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5:16 PM
May as well start trivial: {Add: +, Sub: _, Mul: ×, Div: ÷, IntDiv: :, Mod: %, Exp: *, Neg: N, Abs: A, NPrime: ÆN, Fib: ÆḞ, Rev: Ṛ, Inv: İ, NextPrime: Æn, Avg: Æm, Med: Æṁ, GCD: g/, LCM: æl/, Eval: V}
As for the explaining code, it's simply how the interpreter works. It's written in Python, so why not! It can be seen explained under Jelly's eval monad, V:
> Eval z as Jelly code, with no arguments. If z is a list, it maps Python's str function to all of z's elements, concatenates them and then eval's the result. Vectorizes at depth 1.
Also, if I understood the 2D array question correctly, then it can be done in one byte. It doesn't work without input and requires it be of the right form (an explicit list), but in the example it said the output was a result of `f(5, 4)`. That implies, as far as I can see, that we *can* expect an input...

2DArray: Ė
Am I doing this right, we are supposed to share in the chat when solve exercises so we can get level up, no? Or how does it work? Also, does one get to level 5 after completing all of those exercises? Is it that easy?
Because it's titled Easy-Medium which leads me to expect we might need to solve some hard ones too... Some amount of problems of PPCG to be solved in Jelly before we upgrade?
5 hours later…

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