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A: Largest Number Printable

QwertiyJavascript, more than 10^(16*2^2718281828459046) / 54^3 for(a=b=(Math.E+'').replace(".","");a--;b+=b);alert(b) Description: (Math.E+'') is "2.718281828459045" The dot is dropped, a and b are "2718281828459045" Loop executes 2718281828459045+1 = 2718281828459046 times On every iteration b (an...

You're score would be 2718281828459045*2718281828459046, no?
@tuskiomi, in b+=b i'm concatenating string from b with itself, so its length doubles.
So the above number times 2.
@tuskiomi, nope, the output is concatenated string, not its length. And that's not addition, that's concatenation. Try following program for(a=4,b=(Math.E+'').replace(".","");a--;b+=b)console.log(b‌​);console.log(b) - it makes only 4 steps instead of 2718281828459045 and outputs b to the console on each step and the last value that is alerted in original code.
@tuskiomi, only with 4 iterations value becomes 271828182845904527182818284590452718281828459045271828182845‌​90452718281828459‌​045‌​27182818284590452718‌​28182845904527182818‌​28459045271828182845‌​9045271828‌​1828459045‌​27182818284590452718‌​28182845904527182818‌​28459045271828182845‌​904‌​52718281828459045‌​2718281828459045 that is definitely larger than 2718281828459045*2718281828459046 = 7389056098930651665961070771070 :)
so it's 16*(1+2+3+4 ... 2718281828459046).
@tuskiomi why??
because the string 2718281828459045 is 16 characters long, and the first time you print it out once, then twice, then three times, 1*16+2*16+3*16.... until it ends
simplify to 16*(1+2+3+4...)
@tuskiomi nope
i print only resulting value
the first time b is
then i concatenate it with itself and it becomes
now i'm again concatenating it with itself
with current value of it, not original
and again:
and i'm doing so 2718281828459045+1 times
so it's \sum_{n=0}^{2718281828459045} 16*2^{n}
@tuskiomi why are you talking about the sum?
only the last value is printed
only the last value is scored?
@tuskiomi in my solution i'm outputting only the last value
its length is 16*2^(n+1)
so that's more accurate?
n+1 as the value is printed outside of the loop, so it was increased one more time
@tuskiomi ..^2718281828459045+1
@tuskiomi yep, that's the length
the number itself is somewhere near 10^(...)
or thereabout.
@tuskiomi what do ↑ and ↑↑ signs mean?
and reducing gives 10↑↑↑3.552153
@tuskiomi sorry, i don't understand semantics of this sign, could you give a link, please?
2↑2 = 2*2
2↑3 = 2*2*2
2↑↑2 = 2^2 = 2↑(2)
2↑↑3 = 2^2^2 = 2↑(2↑(2))
2↑↑↑2 = ...
@tuskiomi interesting
yeah. I got that number by taking 10↑↑log(log(2718281828459045))
then since that was raised to the 2 I put 2↑10↑↑log(log(2718281828459045))
then simplified from there
i'm thinking...

Math.log10(2) == 0.3010299956639812
Math.log10(2)*2718281828459046 == 818284367034505.5


