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Consider some countable limit ordinal $\lambda$ with fundamental sequence $\lambda [n]$. We can then construct a fundamental sequence $\{\lambda, \lambda+1,\lambda 2, \lambda^2,\phi (\lambda,0), \phi \binom{\lambda}{1},\psi (\lambda),\psi'(\lambda),...,f(\lambda),f^2(\lambda),f^3(\lambda),...\}$
where $f$ is the fastest growing ordinal function provided by $\lambda$. Then this sequence is guarantee to exceed $\lambda$
For example: $f$ of any finite ordinal is succession, and the (not necessary unique) fundamental sequence (where the embedding from the next element to the previous is justified by the inductive definition of succession) $\{0,1,2,3,4,...\}$ should produce $\omega$ by definition of a fundamental sequence?
Or maybe I should put it this way: Every countable and computable ordinal should be produceable by only successions and fundamental sequences
and given a $\lambda$ we already constructed using all previously constructed ordinals (which the ordering is determined by ultimately how many successions and cartesian product is being used)
2 messages moved from Mathworks (Not the main chat!)
Or maybe I should put it this way: Since every countable and computable ordinal should be produceable by only successions, cartesian products and fundamental sequences
and given a $\lambda$ we already constructed using all previously constructed ordinals (which the ordering is determined by ultimately how many successions and cartesian product is being used,
and since at every step the definition of succession as the union $\alpha \cup \{\alpha\}$ should define an embedding $g : \alpha \mapsto \alpha \cup \{\alpha\} by g(\alpha)=\alpha$, and every cartesian product should also define an embedding $h : \prod_{k=1}^n a_k \mapsto \prod_{k=1}^{n+1} a_k$)
by element wise identification of each entry of the tuple from left to right, there should not be anything that presupposed the existence of some higher ordinal (since the successor of a given ordinal always exists)
So every computable ordinal should be produceable only from ordinals less than it, and we can always use succession to get to a higher ordinal, and (TBC)
8 messages moved from Mathworks (Not the main chat!)
ok all of that does not make sense. Try again later
1 hour later…
[On ordinals (again)]
Recall there are the following set theoric definition of ordinals $\Bbb{On}$:
$0 \in \Bbb{On}$
$\forall \alpha \in \Bbb{On}, \alpha^+ := \alpha \cup \{\alpha\}$
$\forall \alpha \in \Bbb{On}, n \in \Bbb{N}, \alpha^n := \prod_{k=1}^n \alpha = (\alpha,\alpha,\alpha,\dots,\alpha)$
$\forall S[|S|=\aleph_0] \land \forall \alpha \in S \subsetneq \Bbb{On} : \lambda :=\sup (n < \omega : S[n]) \in \Bbb{On}$
where $S$ is a woset and $S[n]$ is its nth element (Thus $S$ is a fundamental sequence of $\lambda$)
Now for ordering for each relation here:
Let $g_i$ be embeddings (order preserving bijections)
9 messages moved from Mathworks (Not the main chat!)
