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I voted to close after that last edit @Catija
@apaul Oh, you saw that? :/
@Catija Are we talking about the same thing?
@apaul I'm pretty sure. I saw your comment.
@Catija Seems like being taken seriously wasn't enough fun...
@apaul Of course not.
@Catija IP ban?
I'll be honest... most numbers in the double digits seem like a lot to me... but that seems... sort of insulting to LGBT people...
Hmm, I'm not seeing the delete option on mobile...
You can't delete upvoted stuff... pretty sure?
@Catija It's not about the number, it's when the number was added.
Ah. Hm... particularly after their earlier comment.
@Catija I was talking about chat messages
@Catija And after accepting an answer...
@apaul In here? really? Um... you on a computer or your phone.
Oh, mobile... duh... catching up...
I think you have to view full site in mobile... see the hamburger in the upper left?
It's going to be a lot easier on a computer if you can wait...
May not even be possible on mobile... not sure...
Ah, it looks like I can only delete the most recent ones.
You should be able to move any messages... that's one of the RO things.
A: A guide to moderating chat

bluefeetWhat tools are available to room owners? Room owners are users that have some elevated permissions in a chatroom. Typically, they will be the first line of defense when it comes to inappropriate content or behavior in a room. Users will look to the room owners to guide the room. The room owners...