Math.log10(16) == 1.2041199826559248

@tuskiomi, what should i do next?
Looks like I misunderstood them
well shoot
Let's see
we can say it's equal to 10↑(16*2↑2↑log2(2718281828459046))
@tuskiomi yep, by the way, we can move 16 as +4 to the degree
mmhm 16= 2↑4
thus 10↑(2↑4+2↑2↑51.2716)
@tuskiomi yep, so 10↑(2↑2718281828459050)
@tuskiomi why? o_O
10↑(2↑2↑log2(2718281828459050)) = 10↑(2↑2↑51.271616464199404)
@tuskiomi you are still doing smth strange...
and If I continue.. 10↑(2↑4*2↑2↑2↑5.6800)
@tuskiomi why are you using +?
there was *
oh yes, my bad
and it could've been easily transferred to the degree on the first step
10↑(2↑2↑51.271616464199404) = 10↑(2↑2↑2↑5.680088477859977)
are you going to continue until we can get smth near 2 as a tail?
10↑(2↑4*2↑2↑2↑2↑2.505913) ...
10↑(2↑4*2↑↑4.2) ...
and then you collapse it like that
I made a mistake
should be
10↑(2↑2↑2*2↑↑5.2) ...
10↑(2↑↑3*2↑↑5.2) ...
@tuskiomi near 2 or near 1?
2. you want it near the base number.
var n = 3, deg = 5.680088477859977;
console.log(`10↑(${"2↑".repeat(n)}${deg})`) // 10↑(2↑2↑2↑5.680088477859977)
for (; deg > 2.00000001; deg = Math.log2(deg)) ++n
console.log(n, deg, 2**deg) // 5 1.3253365599586389 2.5059134025425713
console.log(`10↑(2↑↑${n})`) // 10↑(2↑↑5)
@tuskiomi, is that right?
@tuskiomi, fixed... but seems i missed the difference between 2.5 and 2
what does deg represent?
@tuskiomi degree - the tail
10↑({"2↑" repeated n times}{deg})
and n is the count of repitions
@tuskiomi yep
That will give you precision to an integer, yes.
and how can i get it more correctly?
seems like you've calculated 5.2
that's a top to the head guess, but you would take it down to the lowest without going over, then say... sorry. am thinking.
I am spitballing, but you would say that logBaseV(deg) = 2, and then your n+=1-V, Which adds the remainder base, or very close to
that means than v^deg = 2. v↑deg = 2 which would incur that 2↑2↑2↑2↑....↑v↑deg
but v↑deg = 2
to then it would be 2↑2↑2↑.... ↑2
Thoughts, @Qwertiy ?
@tuskiomi hope that understood...
but v would be more than 1
yeah, which is why you add 1-v.
oh wait... v-1*
so n+=1-V doesn't seem to be correct
@tuskiomi :)
is that making sense? or did I have a hole somewhere?
@tuskiomi it seems reasonable
I'm here
And I can help comprehend the ↑
Hello, SBA knows about all of this stuff
So we should start with ↑'s and whole numbers
d = .5059134025425713

for (l=1, r=2; r-l>1e-6; ) {
  mid = (l+r) / 2
  if (mid**d > 2) r = mid; else l = mid;

mid = (l+r) / 2
console.log(l, mid, r) // 1.9999990463256836 1.9999995231628418 2
console.log(d**l, d**mid, d**r) // 0.25594853719362926 0.255948454032902 0.25594837087220185
are you trying to calculate these?
so we got 10↑(2↑↑5.25594837087220185) - кшпре,
@tuskiomi v-1 or 2↑v?
I believe 10↑(2↑↑5.25594837087220185) = 10↑2↑2↑2↑2↑2↑2↑0.25594837087220185
wait.. seems like i've made smth wrong
@SimplyBeautifulArt really?
@Qwertiy yeah
5 towers of 2↑ with a 2↑frac() at the top.
frac() = fractional part/decimal
@tuskiomi v^deg = 2 by deg you meant fraction part d = .5059134025425713?
if so, smth like sqrt(v) should be 2, so v is somewhere near 4 - that seems wrong, isn't it?
Sorry am here
No, hold on
3*2 = 3+3 = 6
3^2 = 3*3 = 3+3+3 = 9
3↑↑2 = 3^3 = 3*3*3 = ... = 27
3↑↑↑2 = 3↑↑3 = 3^3^3 = 3^27 ≈ 7.6e12
3↑↑↑↑2 = 3↑↑↑3 = 3↑↑3↑↑3 ≈ 3↑↑7.6e12 = 3^3^3^... with 7.6e12 amount of 3's.
Deg is close but not equal to 2.
@SimplyBeautifulArt fine, but how should i use it?
Q: Largest Number Printable

VereosBefore opening this I've done a little search and I've found there is a similar question, but it has been closed because it was ambiguous. I hope this won't. So, your goal is to write a program that prints a number. The bigger is the number, the more points you'll get. But be careful! Code lengt...

