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@Willeke The July 2019 contest has a winner! This one has 13 upvotes, one more than the other two formerly tied with it
5 hours later…
I am ok with ignoring the downvotes, but counting them as upvotes... not the best idea. just ignore them
Q: Should downvotes count as upvotes for the photo contests?

gparyaniIn the August 2019 photo competition: 'Seen through a train window.', there is the following text in the rules: All votes count as upvotes, (to decide the winner.) I asked Willeke, the moderator responsible for writing the photo contest post, for clarification, and she stated that they mean...

@Willeke @Dirty-flow @MarkMayo Started a discussion regarding this issue. Would be great if you all chimed in.
@gparyani good idea
btw I also added context to the photo. But you were too fast writing a comment
10 hours later…
@helm wins the bragging rights, the most upvoted photo this month, (and the last vote that made the difference did come in July.)
@JJJ wins the virtual prize. This month that is a walk through a puddle. Not included wellies to splash nor a cape to spread over the puddle. (And he may have to make his own puddle, depending on where he lives.)
@gparyani, good topic. I will not post my opinion in it for a while, as I think I am not in the right mood to do it well.
Thanks @gparyani, for the edit of the hall of fame.
3 hours later…
@MarkMayo, Did I understand the format right?
Q: August 2019 Answerathon! Entries open now

Mark MayoTo give people time to enter, this will start on August 1st, UTC at midnight. Rules: To stay in the competition, you must: answer an unanswered question not asked by you AND receive an upvote for your answer. once the upvote has occurred (and not earlier)), edit the latest answer on this page ...

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