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@Kasmir Poke
This link is to libgen, you can download the book here
thanks alot mate ill look for it now :D
Awesome! I've actually pulled up the search results in this link
this is very awesome :D
I hope i find the firth edition because thats what we using on class =p
btw did you have this course?
I haven't taken combinatorics yet, I'll do so next year
With someone who's a master of the subject, both as a researcher and a teacher
That is very nice =p you should take adventage of that :)
You study for mathematian right?
Nice =p am in second year now
I want to be reseacher in number theory
Same thing here!
but first i have to pass 5 years :D
haha :D
I haven't taken too many math classes yet
First year calculus, analysis this year, and differential topology this quarter
analysis real ? or complex
Ah we done complex first
next year ill do real
but from the teacher told us the real is harder
First quarter was stuff like metric spaces, multivariable calculus, uniform convergence, curves and surfaces, all that stuff
Also linear algebra on the homework
I think we study different
because we call calc I too III
just analysis A and B
Second quarter of analysis was a bit of inner product spaces, differential forms, ODEs, and then functional analysis
but we did those things , gaus theorem , green , uniform convergence and all
Third quarter has been miscellaneous topics + measure theory/Lebesgue integration
lebesque integration is soemthing my teacher mentioned =p
he said its better defintion than Riemans
It had to do with discountinous functions so it has to be more powerfull
It's complicated, but it's nice when you get to it
And my school is weird. The class in calculus first year is just one variable and a little bit of multi, mostly serves as an intro to proofs. My analysis class is honors, which is why it covers all that in one shot, usually that'd be 2-3 years :P
Ill cross that bridge when am ready =p now i gotta pass this exam on combinatorics on may =p
2-3 years?
and you doing it in 1 ?
Yeah, it's heavy
The way we pull it off is by spending over 20 hours a week on homework
most of our classes are 2 months =p
oh nice =p i spend that time too or more but only last weeks before exam
like last 3 weeks i study that hard 4-7 hours a day
@Daminark I think I found it! :) thanks alot again :)
Woo! No problem!

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