Yes yes. But the algebra of the notation
Comparing numbers here
@tuskiomi It is right to left notation. Start on the right and work to the left
Ooh. So stuff distributes, etc to the right
Quite messily so
@SimplyBeautifulArt ?
@Qwertiy Hard to compare numbers without these ↑'s
Huh. Is there a reduction method? Eg reducing 10↑(16*2↑2↑51.2716)
Yes, there is a reduction rule
@SimplyBeautifulArt yep) but it's hard to convert too)))
You would start on the right, so....
@SimplyBeautifulArt could you show it?
:) this is so cool
2↑51.2716 = 2^51.2716 ≈ e*e15
where the first e is Euler's number and the second is scientific notation
just thought it cool that it came out like that
2↑e*e15 = 2^(e*10^15) = something pretty big
Then multiply by 16
Then do 10^all that
@tuskiomi ?
That first reduce it though
I get 2.7182...
Doesn't* sorry. I'm on mobile
2↑51.2716 = 2^51.2716 ≈ 2.7182∙10^15
@SimplyBeautifulArt Math.exp(1) // 2.718281828459045 - is it Euler's number?
yep, see.. thinking
@Qwertiy It's Euler's number out 5 places, coincidentially
now 2↑↑pi, just as an example:

= 2^2^2^2^0.1415926
= 2^2^2^1.103122228
= 2^2^2.148190935
= 2^4.432716006
= 21.5963561
3 amount of 2's, followed by one 2^frac(pi)
and always right to left operation
but how to get the frac part when you have only a number?
so, i had
console.log(n, deg, 2**deg) // 5 1.3253365599586389 2.5059134025425713
console.log(`10↑(2↑↑${n})`) // 10↑(2↑↑5)
Be right back
Is this what you wanted to calculate?

what should i add to 5 to get it?
frac(Int) = 0
no, i want to reduce
i had 10↑(2↑2718281828459050) and i want to get 10↑(2↑↑x)
and i found out that 5<x<6
console.log(n, deg, 2**deg) // 5 1.3253365599586389 2.5059134025425713
Ah, I see
2↑2718281828459050 = 2↑↑x → x=?
Yes, 5<x<6
by the way, shouldn't we switch to base 10 instead of 2 before?
Use whatever base is best for scenario
as we want to get 10↑↑↑y
perhaps not so intuitively, the base doesn't matter in the long run
@SimplyBeautifulArt yep)
@SimplyBeautifulArt ok, than let's continue with 2 :)
2↑2718281828459050 = 2↑↑x = 2^2^2^2^2^2^frac(x)
@SimplyBeautifulArt yep
so frac(x) = log(log(log(log(log(2718281828459050)))))
where we use base two
I get frac(x) = 0.406358769
so x=5.406358769
eval("Math.log2(".repeat(5) + 2718281828459050 + ")".repeat(5)) // 0.40635876852612085
DO NOT calculate the numbers explicitly :)
@SimplyBeautifulArt why?
Obviously the numbers get too big
especially once we hit ↑↑↑
@SimplyBeautifulArt it's only a fraction, not to big :)
I mean the rest of the mess gets too big. So don't try evaluating the entire thing explicitly and solving for x that way
so we got 10↑(2↑↑5.40635876852612085)
49 mins ago, by Qwertiy
var n = 3, deg = 5.680088477859977;
console.log(`10↑(${"2↑".repeat(n)}${deg})`) // 10↑(2↑2↑2↑5.680088477859977)
for (; deg > 2.00000001; deg = Math.log2(deg)) ++n
console.log(n, deg, 2**deg) // 5 1.3253365599586389 2.5059134025425713
console.log(`10↑(2↑↑${n})`) // 10↑(2↑↑5)
I assume you want to convert the entire thing into 10↑↑x?
@SimplyBeautifulArt 10↑↑x or 10↑↑↑x?
It's nowhere near ↑↑↑ level
Just to hint at the strength of three arrows:

3↑↑↑3 = 3↑↑3↑↑3 = 3↑↑7.6e12 = 3^3^3^.... with 7.6e12 amount of 3's
10↑↑↑x must involve minuscule values of x.
@SimplyBeautifulArt but it's already 10↑(2↑↑5.40635876852612085)
a↑(b↑↑c) is generally way smaller than something you would write in the form x↑↑↑y
10↑↑y is much much more reasonable
@SimplyBeautifulArt ok, how can we do that?
I'd gander a real quick look and say