[On ordinals (again)]
Recall there are the following set theoric definition of ordinals $\Bbb{On}$:
$0 = \varnothing \in \Bbb{On}$
$\forall \alpha \in \Bbb{On}, \alpha^+ := \alpha \cup \{\alpha\} \in \Bbb{On}$
$\forall \alpha \in \Bbb{On}, n \in \Bbb{N}, \alpha^n := \prod_{k=1}^n \alpha = (\alpha,\alpha,\alpha,\dots,\alpha) \in \Bbb{On}$
$\forall S[|S|=\aleph_0] \land \forall \alpha \in S \subsetneq \Bbb{On} : \lambda :=\sup (n < \omega : S[n]) \in \Bbb{On}$
where $S$ is a woset and $S[n]$ is its nth element (Thus $S$ is a fundamental sequence of $\lambda$)
Now for ordering for each relation here:
Let $g_i$ be embeddings (order preserving bijections)
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Let $g_i,i\in \Bbb{N}$ be embeddings (order preserving injections that are not surjective)
$g_1 : \alpha \mapsto \alpha \cup \{\alpha\}$ is defined for all $\alpha$ that is constructed from what is already available, by $\forall \beta \in \alpha : g_1(\beta) = \beta$. Thus, $g_1$ injects into $\alpha^+$ from $\alpha$ while it is not surjective because the preimage $g_1^{\leftarrow}(\alpha) = \varnothing$
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Now for succession:
$g_1 : \alpha \mapsto \alpha \cup \{\alpha\}$ is defined for all $\alpha$ that is constructed from what is already available, by $\forall \beta \in \alpha : g_1(\beta) = \beta$. Thus, $g_1$ injects into $\alpha^+$ from $\alpha$ while it is not surjective because the preimage $g_1^{\leftarrow}(\alpha) = \varnothing$
For multiplication:
$g_2 : \prod_{k=1}^n \alpha \mapsto \prod_{k=1}^{n+1} \alpha$ is defined for all $\alpha$ that is constructed from what is already available, by the elementwise pairing of elements in tuples i.e. $\forall k < n, g_2(\alpha^k) = \alpha^k$. Thus, $g_2$ injects into $\prod_{k=1}^{n+1} \alpha$ from $\prod_{k=1}^{n} \alpha$ while it is not surjective because the preimage $g_1^{\leftarrow}(\alpha^{n+1}) = \varnothing$
Alternately, $g_2$ can be defined as the elementwise pairing of tuples i.e. Let $\alpha_k$ be the kth element in the tuple $\prod_{k=1}^n \alpha$. Then $\forall k < n : g_2(\alpha_k) = \alpha_k$
Therefore both succession and multiplication (hence exponentiation and exponential towers also since it is iterated multiplication) are predicative and constructive
Now for supremums:
$S = \sup (n < \omega : S[n]) = \bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n]$, $S[n]$ are the ordinals in $S$ from the collection constructed so far and with ordering unambiguously determined by $g_1$ and $g_2$ for each pair of ordinals thus $S$ is well ordered/ a woset.
Now for each $m < \omega$, $g_3 : \bigcup_{k=1}^m S[k] \mapsto \bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n]$ is given by $\forall k < g_3 (\bigcup_{k=1}^m S[k]) =S[m]$. We can see that the maps $g_3$ are injective. However it is not surjective since $g_3^{\leftarrow}(S)=g_3^{\leftarrow}(\bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n])=\varnothing$
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1 message moved from Mathworks (Not the main chat!)
$\lambda = \sup (n < \omega : S[n]) = \bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n]$, $S[n]$ are the ordinals in $S$ from the collection constructed so far and with ordering unambiguously determined by $g_1$ and $g_2$ for each pair of ordinals thus $S$ is well ordered/ a woset. Therefore $\lambda$ is a well ordering.
Now for each $m < \omega$, $g_3 : \bigcup_{k=1}^m S[k] \mapsto \bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n]$ is given by $\forall k < g_3 (\bigcup_{k=1}^m S[k]) =S[m]$. We can see that the maps $g_3$ are injective. However it is not surjective since $g_3^{\leftarrow}(\lambda)=g_3^{\leftarrow}(\bigcup_{n < \omega} S[n])=\varnothing$
Therefore $\lambda$ represents an element strictly greater than all elements in $S$ for all $S$ in the collection constructed so far
However, from the above, we also started to see the self referential nature of some limit ordinals. To illustrate, let's begin at $0=\varnothing$
Using succession n times, we constructed $\beta=\{0,1,2,3,4,...,n\}$. By the embedding $g_1$, $\beta$ is indeed well ordered
In fact, we can extend $\beta$ forever by applying as many finite number of successions
Suppose we want something bigger. Using the definition of ordinal arithmetic as listed earlier, it seemed sensible to pick out many $\beta$ and form a set (this is always possible without choice since such set has only finitely many elements. We can also start again by picking more $\beta$ or pick every 2nd $\beta$ and so on. But note how no matter how you pick the $\beta$ to try to form a set $S$, it is always finite, which means it will biject to some $\beta$ that is already there.
