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2 messages moved from Problem Solving Strategies
4 hours later…
didn see
better not be some nsfw stuff
show again
:43142747 can u post it again?
oh just an email
7 messages moved from Kappa&Yokai and Friends
3 messages moved from Kappa&Yokai and Friends
now remove that to make a blinking effect
too much trash
grabs mop
9 messages moved from Kappa&Yokai and Friends
what hansu wht do i do?
huh ?
im just cleaning up the chat
nothing special
hows project man ? @YokaiTheMonster
1 message moved from Kappa&Yokai and Friends
5 messages moved from Kappa&Yokai and Friends
2 hours later…
Just wondering, when you apply for the job they listed German as a requirement? Because I wouldn't accept a Job if knew I wont be able to communicate with anyone. Now if they say english is Ok, then you need to speak to your manager to help you handle this. Because the lack of communication from your coworker is affecting the ability of doing your job. — Juan Carlos Oropeza 48 secs ago
#11197 Juan Carlos Oropeza (163 rep) | Q: How can I switch a conversation from a language to another? (score: 5) | posted 4 hours ago by MosCH (469 rep) | edited 1 hours ago by Wrzlprmft (105 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
Yes, I know what you mean I'm also a programer and my native isn't english but everything is in english so have to learn it. But you need to speak to your manager. If they claim they have English culture and now result is only German you are a victim of bait and switch. Polish your resume and start looking for another job where the culture fit better for you. — Juan Carlos Oropeza 58 secs ago
#11197 Juan Carlos Oropeza (163 rep) | Q: How can I switch a conversation from a language to another? (score: 5) | posted 5 hours ago by MosCH (469 rep) | edited 1 hours ago by Wrzlprmft (105 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
What exactly is the problem with just not inviting them? Maybe I'm reading this incorrectly, but your father just said you should invite them, he didn't do it himself or anything, correct? — Raditz_35 1 min ago
#11218 Raditz_35 (193 rep) | Q: Dad wants me to invite his mother to my wedding. How to push it back? (score: 2) | posted 45 minutes ago by Alex (11 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
9 messages moved from The Awkward Silence

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