@Catija it may be worth suggesting a state issued ID card, not a driver's license, but they're cheap and they'll let her use the dispensary without letting her drive.
I don't have anything against pot for people who wish to use it... I just don't myself. And I often don't like being around people who are using it if they're in the "pothead" phase you see in films.
@Catija sorry, just tryin to help. If it helps one can grow their own in Alaska, up to two plants per household last I heard. Admittedly that was a long time ago.
> Can I grow my own product? Adults age 21 and over can possess, grow, and give away as many as six marijuana plants. Only three of the plants can be mature and flowering at any one time.
@apaul OK. I'm off... good luck. Also, maybe talk to her about autism? She's convinced that she's autistic. I don't know that she is but I think talking to someone as matter-of-fact as you are about it might help.