Now let's turn our attention to the definition of the supremum of ordinals via fundamental sequences:
$$\forall S[|S|=\aleph_0] \land \forall \alpha \in S \subsetneq \Bbb{On} : \lambda :=\sup (n < \omega : S[n]) \in \Bbb{On}$$
In our context, $S$ is the set we tried to construct. Note the presence of $\omega$ in the definition, which is precisely the ordinal we tried to construct. Therefore, without the axiom of infinity, we can only ever get finite ordinals and the existence of infinite well orderings and infinite ordinals will be unprovable. In particular, in such subtheory of ZF, the lack of $\omega$ means $\Bbb{On}$ will look something like this:
$$\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-I}} = \{0,1,2,3,4,...\}$$
and this cannot be proven to be a set.
So, now let's plug in the axiom of infinity, and see what happens:
Now, we have the existence of an infinite set, and in particular inductive sets like $\Bbb{N}$ and $\omega$. Since $\omega$, defined by the axiom of infinity (and then extracted from some inductive set by taking the interactions of all possible inductive sets), contains all finite naturals and hence all finite ordinals, it follows by axiom of infinity, $\omega$ is indeed the supremum of all finite ordinals.
We can then use succession and supremums to get up to $\omega + n$ for any finite $n$
Actually, a typo: I was meant to say above:
$$\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-I-R-P}} = \{0,1,2,3,4,...\}$$
where I=Axiom of infinity, R=Axiom of replacement, P=Axiom of powerset
Now we want to get some ordinal higher than $\omega +n$ for any $n$. Obviously, the first step is to consider the supremum operation. However, we now ran into trouble:
While we can pick any finite number of ordinals and arrange them in increasing order defined by $g_1$ and the fact that $\omega > n$ for finite $n$, we cannot pick countably many ordinals because we never have finished the succession process and thus for any step, there's always some finite $m$ such that $\omega + m$ is the maximum element we have in our growing collection of ordinals being constructed, which means
we never can obtain a countable sequence from what we have constructed so far without the axiom of specification
Therefore, in this subtheory of ZF $\Bbb{On}$ will look like this:
$$\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-R-P}} = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega 2 )$$
and once again, we cannot prove whether it is a set
Now we might wonder what about cartesian products? Unfortunately, as Kripke–Platek set theory showed us (which is a fragment of ZF), without axiom of replacement, we cannot define it, so we are stuck
So, now let's plug in the axiom of replacement, and see what happens:
Now, with replacement, we have functions that takes a given set $X$ to produce a new set that is smaller than or equinumerous as $X$
Since this whole ordinal essay has predicativity in mind, despite the focus is constructivity, we are not allowed to pick any functions that are not reinfiable. That is the functions $f$ we are allowed to pick here are those that can be specified by an algorithm or program expressed as a string using only the objects and operations we have defined and constructed so far (we will soon see how this restriction prevent us from reaching $\omega_1^{CK}$ soon)
Now, using replacement with the algorithm $\forall n < \omega : f(\omega)=\omega + n$ we are now able to obtain the required countable sequence $\{\omega + n\}$, which then allow us to plug into the supremum operator to construct $\omega 2$, which is bigger than anything we have constructed so far by checking with $g_3$.
With axiom of replacement, cartesian products now exists. We can now construct $\omega n$ for finite $n$ either by literatiely using succession followed by replacement to generate the sets required to compute the supremum, or we can define $\omega n$ as the ordered pair $(\omega,n) = \omega \times n$
We can once again use replacement and define the algorithm $\forall n < \omega : f(\omega) = \omega n$ which will allow us to compute the supremum $\omega^2$
Now since exponential towers are iterative multiplication by whatever is currently at the base, we can obtain $\omega^n, {}^n\omega$ and then use replacement with the algorithm, $\forall n < \omega : f(\omega) = {}^n\omega$ to obtain $\epsilon_0$
Now this combination of succession, multiplication, and supremum can be iterated forever to generate higher and more complex ordinals such as $\epsilon_n, \zeta_0, \phi(n,0), \Gamma_0, \phi \binom{\alpha}{1}, LVO=\psi (\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega}}), BHO=\psi (\epsilon_{\Omega+1}), \psi_n(0), \psi'(0), ...$
where predicatively, $\Omega$ can be considered as not an ordinal, but a symbol that determines the number of times some ordinal notation get stuck and need to be extended. More accurately, $\Omega$, ordered in a similar manner like the ordinals all the way to $\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^{⋰}}}< \epsilon_{\Omega+1}$ count the number of fixed point mappings (which are themselves recursive functions) that is being introduced into the language based on the existing constructions)
We also knew that any ordinal notation can be abstractly represented in Kleene's O notation, therefore nothing new is being introduced in the definition of the OCF functions $\psi,\psi_n,\psi'$
Now, using replacement with suitable increasing functions in terms of an algorithm (thus such function can always be represented in terms of Kleene's O notation (???)), we can get a countable sequence of computable ordinals in increasing order checked by the embeddings $g_1,g_2,g_3$
