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Merry Christmas! I wrote some puzzles: foldr.moe/jelly-puzzles
@Lynn Merry christmas.
merry christmas! looks cool, i'll give them a shot
started earlier; 1-9 were all very easy for me and i'm totally stuck on 10. probably just me being rusty, lol
i have 4 but idk if it's even the right idea since i don't see how i could golf the last bit out
i was thinking jelly's automatic number range thing would do something there
regarding 4 i forget if that's the thing there's specifically a builtin for or not
never mind i got 4
yes there is lol
md5 acd89af88c4d4174122663883dc6e2e2
i wonder if any of these have multiple solutions
@UnrelatedString oh? that's not the same as mine lol. 39eb9e8406ba0949b6f8a5cf5aca8924
wait you do mean #4 [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] right
i do not get 1
@hyper-neutrino yes
Ooh number 8 is deceptive
It looks like : from a distance but it's actually ː
that makes
more sense
still relatively easy tho
(number 8 that is)
I'm stuck on 9 though
81ȷ only gets 81000
instead of 81000000
ooh, you have one of the components
I assume that's the ȷ
but idk how to manipulate it from there
any hints?
if ȷ gives you 3 0s by default and you need 6, how can you get that?
that's one way, but then you'd need 4 bytes
but the problem is the 81 at the front
how can you get from 3 0s to 6 without modifying the literal?
I so badly want to say "use a flag" but that doesn't exist here ;p
@hyper-neutrino apart from using something like x or ẋ, idk
oh nvm
dang it
i forgor how to math
@lyxal well, yes :P
md5: 54cc6e1aadcbf7f809abcc8fb8115329
nice, I have the same
there's technically another solution for this lol
but it's the same idea
@hyper-neutrino did you eventually get it?
not yet
been thinking about it on and off
md5: 38a657eab0b7b2213e2c6d04cc4d4a3e
think auto-ranges
i am now wishing i included an auto-range filter on my search tool
11 is like super easy
(how to hover spoiler again?)
[shown text](anylink "hidden text")
well i have looked at 11 for 10 seconds and didn't get it yet
i have now gotten it
@hyper-neutrino hint
you need the quotes
not spiled
anyway uh
that's kinda awkward
for number 10: hint
(updated the hint to make it more helpful)
@lyxal oh i know about that builtin alr
so uh
guess i am missing something probably obvious kekw
ok this is rather close
@hyper-neutrino constantn't
read the two hints again but in reverse order
maybe that could help
i am really bad at these puzzles
hey i should leave a third hint
yeah i think i have an idea how the solution is meant to look i am now just missing the thing in betwee lol
yeah same
i'm not good at just recalling built-ins for a specific behavior
this is because i have exactly 5 really trivial jelly answers
@hyper-neutrino the last byte is right
it's just how you generate [1, 2] that matters
@hyper-neutrino :Ṗ
ah fuck
i ran through like 8 range builtins but forgot about that
yeah i don't often remember autorange when thinking of builtins
like i can remember if a builtin will autorange but am not good at using that to my advantage
12 was pretty easy but that's cuz i happen to recall the special-case behavior of one particular builtin lol
which is? (because I'm not at all familiar with janky jelly stuff)
@lyxal it's not really possible to give a great hint here so i'll just explain what the built-in is meant to do: hover
you may wish to review the chaining rules
oh ur hints for p10 made p13 a lot easier
@hyper-neutrino dang it I have 5 bytes on that
@hyper-neutrino for a moment I read that as Christmas rules
and I was like "wait there's special stuff in Jelly on dec 25?"
@hyper-neutrino in 1 byte?
because if you have the other thing it's niladn't
was thinking m9Ż or something
ugh 3 bytes to get [0, 9, 9, 0]
so close but so far
you should be almost there then
if only there was a reverse pair
I take it hover
i am (lol)ing at your message because you already have the solution lol. you just need to find the code for it
wow that's a really tacky solution
damn jelly has no identity matrix builtin
it's two bytes right
what, 9,0?
identity matrix
idk how to do it, i forgot
it's got to be though; you need a 3 somewhere i think
oh i remember now
3 hours later…
yeah a lot of these rely heavily on leading nilads in niladic chains
or avoiding leading nilads to get an implicit 0 right argument
that too
reminds me i find it funny that i'm testing them all with the footer 50µ¹⁶⁸£Ṅ)ṛ“
like that's a lot of superscripts
oh yeah i just got a 2-byter for 25 lmao
oh lol
oh yeah same
stuck on 17 rn sadge
i currently have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, and 32
i have up to 16 + 18, 20, 25, 27
i don't even know where to start with 17
wait holy shit
i just got it and wow
md5 d2f093942e9bc61cabef5d0478b7fa87
tf is that link
anyway unfortunately after reading the spoiler i have not gotten anywhere kek
2 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino it would be nice if I could use the keyboard on mobile (on your TIO page) :)
I can't scroll to see the rest. but enabling word wrap seems better anyway
@Lynn it's a fixed size premade html table it seems
needs a bunch of changes to expand properly
how does it look in landscape view
I think it will only need td { display: inline-block; }
let me try that in devtools
hm this seems fine but padding can definitely be reduced in mobile
3 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino That's a great output, I should include it in a future puzzle set!
I just realized there are two nice solutions to [9, 0, 0, 9]. Mine isn't, um, tacky
I created about half of these with a search program that generates and runs random 3-byte Jelly programs, it's pretty wild to watch the outputs
2 hours later…
@Lynn ah, yeah, I meant to do something about that a while ago. I'll see when I can get around to it :)
I think I will just have two layouts and responsively show the appropriate one based on screen size, since wrapping it around does sort of break the flow and the padding is rather huge
you can't scroll cuz I intentionally hid overflow-x which is overall helpful but here kinda makes it unusable on mobile :(
4 hours later…
cool, thanks!
(I must admit I don't totally understand how it's helpful on desktop, either)
@Lynn well, since i force a lot of things to be 100 width, if the page is tall enough then the vertical scroll bar takes up space which causes a horizontal scroll bar to appear for the like 10px that get used
which looks wrong
nothing gets blocked by the vertical scroll bar, the 100% width is just for alignment

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