Nope kick doesn't do that lol
You can't kick me :P
It kicks someone out for (initially) 30 seconds.
subsequent kicks increase the duration.
@Catija I almost kicked myself out
I don't think you can?
If I'm typing slowly, it's because I just fracking cut myself... I feel like such an idiot.
Fun times
Now I have to go finish dinner with only 9 fingers.
middle finger, too.
No sympathy, I see...
Sorry I'm at work
Oh, go work. :P
You should probably go get that finger stitched back on ;)
@apaul It's an oblique cut on the knuckle... bled a lot... it's wrapped.
@Catija ouch
@apaul You might look at that post, by the way.
Well done
2 hours later…
@Catija thanks for editing that by the way.
@apaul Yeah. We were reacting without thinking... if that was what caused it, seems reasonable to remove it.
@Catija I thought about removing it, but I was hesitant to touch it given the circumstances...
To delete stuff, do I just move it to trash?
@apaul Oh, you may not be able to delete... but, yes, you can move it to trash... pick a gallery one, if you can... or I can move it to the mod trash.
It won't be deleted but I can get rid of the link to it.
Is there an easy way to just dump everything older than the last 24 hours?
Eh screw it, I'll mess with it later then lol
Sorry. It's not really designed that way. :(
I get that, seems odd to catalog chat that way, but SE is different.
I take it you're home?
Have you talked with your partner about SE at all?
Bug fixed :) Now I need some rooom owner to move it to Trash.
@Catija A bit. Seems like it was more a worry about how worked up I would get about things around here.
@SmokeDetector delete
@SmokeDetector delete
Huh... where have I heard that before...
I've literally had that conversation with Andy...
Also, substitute "wrong" with "stupid" still works.
Not exactly that, but it did/does effect my mood at times.
Andy often just asks me "are people wrong on the internet again"?
@Catija I was kinda thinking that it's probably a pretty common thing amongst regulars.
A big part of it was me getting pissed about the queer bashing stuff.
Their response tended to be "You can't talk about stuff like that on the internet" which seemed kinda crappy.
Like "Hey, we deserve some space on the internet too. I'm fighting for something important for people like us. You should get that, not because you like the internet, but because you like equal rights"
They seem to kinda get it now, but there's little sympathy when things turn shitty.
:( I'm glad that it's less bad.
Maybe over time it will continue to improve?
Or you could find someone else to talk to about things? I have had chats outside SE with a few people when I really couldn't expect Andy to "get" things... because it took too much work to explain.
@Catija I talk to my friend, the one I asked the question about yesterday, occasionally. She tends to be a bit more internet fluent, but Twitter and Facebook are her stomping grounds.
@apaul Hmmm.
I admire her tenacity trying to fight for space there...
I couldn't do it. Way too much, way too often.
I've learned a great many things... and one of them is that I suck at social media.
I always worry that my likes/comments will be met with annoyance rather than appreciation.
I gave up on social media when it was still Myspace.
I have... something like three twitter accounts, one instagram, two facebook accounts and a few pages... and I used to have an Etsy shop.
I didn't go online much back then, so when I did, I usually signed in with my girlfriend's account. And would very often get hit on by random internet creepers.
@Catija ewww why?
@apaul I have a Twitter for the etsy shop and two others before I realized you can change your twitter handle and name entirely... I have a FB account for Hippo and one for me... and the pages are... one for my shop, a few for past jobs... that sort of thing... nothing I really "manage".
@Catija Ah
What did you sell on Etsy?
@apaul I crocheted beaded necklaces...
My friend is apparently turning crocheting pussy hats into a side business.
Like women's march hats... Before that gets misread...
Those are cute.
Yeah, but I got lazy about actually making them and I never really got much in the way of views... and there's a lot of people selling things like that.
I technically have a FB account, just so that I could run a business page a while back.
Some of them were more "cute" and some more "earthy"...
Hmm do I detect a touch of hippie?
Eh... I wear the more goth-y ones. :P This one is the one I wear the most often (the in-focus parts of the image got a bit cut off):
Wouldn't have guessed goth though lol
And some are a lot more "formal".
@apaul Eh, the colors and it's a choker, length.
I liked picking out the beads more than I liked making the actual things.
Ah, just the fashion
It kept my hands busy.
Productive fidgeting is always a good thing.
Now I'm "productive" on SE. :P
@Catija For some value of "productive"
Well, that's sort of the point of the quotes :P
My partner would probably argue otherwise lol
Well, they do acknowledge that it's nice to help people with their questions, but seems to think wading through the bullshit to do it isn't.
I think Andy would, too... he used to pester me, asking if I could apply for a job here... but I always told him that there were much more experienced mods who would probably get the job way before I did... and then they had the layoffs and who knows if they'll hire again any time soon.
Eh, lots of good questions come without bullshit baggage.
7 messages moved from Charcoal HQ
@Catija Just sayin there's a relatively high bullshit ratio to be considered when answering the more "controversial" questions.
Was kinda glad Robert got to see it first hand for once... But I probably shouldn't be
That was an odd pair of events in the same day.
I'm going to be woken in 6 hours (if I'm lucky) by a small child, so I should get to bed. Night.
13 hours later…
1 message moved from Spring Cleaning
1 message moved from Spring Cleaning
2 hours later…
@Catija was that edit incorporating stuff from comments or?
@apaul Did you read the edit reason?
@Catija Nah, but I just found the related comment
So you assumed that I was adding random stuff rather than looking for the comments?
Edit reasons are in really tiny print on mobile and I missed one of the comments on first scan. Figured it may have been from a removed comment or something.
Ah. ok.
Just had a "Why would you need to avoid talking about relationships?" Cause I didn't see that in the version I answered.
@apaul Yeah... I'm not sure I understand the excuse, either... I mean... I don't avoid talking about my relationship with my husband with people who are LGBT...
And talking about a relationship is a good way to hint at who you're attracted to... it's not exclusive... but it does something...
Kinda seems like they're grasping at straws... "I need this information, for... Um... Reasons.... Ya, non-homophobic reasons."
You mean like the pregnancy question?
@Catija Sorta
2 hours later…
@Catija you still around? Underage user on the front page.
Q: How to tell my friend she is rude?

Alexis RaybornMy friend, Rebecca, always brags about everything - such as "I got a better test score than you," and its really annoying. She is kind of shy, I would say, but sometimes she's kind of rude. I'm 12. She is 10. I'm a lot older than her but we still hang out. How can I tell her when she is being ...

@apaul Thanks.
Ugh. How does it already have a reopen vote?

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