It is clear that there is no end to this process. Since every supremum of a countable sequence of computable ordinals already being constructed is going to be some computable ordinal higher up (because its fundamental sequence $S[n]$ consists of computable ordinals, hence the supremum is also a computable procedure)
So regardless of which step we decided to stop, we always have a countable sequence of computable ordinals in our constructed collection and such procedure can be iterated indefinitely. Now here's where our requirement for the functions to be reinfiable is important:
Since at any step after countable applications of replacement, cartesian products and succession, we always end up with a computer ordinal that can be used to construct an even larger computable ordinal, it follows this collection will never be complete. Therefore, if we assume we have an algorithm $f$ that pick out all computable ordinals in order (which is countable because we only have a finite language in ordinal notations)
, we are assuming we already have all the computable ordinals as a set (which we don't because the procedure can go forever even by using supremums, cartesian products and succession of ordinals that already existed so far). Therefore such $f$ can never be proved to be a total function, which means it is unprovable whether an algorithm exists to pick out all computable ordinals.
and therefore the Church Kleene Ordinal $\omega_1^{CK}$ in a sense, cannot be proved to exist as it is unprovable whether the collection of all computable ordinals is a set
(since supremum only guarentee given an increasing countable sequence of ordinals, the union of them all is an ordinal and a set that does not inject into any of the ordinals in the sequence, but the collection of all computable ordinals is much larger than any
supremum can capture (since any supremum of a set of computable ordinals already constructed is still a larger computable ordinal, and this process of supremum and ordinal arithmetic can repeat indefinitely and never generate any ordinal that is not computable))
Therefore we have reach the limit of a predicative $\Bbb{On}$ for the default $ZF$ theory (which I have nuked the powerset axiom for reason to become clear later), which look like this:
$$\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-P}} = \Bbb{On}^{\text{Predicative}} = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega_1^{CK} )$$
We now learnt from an ordinal arithmetic perspective, $\omega_1^{CK}$ is in fact the first ordinal inaccessible by succession, cartesian product and supremum from any computable ordinals. This is why we cannot find a fundamental sequence for it
Also note that we don't have any axiom to prove the collection of all computable ordinals is a set
@LeakyNun @user21820 @SimplyBeautifulArt The above summarise my understanding about the ordinals so far. I am not terribly sure I have got the predicative arguments right. All functions used in the above essay should all be computable and hence should be predicative. But I think everything here should be constructible

For simpleart, I suspect $\Omega$ can be make predicative by being a shorthand for the collapse algorithm that comes with the definition of OCFs
Put it simply, I think the issue is that given a set of computable ordinals that we have constructed at any stage, since the supremum is also a computable ordinal because the procedure will terminate (replacement on $\omega$ using some algorithm, and then take the supremum) and that we can repeat this forever and still getting computable ordinals,
there is nothing to suggest to us that (at least within the default theory of ZF) there exists an uncomputable ordinal that will bound all computable ordinals
So in a predicative setting within the default theory of ZF (all ZF axioms without any extra axioms such as V=L, Inaccessibel cardinals and so on which only exists in some models of ZF), I think the proper class $\Bbb{On}$ is not only countable, but each member is computable as well
(Actually, I should add that for any $f$ defined above, if it is an algorithm, it means there's a binary function that generates the required sequence. As explored earlier in the chat, this is easy to write for small ordinals like $\omega n$, but becomes very complicated for something like $LVO$)
If we want to go further, we need to introduce some notion of hyper computation such as an infinite time turing machine, or an oracle. For finite $n$ number of oracles, it can get us as far as $\omega_n^{CK}$ for some finite $n$
The infinite time turing machine encodes all limit ordinals before it halts at some countable ordinal, therefore the notion of supremum is already present in it
i.e. it generates fundamental sequences as it goes
Alternately, we can consider a model of ZF with the axiom:
> There exists a smallest ordinal that is not a successor ordinal inaccessible from any supremum of ordinals smaller than it
This axiom will allow us to reach $\omega_1^{CK}$
We can then go up the admissible ordinals and their limits by instead having the following axiom schema:
> For every set of ordinals, there exists a smallest ordinal that is not a successor ordinal, and inaccessible from any supremum of ordinals smaller than it
This will not make them predicative since the axiom is basically saying blahblahblah ordinal exists
It does, however provide a way to define the admissible ordinals without any reference to computability
So under this model $\omega_1^{CK}$ will be given by:
$$\omega_1^{CK} = \sup (m < \omega : \{S[S[S\cdots S[n]]\})$$
This means, take the fundamental sequence of a computable ordinal, create a fundamental sequence from it so that it gives another computable ordinal larger than it, and then take the supremum of this process
These countably nested construction of fundamental sequence thus will allow us to constructively (not predicatively) go up to the admissible ordinals.
