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3 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
2 messages moved from Chavo Vardo
10 hours later…
I'm on tenterhooks as to what Arsenal always does! They don't walk it in, do they? — Bad_Bishop 45 secs ago
#12122 Bad_Bishop (431 rep) | Q: How can I convey to someone that the way she communicates is awkward without upsetting her? (score: 16) | posted 19 hours ago by Arthas (1335 rep) | edited 15 hours ago by Arthas (1335 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["abusive"]
#3253 theonlygusti (101 rep) | Q: How to get friends/partner to stop texting me pointless pictures/videos (score: 74) | posted 198 days ago by Slow loris (3449 rep) | edited 198 days ago by NVZ (8588 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
The prologue of this answer is one of the foundations to live by. If your relatives or closed ones don't support you.... Who will? +100 — OneEyedBandit 30 secs ago
Matched regex(es) [""]
9 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
3 hours later…
Wow, what has happened to this chat. We're actually discussing the site.
@RichardU Yeah, and you're not supposed to interrupt that :P
2 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
Although I agree that responding to the comments acknowledges some validity in the eyes of her I think your answer doens't take into account that this comments actually hurt OP. So I don't see how op is going to stay stoic neutral and "ignore" the comment he just received when being verbally harassed by the person he's in love with. — Alexander Aeons Torn 55 secs ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
As I started reading this answer I first disagreed with your view on things because the OP's GF sounds like an incredibly entitled person, who refuses to accept any responsibility for her actions. A child, essentially, and as such, I would have simply recommended that he dump her ASAP. However, as I continued reading, I realized that you're largely correct: the OP is also rejecting his responsibility, and generally allowing her to walk all over him. Maybe she is irredeemably childish, spoiled, and abusive, the OP also needs to man up, even if he gets involved with a different woman. — AndreiROM 1 min ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@anonymous If she "honestly" thinks you're stupid and less of a man, this is a huge problem. You're mistaken, and so is she. This can't be honesty, because if it is, she's not in this relationship because she likes you. You should consider asking her if she honestly meant what she said next time she pulls the "honesty" card. I'd like to know if this human being could respond yes to "Do you honestly think I'm stupid and not a real man?" to her boyfriend. She's not expressing her feelings at all. She's taking out her general frustration out on you in a toxic and horrible way. — Clay07g 2 mins ago
#12141 Clay07g (1141 rep) | Q: How can I let my girlfriend know that her insults are hurting my feelings and ask her to stop? (score: 17) | posted 16 hours ago by anonymous (86 rep) | edited 16 hours ago by Catija (10247 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
1 hour later…
I’d definitely add to the question that you don’t mind asexual intimacy. Because it sounds like you’re only looking for sexual intimacy. Also, in the interest of this question not getting closed, I’d remove your questions regarding why would she do something. It’s kind of impossible for anyone here to be able to answer that for you. But your original question of how to talk to her about it has potential. — Crazy Cucumber 29 secs ago
#12182 Crazy Cucumber (3349 rep) | Q: How to aproach the subject of intimacy with an ex? (score: 0) | posted 41 minutes ago by user15683 (4 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@Geliormth We often put too much faith into the soundness of our supposed logic when discussing non-mathematical statements. Statements regarding the human experience often are not unilaterally true or false. Logical, reasonable, and rational ideas are not necessarily consequences of a well-defined axiomatic system of thought - especially not if the debating parties believe in differing values. Hell, we barely agree on our definitions of words (e.g. gender); so, I feel that logical "proof" doesn't really exist in everyday discussion beyond a rhetorical tool. — zahbaz 1 min ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
12 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
Q: javascript воспроизведение Audio

Евгений ГусевСобираю плейлист для Audio. var songs = ['', '', '', '', '', ] var audio = new Audio() audio.so...

Q: Подскажите с выбором VoIP кодека

D .StarkVoIP кодеков существует достаточно большое количество. Человеку, не сильно разбирающемуся в отличиях между ними, достоинствах и недостатках каждого, выбрать трудновато. Подскажите быстрые современные не лицензированные кодеки (может быть предложите несколько на выбор).

Q: WASAPI Запись звука

D .StarkВ результате записи получается полная ерунда. В чём ошибка? #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "windows.h" #include "mmdeviceapi.h" #include "audioclient.h" #pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib") using namespace System; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; #define REFTIMES_P...

