explain a bit what I do, which is their way of asking "What is coding?". They have no idea of what coding is, what languages are, lines of codes etc, and I wanted to explain briefly how it all works. I wanted to ...

Q: How can I explain the difference between CS and coding to a layperson?

Piyush ParikhI was at a party a few days ago with a doctor (the medical kind, not the research kind) who was thinking about writing a computer program to solve a scheduling problem at work. Someone introduced him to me because I have a CS degree and worked as a software engineer for a few years. It wasn't lo...

Maybe these will give you a better idea of what you're asking...
@BenI. I don't have a preference between the two. Another idea might be a special badge.
FYI, @BenI., I didn't mortarboard the last time we thought I would. I had two 190 days. No complaints, though.
@BenI. Maybe you should make a document in the drive saying "Ideas" and put this, and the question contest (notice the alliteration :D) in there?
I have a suggested question that it might be better for someone else to ask: Whether SIGCSE membership is worthwhile.
I could imagine two questions: one from a college teacher, one from high school.
I recently joined SIGCSE and could share the questions (and boost the site) to sigcse-members.
Are you asking about asking a question on this site? or sending links from this site to there?
I am suggesting that a high school teacher (for example) ask on CSE whether SIGCSE is worth joining. I would send a message to the SIGCSE membership mailing list letting people know about this and other questions.
I have a critique of an answer, which is kinda a joke:
A: Explaining access levels and visibility in OOP

G. Ann - SonarSource TeamI have a distinct memory of my college CS teacher saying "only your friends can touch your privates". (The context was C++.) The meaning was pretty clear & I still remember it after >15 years. Of course, you may have to tone it down some for high school, but the analogy to one's privates could ...

Your friends cannot touch your private (method)s
@EllenSpertus Oh. Well, I've never heard of SIGCSE until you mentioned it, so...
@thesecretmaster well, private is private. I don't like the analogy too much, but it is true.
A: Explaining access levels and visibility in OOP

BuffyUnfortunately this question depends on the language. I'll give a general discussion but focus on Java. public is, as you say visible from any code in the program (and in the original java concept that meant visible across the globe com.sun.java.Foo.x can be found on your computer - or could be,...

this one on the other hand. The part about private is, I think, blatantly wrong.
@ItamarG3 It's true, but in real life, your friends cannot touch your privates
I've known about it for decades but didn't join until recently because I thought I had to join the ACM (~$200) to do so. It turns out it's just $25/year.
@EllenSpertus Yes, I browsed their site. A question about it is an interesting idea...
@thesecretmaster which keeps with what private is. It'd not a terrible answer, but not a very good one, in my opinion...
I might ask and answer my own question about SIGCSE at the college level, unless anyone thinks that's a bad idea.
generally I think it's not a bad idea. But when it's intentional, there better be a good reason ;). I would wait and see what others thought, as well :P
Stack Exchange policy, I believe, is that it's fine to share your knowledge in Q&A style, but I'll admit I find it a little odd.
Q: Can I answer my own questions, even if I knew the answer before asking?

Chris SmithI might want to answer my own question because: I arrived at a solution before there were any other correct answers or I like mine better, can I still answer my own question? I have a folder with lists of code snippets for things I always forget or get wrong, such as regular expressions for pro...

I'd be happy to ask that question, as I'm genuinely curious (and am a hs teacher), but that's totally up to you (Ellen)
oh. Well then ok. I guess :P
Wow, Aurora and Ben appeared here at the same time, at least that's what it looks like
Whatever you think will be best, I've got your back :) Self-answering also awards some kind of badge, if I'm not mistaken.
I really like the fact xkcd is being used here often
@ItamarG3 magic (tm)
magic <sup>tm</sup>
@ItamarG3 for your latest question, do you think may be applicable? Different languages interpret access modifiers in so many different ways that it's difficult to generalise sometimes
You can look at the rev history
I put java there, but I thought it's misleading. I'm not talking specifically about java, but rather about how... now I think I should put it back.
When I saw "<sup>", the first thing I thought of was the informal greeting. :-)
Sub and sup work on posts, but not comments or chat, I guess.
@BenI. I think the subject is worth being two separate questions, one for college, one for high school. What do you think?
(about @Aurora0001 's magic message)
Or it can be a single question: For whom is SIGCSE membership beneficial?
I think it might be too broad. But that's just from the title, so I won't judge a question by it's title.
@EllenSpertus I literally don't even know the organization well enough to know whether it should be one question or two.
@BenI. OK. I'll ask my question first.
You are making a college-specific question, and I can reply with a corresponding HS-specific question? (Which is easy, because I'm actually really curious about it)
Er, not reply... post a second question that references the first question :)
Q: Is it worthwhile for college professors to join SIGCSE?

Ellen SpertusWhen I had grant money or worked in industry, I was a member of the Association for Computing Machine (ACM) and the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), which holds several annual conferences and publishes ACM Inroads. Now that I'm no longer publishing in CS education, a...