The recursively inaccessible ordinals is then computed by taking supremum of admissibles
$\renewcommand{color}{I\ fucked\ up}$
Now with the admissible being constructed by having the axiom to place in $\omega_1^{CK}$, we now have the following scenario after iterating the process of the construction of fundamental sequences to give limit ordinals, we now end up with:
$\renewcommand{color}{\ Fail\ }$
$$\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-P+sup inaccessible ordinals}} = \Bbb{On}^{\text{Constructive(?)}} = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega_1 )$$
Now finally, let's add the axiom schema:
> For every ordinal, there exists a smallest ordinal inaccessible from countably many iteration of the following: iterated constructions of fundamental sequences and application of the Axiom of the existence of smallest supremum inaccessible ordinals.
We can also generalise this with the axiom schema:
> For every ordinal with cardinality $\kappa$, there exists a smallest ordinal inaccessible from $\kappa$ many iterations of the following: Iterated construction of fundamental sequence and application of the Axiom of the existence of smallest supremum inaccessible ordinals
And this, will allow us to reach $\omega_1$ by the following:
Please ignore anything after the pinged message for now cause they don't seemed to make sense yet
$$\omega_1 = \sup (m,n < \omega : S^m[n])$$
and in general $$\omega_{\alpha +1} = \sup (\beta,\gamma < \omega_{\alpha} : S^{\beta}[\gamma])$$
9 messages moved from The h Bar
1 message moved from The h Bar
So to summarise. Let $\Bbb{On}^M$ be the collection of all ordinals under some model or subtheory $M$ and let $\Bbb{On}$ be the traditional (nonconstructive and impredicative) proper class of ordinals, we have:
Let E,Reg,U,R,I,P,C be the axioms: Extensionality, Regularity, Union, Replacement, Infinity, Powerset, Choice.