Q: Некорректная работа IDT Audio и проблемы с микрофоном!!! не помогает стандартное решение

Алексей ShipДобрый день. При подкл. Микрофона выдает CANNOT FIND!.STARTUP! ноут: Dell inspirion N5110, core i3. Искал решение в инете ": Открыла C: \ Program Files \ IDT \ OEM \ Dell , нашла файл IDTNGUI.startup , скопировала его, и вставила в C: \ Program Files \ IDT \ OEM" у меня на первом этапе при захо...

Q: Получение сырых данных Audio в js

Шерзод ЁровДопустим есть некий sampe.mp3. Я хочу с помощью javascript извлечь сырые данные и нарисовать график этого звука. Как это сделать?

@Akash.B Why do your messages sound like we owe you something ?
2 messages moved from The h Bar
yeah you are right,wastes goes to trash
1 hour later…
Dealing with the comment instead of the person gets an upvote. — baldPrussian 1 min ago
#12188 baldPrussian (9305 rep) | A: How to helpfully react to a male coworker's sexual comment about a woman (score: 2) | posted 49 minutes ago by Arthas (1400 rep) | edited 35 minutes ago by Arthas (1400 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
1 hour later…
@Tom I disagree. — DonQuiKong 1 min ago
#12162 DonQuiKong (209 rep) | A: How can I let my girlfriend know that her insults are hurting my feelings and ask her to stop? (score: 0) | posted 10 hours ago by DonQuiKong (209 rep) | edited 9 hours ago by OldPadawan (8610 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
That's all the time we have for now. Thanks for attending!
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[<chatexchange.users.User object at 0x000000010f1f2988>, <chatexchange.users.User object at 0x000000010f1f29c0>, <chatexchange.users.User object at 0x000000010f1f29f8>]
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granting access
<map object at 0x00000001067d3c10>
We're fielding the next question now. Take your time to phrase your question, and please save any follow-up questions for the open discussion period.
granting access
what is this
[161943, 167070, 172727]
@quartata Checking if the user is a RO before giving/removing write access
oh, gotcha
I put this in _grant_write_access:
room.send_message(str(list(map(lambda o: o.id, room.owners))))
room.send_message(", ".join(owner.id for owner in room.owners))
you'll have to use room.owners I guess
yet somehow only the first message gets sent :(
We're fielding the next question now. Take your time to phrase your question, and please save any follow-up questions for the open discussion period.
granting access
[161943, 167070, 172727]
sequence item 0: expected str, int found
Opening it up to the room for discussion.
1 minute warning.
Extending discussion period as we don't have any additional questions currently.
Extending discussion period as we don't have any additional questions currently.
We're fielding the next question now. Take your time to phrase your question, and please save any follow-up questions for the open discussion period.
granting access
[161943, 167070, 172727]
161943<class 'str'>
Opening it up to the room for discussion.
1 minute warning.
got it
We're fielding the next question now. Take your time to phrase your question, and please save any follow-up questions for the open discussion period.
granting access
Not revoking access from RO
Opening it up to the room for discussion.
1 minute warning.
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Extending discussion period as we don't have any additional questions currently.
Extending discussion period as we don't have any additional questions currently.
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test incoming
... or not
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bah, later
73 messages moved from Beep Boop Maggot
1 hour later…
Downvoted for imagining that a client who is colorblind and is aware of it wouldn't participate in resolving the difference of perception. — Beanluc 32 secs ago
#12123 Beanluc (296 rep) | A: How can I suggest to someone that he may potentially be colourblind? (score: 1) | posted 31 hours ago by Astralbee (8406 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
I wish I could upvote this more than once. — thursdaysgeek 22 secs ago
#12197 thursdaysgeek (295 rep) | A: How to helpfully react to a male coworker's sexual comment about a woman (score: 7) | posted 1 hours ago by Kate Gregory (15635 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Although I don't agree with the whole white knighting aspect. The behavior that this other person is exhibiting is definitely considered bad in our cultural norms and they want to express that. — Arthas 1 min ago
#12202 Arthas (1408 rep) | A: How to helpfully react to a male coworker's sexual comment about a woman (score: 0) | posted 1 hours ago by peufeu (10128 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]

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