It turns out that site badges are not possible (nor real, physical badges). So, the votes are still between t-shirt/sticker/pen StackExchange swag or in-site rep.
So far, I have 1 vote for swag from Itamar, and 1 vote for rep from me. So, that's tied.
Rep would seem... improper
It's a shame that you can't place bounties on good questions, but that's just how it is
I thought of rep as proper because rep is a mark of creating value for people via SE sites
But how would you give away the rep?
2 swag, 1 rep :)
The only way I could think of is bountying an unrelated answer, which doesn't really seem right
I've been discussing methods with Pops to try to figure out the most reasonable path (if, indeed, people choose rep)
It would never be through an unrelated question. The best way I've thought of su far would be to bounty the question itself, and have the person create a short answer declaring themselves the winner.
And the answer would be... not an answer, surely?
"I won" Is an answer if the question is written right.
It wouldn't be so bad if you could then just delete the post... but bounties are revoked if you delete the post
My other thought was to go to MSE with a feature request, because I can see a very clear line between such a contest and having a better site, both in the short run (having some good questions and answers) and in the long run (giving people practice writing really well-targetted questions)
It makes for a better site
But so far, it's 2 to 1 in favor of swag, so it might be a moot point :)
@BenI. Feature requests don't get implemented just because they're a good idea... That'd be too logical ;)
@BenI. while you're in discussions with Pops get his version of SE's opinion of our use of Drive for the site.
@Pops ^^^^^^
FYI, I posted to SIGCSE-members. (There was also a post during the private beta.) Let's hope for more users and, ideally, questions.
@Aurora0001 I'm even nervous to post to MSE. They seem to eat each other alive in there.
Q: Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions

eggyalAmongst the reasons for starting a bounty, one can select: Reward existing answer One or more of the answers is exemplary and worthy of an additional bounty. Why not enable one to reward excellent questions in a similar manner?

Unfortunately, the system is geared towards the biggest sites (read: SO), where asking is almost actively discouraged
That's why question rep is half the value of answers etc etc etc
Works fine for SO... but when the 'question economy' has an excess of answerers, but not enough good questioners, it doesn't work quite so well
And in this case, what we want is to encourage certain question practices
I have an interesting (at least for me) question idea about whether you really need analogies for topics (and whether poor analogies that don't really fit are even harmful, perhaps), after seeing soooooo many "What analogy should I use for ___" questions.
I've not quite got the full idea of it yet, but I've been sitting on the idea for a while, thinking about it
Well, I'm off to bed. Night!
Night, Itamar!
@BenI. did someone say SE swag? t-shirt! all the way!
I have a feeling I can see which way this is going :)
not that i'll win it, probably, but swag would be cool.
3 votes for swag (Itamar, Gypsy, Heather)
how many people have voted?
So far, 3.
so, unrelated to CSE, but would anyone be willing to take a look at two math.se questions of mine that may be of interest (and are unanswered. one has a 50 pt bounty) - they're about chemical reaction networks.
@GypsySpellweaver Sorry, I don't know what that's referring to?
well, a paper about chemical reaction networks.
the two questions are this and this
@Pops We have a google drive folder (it's pinned to the sidebar, and starred by 4 folks)
On mobile so I'll be in&out for signal
I'll let him ask the rest of the question, because it's his question.
@BenI. thanks, take the ball
Well, I don't know what you want to ask! :P
I'm a spare Google account I made a public folder on drive
Ideally, you should be able to use the site by just coming to the site. Turned out it was cleaner to separate governance into its own space, so we made a separate meta site. And some really excited people wanted to form more of a community with a "third place," so we have the chat that we're all sitting in right now.
Jeff Atwood on April 29, 2010

When people ask me what mistakes we made in building Stack Overflow, near the top of the list is not acknowledging the need for a meta-discussion site earlier. That is, a place for people to discuss Stack Overflow itself.

I resisted this for the longest time, relegating meta topics to UserVoice, because I didn’t see much value in meta-discussion. But then I finally bowed to community pressure and created meta.stackoverflow.com a little less than a year ago.

Owning our own meta, rather than outsourcing it, has been hugely productive in evolving the engine and the trilogy sites forward. The community was right, and I was so very, very wrong. …

There's nothing inherently wrong with trying to collect info and use off-site resources to your advantage, as long as there's no expectation that everyone knows about it or participates in it, just how you wouldn't expect people to use chat or how users who don't visit meta aren't somehow second-class citizens.
It's about judiciousness, like with so many things. An analogy from elsewhere in SE is that link-only answers may technically be correct, but it's much better to provide the relevant information in the body of the answer.
...did I bore everyone away?
not at all =)
Sorry, I'm trying to answer that scope question, and simultaneously creating a meta post for and and a first sample question.
Also, your answer seemed pretty clear to me :)
@BenI. Hey! I admit I'm boring, but snoring I cannot tolerate. Where'd I put that banhammer....
vanishes in a puff of banned
So far it's beenused for the spreadsheet to deal with a tag edit and to drop a few research papers for a discussion
Use isn't required and links to it from posts don't require a Google account to access
The only time a Google account is needed is to create files,
When it comes to "there's an elitist cabal that makes all the decisions on that site," perception can be as damaging (by, among other things, driving away new members) as truth. I'm not saying you're at a point where you need to worry about that right now, but it is something to keep in mind in the future.
It's actually as public as SE, or more so, since edits don't even require a Google account.
Sorry abt dropping in & out, using mobile on public WiFi
@Pops ^^
Also the mods have the ability to anonomise other usrer's uploads of needed.
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