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-E}} & = \text{I have no idea}\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-Reg}} & = 0\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-U}} & = \{0,1,2\}\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-R-I-P}} & = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega)\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-I-P}} & = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega 2 )\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-P-2nd order definitions}} & = \Bbb{On}^{\text{Predicative}} = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\Gamma_0 )\\
\Bbb{On}^{\text{ZF-P}} & = \Bbb{On}^{\text{Predicative}} = \Bbb{On} \cap [0,\omega_1^{CK} )\\
It should be note that none of the $\Bbb{On}$ are sets if provable under said models
From the above hierarchy, we note the following:
$0$ is the smallest ordinal, and the well ordering represented by it is the only one that does not depend on anything except uniqueness
$2$ is the largest ordinal reachable by pairing alone
$\omega$ is the first limit ordinal, the first transfinite ordinal, and also the first ordinal inaccessible from below using succession
$\omega 2$ is the first ordinal requiring a supremum to reach ($\omega$ does not count because countable supremum is undefined without the existence of $\omega$ or any infinite inductive set)
$\omega_1^{CK}$ is the first uncomputable ordinal, and also the first ordinal unreachable by supremum and ordinal arithmetic from below. It cannot exists without some axiom to insert it into the system. It is also the first impredicative ordinal
$\omega_{n+1}^{CK}$ is the first ordinal unreachable by using n oracles
$\Sigma$ is the supremum of all accidentally writable ordinals by an infinite time turing machine (ITTM), which is an admissible ordinal larger than $\omega_n^{CK}$ since those are clockable ordinals (i.e. output after termination at the step$\omega_n^{CK}$ in an ITTM)
$\omega_1$ is the first ordinal not reachable from any countable iteration of creating larger limit ordinals via supremum and the existence of admissible ordinals
$\omega_{\lambda}$ the aleph fixed point, is the first ordinal unreachable from a supremum of any aleph cardinality
Also typo, the final line should be a union, not an intersection since ZF ordinals are often taken without assuming the existence of inaccessible cardinals
Let $S$ be the set valued function $\alpha \mapsto \{\alpha+1,f(\alpha+1),f^2(\alpha+1),...\}$ where $f$ is an algorithm consists of all ordinals $< \alpha$, finitely many cartesian products and successions (i.e. any computable increasing function on the ordinals)
$0 = \varnothing$
(also typo in ZF-Reg, that should be $\{0,1\}$)
$2 = \{0,\{0\}\}$
$\forall n \in \Bbb{N}, n^+ < \omega $ (Exists via Axiom of Infinity)
$\omega 2 = \sup \{n < \omega : \omega +n\}$
$\Gamma_0 = \sup \{\phi (0,0), \phi (\phi (0,0),0),\phi (\phi (\phi (0,0),0),0),...\}$
$\forall \alpha \in \text{Computable}, \sup (\alpha+1,\alpha 2, \alpha^2, ...) < \omega_1^{CK}$ (Exists via oracles, ITTM or axiom of inaccessible by supremum ordinals)
$\omega_n^{CK} = S(S(S(S(\cdots(S(\omega_1^{CK})))))$ ($S$ exists via Axiom of Inaccessible ordinals)
Recursively inaccessible $= \sup (n < \omega : S^n(\omega_1^{CK}))$
$\Sigma$ = no idea, because it is not clear which admissible ordinal it is. It's existence depend on the existence of ITTM
$\omega_1 = \sup (\sup (\sup \cdots = \sup (n < \omega :\sup^n (m < \omega : S^m[\omega_1^{CK}]))$
(also missing sentence: $\omega_1$ is also the first uncountable ordinal)
In conclusion: both $\omega_1^{CK}$ and $\omega_1$ are impredicative and they can only be made constructive by manually inserting some axioms to form some models of ZF
in Mathematics, 6 mins ago, by Secret
It also does not help that I am actually procrastinating from writing the final data analysis code for my PhD, which is why I am too guilty to be able to spend time reading the logic textbook called forallx
I think I have rambled and obssessed enough about $\omega_1$ to the point of spending a whole week on it (and annoying everyone else who have to listen to my babbles). Time to really get back to chemistry so that I can do the data analysis and remove the only guilt and obstacle for me to finish forallx
4 hours later…
If I have a set containing containing propositional variables, say a,b,c, but also contains prop. variables with a super/subscript, say j_a, j_b, j_c, how can I quantify this set using the ∀ and select only the variables that don't have subscript, without explicitly checking whether or not its one of those variables using disjunction.
@Sektor Your question is unclear. And if you have rigorously defined propositional variables, then you would be able to answer it.
@user21820 That's the problem -- the set is not defined in a meaningful way. I have the set {a, b, c, i_a, i_b, i_c} how can I get all the i_j variables using ∀?
@Sektor If you have not defined propositional variables, you can't possibly say you have a set of propositional variables.
@user21820 I haven't defined them, but I still need to work with the set ^.-
@Sektor You can't work with a set that you have not proven to exist.
@user21820 I haven't proven to exist, others might have
@user21820 ;)
@Sektor where does your problem come from?
@Sektor No you don't get my point. Your question is exactly like me asking you to "prove that the flying spaghetti monster exists", and telling you that surely someone has.
@user21820 I do get your point -- that's for me to say, not you. You just add snarky remark at the end of your example ;)
@Sektor But if you get my point then your concern ought to be to figure out what you yourself mean by "propositional variable"...
