He invented a machine that could dig a hole while making holographic thread.
He makes a hoop that leads to other worlds or dimensions and when he throws it onto the floor, a women gets transported through it.
A few decades ago I came upon a collection of sci-fi short stories. One in particular stood out, but I can't find the name of it.
Basically, an exploration starship returns to Earth from, I believe, Mars. A small scorpion-like creature hitches a ride. It stings its prey, allowing it to mind contr...
At the end of Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), I noticed one ground tech closing a plastic true union ball valve and disconnecting a plastic flexible corrugated hose from a side port of one of the X-Wings in the vast hangar of the hidden Rebel base in the Massassi temple on Yavin IV, while the Rebel...
I'm curious about the meaning behind the title of the film, Infinity Pool (2023). As far as I know, the only literal reference to an infinity pool in the film is the infinity pool that was being installed by Alban Bauer, the architect, at the Bot Vre 2 resort.
However, there seems to be a deeper,...
The novel is dystopian science fiction, published before 2013, in English. It is set in the US, Canada, etc.
It starts with a Chinese (or Asian) woman researcher in a secret laboratory where genetically engineered chimera embryos are incubated in surrogate cows. A monster is created, which destro...
In the movie Antman and the Wasp: Quantummania, Kang the Conqueror has a suit that is used for doing multiple things like telekinesis, energy blasts, etc. What is the source of energy of his suit, is it Quantum energy, if yes how did he come to know about it before entering the Quantum realm?
Inspired by this question about the first rebellious AI, I was wondering when the first positive depictions of AI appeared? Fiction is littered with rebellious robots from HAL 9000 to Skynet to Ultron, negative portrayals are the most common trope from the beginnings of science fiction. 19th cent...
In this question First story to deal with increased human intelligence?
There is a brief mention of another story, can it be identified?
(There is the story from the 1950s in which a computer helps a subnormal (again) woman and she becomes supernormal.)
I read this manhwa a year ago but I forgot the title. I changed phones so most of the titles are lost and since the site where i use to read was brought down.
So I vaguely remember about the story is that the female lead is on her death bed. She had a miserable life with her husband, I think a du...
Read it online some time ago. The story started with humans already captured in space, followed by aliens' realisation about humans' abilities. The human protagonist later grew attached to some other aliens as well. There were several descriptive fights.
I'm looking for a short story I read in a magazine like OMNI, probably in the late 80s or early 90s. It was set in the near future where time travel was possible. People were using it to visit the dinosaurs, and their time travel ships would automatically return to their original time after a s...
The question has most of the elements that I remember, but not the author or title of the short story, which I’ve forgotten. The barker is setting up the exhibit and invites a child to critique it. As each audacious statement is made by the barker, the child shouts “lie!” to the false statements....
The question is about 2022 Netflix series Wednesday.
On one side all members of the Addams seems to enjoy everything connected with suffering and death.
Wednesday herself actually almost kills someone in the very first scene (on purpose).
On the other hand, the possibility that
seems to be drama...