10↑(2↑↑5.40635876852612085) ≈ 2↑(2↑↑5.40635876852612085) = 2↑↑6.40635876852612085
As I said before, base hardly matters
For example, note that 10^3 = 1000 ≈ 1024 = 2^10
don't think so))
So 10^x ≈ 2^(10x/3)
But 10∙(2↑↑5.40635876852612085)/3 does not change the number significantly
at most, it will affect like the 10th digit
Hence how one makes quick analysis
ok, if we switched to base 10 on the first step, we would've get 10↑(10↑↑y) and then 10↑↑(y+1) right?
But that would've been harder to analyze
i'll try :)
@SimplyBeautifulArt why?
@Qwertiy Just my opinion
@SimplyBeautifulArt usually people are using 10, not 2 :)
I thought you people did your numbers in bits. :)
I get 10↑↑4.069506124
I'm gonna be out for a bit
@Qwertiy You do Ruby?
@SimplyBeautifulArt nope
don't program it(
them both
why are you asking?
A: Largest Number Printable

Simply Beautiful ArtRuby: score is approximately (much greater than) fω²(fω²(fω²(fω²(fω²(fω²(966))))) where fα(n) is the fast growing hierarchy. Assuming online interpreter where printing the result is automatically done: def f(a,b=a,c=a,y=?!.ord)(c>y)?a.times{a+=f a,b,c-y}&&a:(b<y)?a:f(a,b-y)end;f(f(f(f(f(f ?φ.o...

My number was made using Ruby, which is close to Python
After you comprehend three ↑'s, four ↑'s, and arbitrarily many ↑'s... then comprehend even bigger things...
deg = 2718281828459050
console.log(`10↑(2↑${deg})`) // 10↑(2↑2718281828459050)
deg *= Math.log10(2)
console.log(`10↑(10↑${deg})`) // 10↑(10↑818284367034506.8)

n = 1;
console.log(`10↑(${"10↑".repeat(n)}${deg})`) // 10↑(10↑818284367034506.8)
for (d=deg; d>10; d=Math.log10(d)) ++n
console.log(n, d, 10**d) // 3 1.173562229554173 14.912904254248932
console.log(`10↑(10↑↑${n}.?)`) // 10↑(10↑↑3.?)

console.log(n += eval("Math.log10(".repeat(n) + deg + ")".repeat(n))) // 3.06950612353447
console.log(`10↑(10↑↑${n})`) // 10↑(10↑↑3.06950612353447)
@SimplyBeautifulArt, so i got 10↑↑4.06950612353447
@SimplyBeautifulArt yep, nice :)
@tuskiomi, we calculated smth :)
:) I'll read up on that
@Qwertiy :D
So triple arrows work in the same manner for the most part:

2↑↑↑pi = 2↑↑2↑↑2↑↑2↑↑frac(pi)
Three 2's separated by double arrows with 2↑↑frac(pi) at the end
2↑↑frac(pi) = 2^frac(pi) = 2^0.14159... = 1.103122228
2↑↑1.103122228 = 2^2^0.103122228 = 2.105401626
2↑↑2.105401626 = 2^2^2^0.105401626 = 4.310578809
And lastly,
2↑↑↑pi = 2↑↑4.310578809 = 2^2^2^2^2^0.310578809 = 4.25709608e10
Likewise, more arrows will expand in the same manner with one less arrow in each expansion.
In computability theory, the Ackermann function, named after Wilhelm Ackermann, is one of the simplest and earliest-discovered examples of a total computable function that is not primitive recursive. All primitive recursive functions are total and computable, but the Ackermann function illustrates that not all total computable functions are primitive recursive. After Ackermann's publication of his function (which had three nonnegative integer arguments), many authors modified it to suit various purposes, so that today "the Ackermann function" may refer to any of numerous variants of the original...
A(m,n)=[2↑↑↑↑...↑(n+3)]-3 with m-3 amount of arrows
The function is pretty easy to write, and provides some intuition into the up-arrow business
(works only for integer m,n > 0)
@tuskiomi If you don't mind, I'm fixing your edits
@SimplyBeautifulArt please
@tuskiomi they are all pending
since I don't have enough rep *hmph*
@Qwertiy You should update your answer with 10↑↑x notation

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