Because I definitely don't.
@LeakyNun If you add enough axioms, you will be able to prove your desired inequality.
@user21820 but is it true that what I want to prove doesn't follow from the axiom?
@Sektor are you asking for help? with that attitude?
@LeakyNun With that attitude? Did you read the whole "exchange"?
I have been there the whole time of the "exchange"
@Sektor No that's a meaningless definition. If I take it literally, your propositional variables are single letters from some alphabet, and it makes no sense to talk about subscripts. If you continue that attitude, I will not condone your posting here.
@LeakyNun Then you saw I started playing nice until I got the "funny" remarks, I don't know what you expect
I only saw you asking a meaningless question and then saying it's others' fault if they don't understand
@LeakyNun Point me to the place where I say it's other's fault, please
6 mins ago, by Sektor
@user21820 I do get your point -- that's for me to say, not you. You just add snarky remark at the end of your example ;)
I firstly have no idea what you are referring to as snarky.
@user21820 that's me saying it's your fault?
No it doesn't say that.
I meant that is what I meant by "your attitude".
It is for me to say what is a meaningful definition, not you.
@user21820 And this is what I mean as snakry
It is for you? You sure? I am pretty sure it is not ^o^
@user21820 That's not snarky?
@Sektor I created this room with the express purpose of allowing discussion about (mathematical) logic. Your inquiry was not about logic, because it was not a well-formed question. I attempted to prod you to make your question well-formed, by giving an explicit example of a question in the same vein as yours (from the logical point of view).
I reserve the right to decide what is discussed here.
If you don't like it, feel free to leave.
I don't feel like leaving, I like it here
Then you don't annoy me, so simple as that.
@Sektor And please use your flags more seriously.
@Sektor I'm sorry but I will now remove messages unrelated to logic.
which message was flagged?
2 mins ago, by user21820
Then you don't annoy me, so simple as that.
That one
I see
@SimplyBeautifulArt I will use the flags if I see somethings that's worth flaggin -- simple as that
@Sektor not anything that annoys you needs moderator attention
in Mathematics, Oct 24 at 17:43, by Semiclassical
Not everything you find annoying needs moderator intervention
credits given
17 messages moved from Logic
@LeakyNun I have the guidelines in front of me ^.-
Since a flag attracted moderator attention, though, I removed the bickering :-)
And I will remove the stuff that are not a serious inquiry about logic.
36 messages moved from Logic
@Randal'Thor Well I thought the room description was clear enough. I do not think calling my messages snarky pertains to logic.
@user21820 Many rooms on SE chat are technically meant for discussion of a given topic but often veer into random chatter. If you're going to enforce on-topicness more strictly here, you might want to say so explicitly in the room description or a pinned message.
@Randal'Thor I think if you read what LeakyNun and I said, it's not random chatter so much that bothered us. But let's not drag this issue out.
I thought a golden rule is not to talk about a user in suspension
@LeakyNun I didn't know that user is suspended. Not sure why as well.
6 messages moved from Logic
yesterday, by vzn
admittedly guilty of the heinous crime of vague implications, offers up profuse remorse, awaits extreme sentencing
not with this shit again
geez see, post a nice video for someone, and see what you get, turn in an instant )( :(
just because you did a nice thing doesn't mean i am not going to call you out for the dumb shit you're doing
@BalarkaSen lol and how many friends do you have anyway (talking like that)... o_O
:: A room owner stirs uneasily in his torpor ::
@vzn I hope you're not being a dick
@Phase BS can be a d---. others in this room can be d---s
i have a limited number of friends, but i can assure you they have epsilon logical comprehension
2 messages moved from Paranormal
Saying "and how many friends do you have" as it was pre-edit, is pure dickishness
10 messages moved from The h Bar
will try to be more careful not to post cool robot music videos for anyone in particular in future (so as not to trigger delicate sensibilities)
@vzn Perhaps if you could stop with the whining and indirect references at people, these incidents can be avoided.
@Blue oh, so maybe be more direct like @$%&, right? yeah
@vzn No. Try to control yourself
tired of the supercilious haughtiness, leaving, bye, have a nice life
3 messages moved from The h Bar
2 messages moved from The h Bar

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